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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Oregon County bans marriages...

    I thought this was kinda funny... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3564893.stm
  2. bobobrazil1984

    Former "Terrorism Czar" speaks out against Bush

    So basically the final conclusion of all this 9/11 commission clarke stuff... Everybody from Clarke to Bush to Clinton to Rice and about a dozen more people have been either lax, ignored key evidence, been dishonest, and partisan. Surprise surprise. Well then, I'll be sure not to vote for Bill Clinton, Condoleeza Rice, George Bush, or Richard Clarke or any of these names involved
  3. bobobrazil1984

    George W Bush makes joke about lack of WMDs

    Heh... haha... so like, you know that war I sent our soldiers to fight because they had weapons of mass destruction? I didn't find them!!! AHAHAHAHAH!!!! I still can't find them! Hi-larious!!! Soldiers are still dying there today!!! AHAAHAH!!! THATS JUST HILARIOUS! HAAAHAHAHAHEEHEHEHEH I can't even find them even though its the reason we went there!!! ITS THE REASON YOUR SONS ARE DYING!!! is this guy completely clueless!? At least wait until the soldiers are no longer actually dying in Iraq before making those jokes Bush should stick to the Kerry jokes. Those are actually funny, and only offensive to ideologue liberals.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    I've decided I'm voting for Ralph Nader.

    Maybe you should write-in somebody??
  5. bobobrazil1984

    Judgment Day has come

    the pessimist in me thinks that someone's deliberatly trying to sabotage Eddie by pitting him agaisnt Bradshaw in a ppv, and use the tanked buyrate of it against Eddy... then I remember the kinda wrestlers Vince likes... oy vey!
  6. bobobrazil1984

    More Smoking Guns in the Intelligence Community?

    jesus the christ... Ok, what the FUCK is wrong with our intelligence agencies? first the CIA, and now the FBI with this idiocy?
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Which concerns you more?

    On a day to day basis, gas prices are more of a concern to me than terrorism too, especially being a college student who drives almost 60 miles every weekday. Even after 9/11, I feel relatively safe in America, and frankly I'm fairly confident in both Bush or Kerry to do what they can to bring the fuckwits to death (yes, sorry ideologues i know that must dissapoint you :-P, nowadays my main political concerns are domsetic issues). "terrorists" elicit little to no terror or fear from me, only sadness and grief for lives lost and and a rising urge to wanna see them hanged. But no fear.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    Notes from Smackdown:(*Spoilers*)

    why not do it the other way around? have Eddie v Bradshaw this week and set up Eddie v Booker as the big SD match the week of the ppv? Doesnt that make more sense? Fans are into Booker and him coming from RAW will give him attention.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    OAO trade/new GM reaction thread

    ^ yeah i'm definetly expecting one of them to turn heel.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    OAO trade/new GM reaction thread

    Hey, at least Eddie is safe :-) and RVD and Booker T will finally be away from hhh. woohoo! And ANgle as GM is a great way to keep angle on TV without him trying to kill himself in the ring.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    what kind of budget did Eternal Sunshine have?
  12. bobobrazil1984

    The OaO 2003-2004 NBA Season Thread!

    Funniest dumbassed moment of the week... NJ celebrating like they just won after losing by 18 points to the Pistons!!! Why were they celebrating? Because they scored 71 points and broke the 5-game streak of holding teams under 70 points while winning by the Pistons. even larry brown was laughing
  13. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 8/10. Very good movie.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Lost in Translation

    I loved the fact that it didnt resort to cliches. I kept expecting like, Charlotte's husband to come home and find them together, or Charlotte to storm off angrily and there be a big fight when she finds the lounge singer in Bill's room... but it was all very subtle and played well. And scarlett is just so... so... purrfect *sighs* And Bill Murray is God! I really wish Bill had gotten the Oscar (though Sean Penn did a great job in Mystic River. The acting was the best part of that movie and both Penn and Robbins' win were deserved. however i dont think it should have won director or picture).
  15. bobobrazil1984

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    I saw it tonight and enjoyed it very much... though somehow I feel slightly let down. I think I hyped myself up too much for "omg charlie kaufman + jim carrey"... but it was still an A movie. Great performances by everybody (Kirsten Dunst in particular surprised me). this was also a nice fun post-frodo role for Elijah Wood.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    Newsmagazine stories about the success of Medicare

    You see, it's OK because Republicans are doing it!
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Benoit is 'just a transitional champion'...

    Actually what Meltzer was saying was that one of the reasons Brock was upset was because Eddie WASN'T a transition champion... the belt wasn't coming back to him, which made him more upset than when he lost it to Big Show or Angle, because he knew it was coming back to him.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Brock Lesnar Speaks !!

    I could see Brock being a decent defensive guy, actually.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    Chris Benoit DVD !!!!!!!!

    eh, i think they should have waited till he had a few good main event matches over the next few months under his belt. but cool i guess.
  20. All I have to say... I hope WWE and Vince had a rough plan on who was going where before announcing the re-lottery. :-\
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Spain to pull all troops out of Iraq

    its fairly standard practice in democracies for voters to vote for the other party en masse when they are upset over something the current incumbant party does. if a week before the 04 election, Bush did something the american people just hated or they thought was stupid (or just the perception of it), the majority of moderates would probably vote for kerry en masse. If people had thought that Bush had handled 9/11's aftermath horribly (he handled it well imo), and the election was a week later, you can bet Bush would have been gone too. Its standard practice in political systems ruled by two parties (though looking at the numbers, it doesnt seem QUITE two party as the US, with other parties getting a few single digit percentages, but the two parties were definetly the big ones). I think it was a dumb move, but they're a democracy. Let them do what they want and if it bites them in the ass, 'tis their own fault.
  22. I think Vince was just annoyed with the way it went down and how it screwed their plans. With Goldberg, Vicne knew months in advance that it was most likely it, and it was simply 'Berg's contract running out and no renewing. with Lesner it was this sudden thing which threw all their plans to hell and they thought Brock was gonna be there for years to come.. or something. I dont know.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    A Smart MSG Crowd turns on Lesnar & Goldy

    Uh... yes, casual fans read the newspapers or watch the news. Not all the time, but since these reports were LOCAL REPORTS (and there's usually MAJOR hype in the local area for events like Wrestlemania, from local news reports, you know the ones that come on at like 10pm or whatever right after E.R. or something, for instance) from new york... yeah I'd say that's a major reason why so many people knew about Lesner's departure... rather than all of them being dirtsheet readers. (edit: and like choken one mentioned, FOX sports also...)
  24. bobobrazil1984

    A Smart MSG Crowd turns on Lesnar & Goldy

    Its also worth noting though that Lesner's departure had leaked to major papers and/or news outlets and such... outlets read/seen by millions of people.