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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Disney blocks "Fahrenheit 9/11"

    the timing of this announcement is quite interesting, considering the film's about to come out on Cannes. This will only help Moore's film when it does get a new distributer.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Great episode. but MAN is Aceveda's wife a bitch. What should he have done, get shot through the skull, make you a widow, and his kid an orphan!? Way to be supportive of your husband who just went through rape, you stupid piece of shit. I actually called shane's gf being the one who took the money last week, but it still popped up when i didn't expect it. That woman aint nothing but trouble for Shane. Of course the real story is when the hell is TeVon gonna wake up?? The end was just great with the Strike Team retaking the streets. Awesome! Am I the only one who wants to see Aceveda and Vic actually become friends? Ace is already starting to bend the rules here and there.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    beautiful :-)
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Muslim call to prayer to be broadcast in Mich town

    Interestingly enough, they actually ARE rather melodic, depending on whose doing the call. The way it's called (not everywhere, but most places) if you didnt know it was a prayer call you might think it was arabic music. (i live near dearborn so I have heard it on occasion) It's beside the point, but just thought i'd mention that. Anyways, my older brother and I are thinking of doing a documentary on this, interviewing various people in Hamtramick to get thoughts on this(and trying to even get the mayor on camera)
  5. bobobrazil1984

    More "gay" accusations

    so what if he's gay? He's still a better player than any of you putzes on the Nuggets. What they should do is find the most homophobic person on any team, the guy is not going to want to have too much physical contact with Garnett, and have Garnett attack (not literally, I mean on offense, pushing, when you drive in to the basket.... ok that phrase is kind of funny when you think about it in a gay context).
  6. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    Detroit vs. New Jersey! The Rematch! Let's get it on!!! I'm a tad worried for my Pistons though, Rasheed was literally limping through this past game. Hopefully everybody else will pick up the slack. Pistons in 6, is my prediction.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Pat Tillman an "idiot," not a hero

    even if he was a monumental jerk, he didn't deserve to get killed. how is that 'what's coming to him'??? :rollseyes:
  8. bobobrazil1984

    M. Night S's

    I can't wait. I enjoyed 6th Sense, Unbreakable (very underrated), and Signs, all immensely.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    Ted Koppel speaks out aganist the War

    Ehh... well, I do think that we shouldn't be hiding from the cost of the war, which we have deemed is worth what we are fighting for. Too many people are too desensetized to what war really means.. But i dont think Koppel should be doing this on air, he is not in the position right now to be doing it. I'll wait till I see how it's handled though, before saying anything definitive (since I know everybody is breathless with anticipation to see what I think )
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Will Somebody Slap This Man

    This part is particularly moronic (but i'm guessing others have pointed that out already)
  11. bobobrazil1984

    The Kerry - Medals flap

    Yup, you are correct, Kerry does bring up Vietnam a lot, and more than he should, most likely for political gain. So what do the Republicans do in response? Imply that throwing those ribbons or whatever in protest was a BAD THING!?!? It was a good thing. He has them now? They're his fucking medals that he earned in the war. That speaking out vocally about the bullshit Vietnam was, was a bad thing? It was a good thing. Start with allt he hanoi jane kerry talk? All that stuff which is coming from everywhere. Nothing Kerry did in those times regarding Vietnam was bad in my eyes. He saw people dying over there for NOTHING and came back and vocally protested it. Good on him. There's something to be said for the idea of him exploiting Vietnam for political gain, but its damned obvious that's not all that's being said. Now there's an attack on his military record coming from the right (if not bush specifically), but that doesn't change the fact that everything he did at that time was fucking right. That's what bothering me moreso, even if they're not saying it they are sure implying it. There's this disconcerting feeling coming from some on the right, which seems to give off the impression that they dont think Vietnam was bad in of itself, but that we failed because of people like Kerry. Maybe its imagined (and probably not coming directly from the Bush campaign, just thsoe on his side). Even if Kerry is exploiting every CORRECT thing he did in that time, it's STILL, EVEN WITH THAT EXPLOTATION KNOLEDGE, difficult to take any criticism regarding that era coming from Bush, supporter of the Vietnam war. The right is playing the game of "well Kerry's being bad, so we're gonna be worse" and it leaves an incredible sour taste in my moderate mouth. There are tons of other dumbass Kerry things to criticize him over, (like oh I dont know, that spotty voting record). This vietnam stuff is fucking stupid.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    The Kerry - Medals flap

    He served in the Guard. He didn't protest the war. He never has. -=Mike well there ya go. He didn't even raise a single voice against the biggest bullshit war in United States history!?!? Nor did he fight? This is why I think Bush should lay off the vietnam stuff. He didn't fight, nor did he protest. No matter what nonsense about medals and ribbons, he always comes out behind Kerry on Vietnam. Every time. So I dont see why they keep harping on Kerry's military issues (I assume their reasoning is 'well he brings it up' but it still doesnt change the fact that Bush always comes out behind on this issue). I would have some respect for Bush on the vietnam issue if he said "I didn't go to Vietnam because I felt the war was bullshit"
  13. bobobrazil1984

    Iraqis Up in Arms Over New Flag Design

    i have to admit i dont particularly *hate* it but what mattrs is what the Iraqis think. I also have to admit one of the first things I thought was "wow, same colors as Israel's flag"... can you imagine what israel-hating iraqis think.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Iraqis Up in Arms Over New Flag Design

    ^ umm its right there in the article that KANE posted.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    The Kerry - Medals flap

    this is a pretty lame controversy. I just can't take any criticisms relating to Vietnam seriously when its coming from the Bush camp. Maybe if BUsh had protested openly about what bullshit Vietnma was, I would care, but as far as I know he didn't.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    Iraqis Up in Arms Over New Flag Design

    I heard we spent 11 million dollars developing this flag.... ...
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Star Trek Prequel Movie In The Works?

    Berman's involved??? It'll suck shit.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    New Worst Episode Ever

    Futurama was a great show, so the futurama-bashing makes me less inclined to take this negative Simpsons review seriously.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    who the hell is this naqbar guy? (I havent followed the Rockets much), he's creating chaos out there with the Lakers! I love it!
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Will Somebody Slap This Man

    *snort* ideologue. I hate people like Michael Moore, ann coulter, michael savage, and <insert ideologue here>
  21. Wow, how fucked up is that? "You're not in support of putting your RELIGIOUS BELIEF into LAW, so you're excommunicated." Are they also threatening to excommunicate politicians who have sex outside of marriage or others who refuse to Push their personal beliefs into the law, or are we jsut talking about John Kerry?
  22. bobobrazil1984

    MTV Movie Awards Nominees

    When can we vote on these? Here's what I will vote for, in cases with more than 1 i haven't decided yet. Best Movie Lord of the Rings: Return of the King X2: X-Men United[/i] Best Male Performance Bill Murray - Lost in Translation Best Female Performance Uma Thurman - Kill Bill Vol. 1 Best On-Screen Team Jack Black & The School of Rock - School of Rock Best Villian Kiefer Sutherland - Phone Booth Best Comedic Performance Johnny Depp - Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl Jack Black - School of Rock Best Dance Sequence I don't give a fuck Best Kiss Shawn Ashmore & Anna Paquin - X2: X-Men United Best Action Sequence Battle at Gondor - Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Best Fight Uma Thurman vs. Chiaki Kuriyama - Kill Bill Vol. 1 Keanu Reeves vs. Hugo Weaving - The Matrix: Reloaded
  23. bobobrazil1984

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Ok guys, here is my theory on the mythology. The Senior Partners are the Powers That Be, and vice versa. They play off both sides to keep the world in balance, because if you go too far "Good" (like Jasmine tried to do) or too far "Evil" (like The First, for example, who W&H helped defeat with the amulet), everything gets fucked up. Remember, Holland Manners established that evil lives in all of us. I think Jasmine went rogue and tried to buck this system by doing Good (after all, isn't Good good?). It's always a back and forth ping pong game to keep the world in balanace, because you cannot have a Good world without any Evil, and neither Evil with Good. Kind of like Palpatine/Sidious from the SW Prequels, but there's no "evil" agenda, just a neutral one.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    OAO Kill Bill Vol. 2 Thread...

    http://dvd.ign.com/articles/507/507915p1.html my "favorite" part of the article. Well so much for me buying any of the KB dvds. I hate double dipping, and when the time comes for the dip, there's always other movies I want also and I cant bring myself to pass one of those up for a movie I ALREADY OWN.