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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Anyone here see "City of God" ?

    I just saw it, and WOW, this is one CRAZY ass movie. blood blood and more blood. Hell on Earth! Is "Wilson Rodriguez" a famous photographer? (i didnt see the DVD so i dont know about any documentaries or features on him)
  2. bobobrazil1984

    The Watchmen

    I have a lot of faith in David Hayter and Darren Aranofsky in making Watchmen... assuming the studio doesn't pull some shit, like demand ashton kutcher or beyonce knowles have a part, or change the script or something like that.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    Why did MJ dislike Isiah Thomas?

    ^ why would the veterens do that? I didn't think Jordan would be IN the nba long enough to do something to piss em off?
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Delgado's Silent Protest

    i dont care too much either way. that's his choice.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    NBA odds

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  6. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

  7. bobobrazil1984

    The Dark Knight Strikes Again

    I've heard this theory too... but I don't buy it. If you look at the PLOT of the story (shitty horrible execution aside), it looks like a pretty good yarn. The basic framework, him going around freeing/recruiting the heroes, going head up against Luthor's regime. If you'd described this plot to me beforehand I'd have been like "COOL! Bring this shit on I want to read it"... and if you read Frank Miller interviews for DKSA, he keeps saying he wants to create a good old-fashioned action yarn, the basic framework of his story fits this. there's nothing to indicate he had some other weird motive. hell, Issue 1, while dissapointing, had some promise for me. Then it all went to hell. To make a long story short (too late ) I simply don't buy that Miller DELIBERATLY wrote it to be horrible to make some kind of statement.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    Big big big big big changes for 24 Season 4

    I could give a crap about most of them but... NO DAVID PALMER!?!? WTF!!! I always considered 24 about BOTH Jack Bauer and David Palmer.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    shyamalan doc on sci fi

    Well this is a blair witch-ish marketing stunt, aicn reported on it, and sci-fi recently admitted it. Still, I'm watching it now and it's entertaining at least. Hey its JOHNNY DEPP!
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    Harry Osborn's story is five times better than any other villian story. Plus it's gotten two films of development about it. Movie 3 should be about Harry (with a redesigned costume since the original was so damn clunky). It's the culmination of a trilogy, and fits perfectly with the CHARACTER-FOCUSED drama that Raimi has established in films 1 and especially 2. And for those who are whining about the Green Goblin again...whatever. To me, this is like having Darth Vader in more than one star wars movie. This is the overriding storyline of the FILM SERIES. Make a choice: Do you want... a) to see your favorite villian onscreen or b) the best most dramatic and compelling film possible? Because A is Venom, or scorpion, or whoever else you want. and B is Harry/GGII. (although they could have a lesser villian as a secondary villian in a).
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Jessica Simpson joining X-Men Cast

    meanwhile... http://www.superherohype.com/x-men/index.php?id=1730
  12. bobobrazil1984

    Cache of child porn found at seminary

    I don't know if referring to them as CHILDish prank is the right move. Idiot.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    Fox to Start Reality Channel Next Year

    I just wish all the reality shows would get moved to this crapalicious new network, so good shows won't lose their spots.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    MTV chief says Bush AIDS policies will not halt

    telling people not to have sex = make people want to have sex more. especially in teens. Pretty much the only way to get abstinence to work would be to inject them with special chemicals that make everybody impotent. getting boners and wet pussies will make teenagers hump like crazy. Hell, a number of the people promoting abstinence had/have no problem fucking wildly using a condom!
  15. So, did Flair, in his infamous rants, actually rant against somebody IN WWE at the moment? (Foley aside, even he isn't really in WWE at the moment). Or did he only choose those who are politically convenient?
  16. bobobrazil1984

    Some questions on Spiderman

    Most of the Spidey titles (including ASM) are hit and miss, but ASM hits more than it misses. USM is consistently good, if occasionally a little fluffy. MKSM, well it doesn't appeal to me but I can see why others like it. All in all the Spidey books are in pretty decent shape. It's very likely ONE of the four books will appeal to you and they each seem to be doing well with their target of the fans.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Could the elections be delayed?

    No, it shouldn't be delayed. Its kind of funny, all this talk about not letting the terrorists influence our election... that's exactly what rescheduling it is. The only real delay I might support is if we're talking like two days or something, if something happens right then the night before or on election day, and that's just to get the physical parameters sorted out. The real issue is that the Republicans and Bush worried that they might need some time to regain the public's faith in Bush if a terrorist attack occurs. the secondary issue being Dems worrying that their chance to win will evaporate if there's a few months of 'calming down'. otoh its entirely possible an attack would mobilize support behind bush. Simply put, any terrorist attack, just as with ANY MAJOR EVENT, from 9/11, to Iraq, to the economy, etc etc, is going to effect our elections whether the election is the day after, or three months after, or whatever. Frankly I dont think Americans are gonna go hysterical and lose thier minds if an attack happens close to election day. Maybe if it was 9/11, but post-9/11 is a different world and most Americans understand that. Let freedom ring, no delay folks. (Still, it IS an issue worth bringing up and proposing... as long as it leads to everybody saying "well it worth considering... but no." )
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Chuck Austen Leaves X-Men

    Hey remember that storyline in Uncanny X-Men that Chuck Austen wrote where the church had an evil plan to use an image hologram inducer thing to make Nightcrawler the pope, then take away the illusion to reveal him as the 'antichrist', not to mention use poisonous communion wafers that disintigrate people? Thus bringing down the church and simulating the rapture, so the catholics could overturn the church and the evil church could take over? Yeah, that was bad.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    Greatest Screenwriter of All-Time Tournament

    Just a little nitpick, he actually co-wrote Episode II (and possibly upcoming III) with Jonathan Hales. Your point still stands though. Lucas is not a Great Screenwriter in any sense of the word.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    So lately I've loved chick bands.

    the horrorpops btw i love the yeah yeah yeah's. i want to marry karen o's voice. Not her, JUST HER VOICE!
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Halle Berry Won't Return In X-Men 3

    I really think both Spidey and X-Men should stop at 3 movies. Both storylines have built up a storyline over two films, leading to a crescendo type emotional battle (Peter vs Harry, X-Men vs Jean/Phoenix), that, if done right, will hit the mark way better than introducing random comic villians will do.Both of them are like... the emotional height. It's Luke vs. his father in the Emperor's chamber. It just doesn't get any more emotionally charged. It would just be lame to come back in film 4 with anothe random villian. 3 great films has kind of an elegance to it Plus the 'suckage possibility' always jumps up exponentionally after part 3. If Bryan Singer and SAm Raimi and the principal cast players want to come back for 4, then maybe they should consider it, but if there are major cast and/or producer and/or director changes, we're veering into "franchise suckage" territory. You know it's going to happen. It's inevitable.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars

    Fuck yeah! Farscape was the best and most inventive sci-fi show I'd ever seen. It was a heartbreaking moment when it got cancelled (although the "ending" was actually very appropriate for Farscape, the show thrived on taking sharp left turns, and making the most cliche sci-fi storyline feel fresh). Time to dredge up my old sig picture
  23. What do you guys think about the idea of getting rid of the 'natural born' restriction on possible Presidents and Vice Presidents??? I know when Ahhhnold won California, a lot of Republicans were hoping that it would get lifted, seeing shades of Reagan in Ahnold. (I wouldn't have a huge problem with Ahhnold running. His views are quite moderate, which I dig). On the other side, I know some Democrats would love for our own Jennifer Granholm (one of the best Democrats there are, in my incredibly biased michigan opinion, as well as an excellent talker) to get a shot at a President or (more realistically) vice president slot at some point in the future? I *believe* Orin Hatch proposed an amendment on that a while back, but I dont know waht the status on that is. What do you guys think? Should it stay or should it go?
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Batman TAS: Volume 1 Box Set

    ^ good stuff. Keep it coming!
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Should Bush Drop Cheney?

    Well i think it would *help* him if he did (and replaced with a more popular guy). NOt really by a huge amount or anything, but it would only be significant because of how dead-heat close the race is so far.