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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    The Saga of the Marine Continues

    This is one damned bizarre story.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    Firefly on DVD

  3. where the hell is Regal!? He was the best part of the storyline.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    John Kerry's Running Mate...

    i just hope he doesn't pick Gephardt. Ick. Its too bad the natural-born law prevents it, but our own michigan Governer Granholm would have been a great VP candidate I'm hoping for Edwards.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    Howard Stern to sue Clear Channel

    Um, they already have.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    Howard Stern to sue Clear Channel

    ^ except that STern was not actually being fined by the FCC when Clear Channel dropped him and broke the contract. He was fined after it. As I understand it, You can't just say "well clearly he was breaking the regulations." He hasn't broke the FCC regulations until the FCC actually says/fines him. Otherwise, I could bring up segments of The View or something where *I* think they broke FCC violations. Hell by that logic NBC (or whoever broadcasts OPrah's show) could renig on their contract with OPRAH because of a segment despite the fact that the FCC ignored it! Legally, Clear Channel broke the contract first, and Stern did not (until later), as I understand it (He might even try to argue that he didn't actually break FCC rules because the rule talks about "community standard", which can be interpreted in different ways, for instance, if he's the #1 show in the community, regularly, how can the show be constantly breaking community standard? This argument would spell out the biggest problem with the FCC... the vagueness of the rules). What CC *should* have done was WAIT until the FCC actually decided to lodge a cmoplaint/levy a fine against Stern, THEN drop him, not pay him, whatever. But they were so damn eager to get him off before the congressional hearings as a way of giving in.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    FCC considering fining CBS stations $550,000

    Why are only the 20 CBS stations being fined and none of the non-CBS affiliates?
  8. bobobrazil1984

    The FCC needs to step in...

    The FCC cares more about trying to level half million dollar fines for people who make fart sounds. But anyways, there is usually too much coverage of these events, which are usualy just party faithful saying... well the same things. Even moreso with there being zero drama. That article said they devoted about 8 hours to each party's convention in 2000?? 4-6 sounds about right to me. All the networks' JOB here, imo, is to show the nominations, and the nominee's speeches, and maybe a little bit extra just for the hell of it. But on the flip-side, all these nets are showing is reruns anyways... so... either way.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    Sony to launch its own "I-Pod"

    No mp3 capability!??! Only in Sony's own format?? given a choice between that and iPod, who would chose that!?
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    Great movie! I think my favorite scene was Harry's scene near the end. Classic. Overall it was very very good. I was impressed with the psychological drama of Peter Parker. This movie gives some real thought and weight to what being a superhero means as far as your day to day life goes.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Kerry's VP

    Interesting, but the article/quotes read more like an insider who is speculating rather than actual inside information. Who knows though, it will certainly liven up the election. It was starting to get boring. And we all know that these days elections are good for only one thing. Entertainment. edit: and now that i look at the headline, indeed it just says "Speculation Increases in washington"
  12. bobobrazil1984

    GMail Invites

    I got one or two spare invites. Give me your email address barondeath and i'll send it.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    Spider-Man India

    The art on this book is really cool! The costume is kinda funky, but in a fun way (I realize that's just cultural difference, i'm sure its normal there, but i certainly dont mean it in a negative way). I like it. MORE ART: http://www.gothamcomics.com/spiderman_india/ This is a good idea by Marvel. Spider-Man has always had worldwide appeal, and this I think will sell like gangbusters in India.
  14. Here's something I've always been curious about, when it comes to artists who dont mind ther stuff being downloaded (there are actually a significant amount of them)... where do the studios/labels fit in? Do they own the rights for stuff like this? So like if say Moore says "download away!" but then Miramax or some company that owns the rights decides they dont want it d/led and sue the site? Or does Moore own the rights and MIramax and Lions Gate and al them just distribute it? What about when it comes to music? A band might advocate the downloading of their music, but can the labels sue regardless? (yeah, i'm a bit ignorant when it comes to copyright law, specially since i am a rampant downloader)
  15. bobobrazil1984

    Oprah vs Letterman

    Letterman's been goofing on her for YEARS actually now that I think about it. it's great!
  16. bobobrazil1984

    Weekend Box Office

    I'm psyched for Spidey 2!
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Official "I saw Fahrenheit 9/11" thread......

    I saw it last night. Got to say I was mildly surprised. He cut back on the "moore-ish ness" quite a bit, and I think some of the footage shown was powerful and interesting (and in some cases rare) enough that it worked despite Michael MOore's general obnoxiousness. The real eye opener for me was the "Rebuilding Iraq" profits seminar for the CEO. I just wanted to smack that smarmy guy (I forget what his title was) who, while grinning like an idiot, was essentially saying how great it was that the war was going bad and dragging on because of profits. "Good for busines, good for us...bad for the people." Soem of the Iraq footage was eye opening too. I think its pretty sad that we have to wait for an ideologue like michael fucking moore to show us some of this stuff. i fthe media'd done its job earlier, we wouldn't have to rely on his twisted interpretations. The more Moore there was, the less effective the film (i thought the Bush/Saudi segment, while interesting, was bogged down not all that effective, but the iraq segment was much better, thanks to the power of the footage and cutting back on Moore). F9/11 is his spin on things (more like a video op-ed essay rather than a 'documentary') but I feel there's enough interesting stuff there to make it a worthwhile film. B or maybe B-. hovering around there.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Weekend Box Office

    thank god 'White Chicks' didn't get #1... but it still made 19 million!?
  19. bobobrazil1984

    Is Vince Russo right....?? (On topic)

    the problem with that idea is the payoff... the type of payoff needed for something like that... lets just say I don't see it happening with HHH and Stephanie.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Michael Moore Hates America

    Something tells me Moore (or miramix) isn't gonna be giving writing any royalty checks to all the outraged right-wingers that help promote this movie. Despite all his wheezing, heeing and hawing about the right, he knows where his meal ticket is, and probably wouldn't give up much of his right-wing opponents for all the whiskey in ireland.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Hotmail upgrading

    However it's still the same crappy interface it's always been... and now this means there will be room for much much more spam that my hotmail account got filled with. Joy. I'll stick with gmail for now
  22. bobobrazil1984

    2004 NBA Draft thread

    "So how'd your team(s) fare?" I'm liking what I'm hearing about the Pistons' late 2nd round pickup, Rickey Paulding. I think he could end up being a nice little sleeper backup 2-guard swingman for Detroit (that being one of their few weaknesses, I remember reading recently taht dumars was praying rip or tayshaun didn't go down, because they didn't have a viable backup option). Considering how late in the draft it was, I think we got a pretty decent guy.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    New JBL WWE.Com Column

    wow an entire column where Bradshaw doesn't come off as a retard! Bravo!!!
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Carmello going to athens

    I kinda like the idea of a mostly younger team. keeps things competative, plus you have players getting new experiences, and not so jaded by the pro NBA that playing for their country means nothing to them.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Movies worth owning for just one part

    Starship Troopers, just for the scene at the end, where Rico's regiment gets a whole bunch of fresh-faced recruits, and Rico's in charge, and gives the speech to the troops that his mechanical-armed-mentor dude gave him. For a movie with such cheesy lines and bad acting, that moment feels really natural, and just right, and brings his character full circle.