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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    NBA: James traded

    *does the yes motion* Great move by Dumars. I was getting scared by the Billups-for-Rasheed rumblings I was hearing about... this is *much* better! (even though i'm a little sad to see Chucky Atkins go). Wallace squared in the Detroit low post (that is... if Rasheed doesn't do something stupid and get suspended).
  2. bobobrazil1984

    Neeson & Freeman Confirmed for Batman

    Now... for anyone who's keeping score: BATMAN: Director Christopher Nolan of Memento and Insomnia. Christian Bale, fanboy favorite for ages. MORGAN FREEMAN! LIAM NEESON! Katie Holmes! MICHAEL CAINE! SUPERMAN: Director McG of Charlies Angels (:-D) Beyonce Knowles the POP SINGER Rumored: ASHTON KUTCHER as Superman.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    The best part was when the Angel puppet "vamped out"
  4. bobobrazil1984

    O'Reilly turns on Bush!?

    For the three of you who care what O'Reilly has to say http://www.reuters.com/locales/newsArticle...storyID=4325302 btw, I agree that Bush should get rid of Tenet. Thankfully, Iraq was a situation where most people didnt mind the end result (Saddam kicked to the curb)... but imagine if such a COLOSSAL intelligence failure happened in a different situation in which the ends weren't so rosy? Who exactly are we relying on to try and find Osama? Oh yeah our intelligence. Who are we relying on to find out if <insert nation> is secretly developing nuclear programs or if this country is selling secrets to that country? Oh yeah our intelligence.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    San Francisco Officials Marry Gay Couples

    I have a question... Why is Arnold doing nothing about a mayor OPENLY DEFYING state law? Mind you, I'm actually in support of gay marriage, but looking at the letter of existing law... at this point, the burden to Stop this should fall on the Governer, correct? If the mayor continues to opely defy this, your job is to stop him, no? Shouldn't the Governer even use lawful means to make him stop or have the man arrested, or something??? All I heard was a statement that said: "i encourage them to follow the law" or something to that effect. Either Schwarzenegger supports what's happening or he doesn't... and if he DOESN'T, he would use his rightful means as Governer to stop it, because it's a clear violation of the law... So what gives? What do Republicans think of Arnold shirking his duties and allowing this?
  6. bobobrazil1984

    Darabont Speaks On Indiana Jones IV Script

    Lucas felt it needed more lines like... "I dont like sand. Sand is so messy and grainy, and it gets everywhere... it's so rough... not like your skin Indy... your skin is smooth... no wait, it's rubbery and wrinkly... but if you take your thoughts through to conclusion, you will find that your age is something we cannot tell! We live in a real world! come back to it Indy!"
  7. bobobrazil1984


    Turns out the whole thing was false, and Drudge was wrong. SHE NEVER EVEN WORKED/INTERNED FOR THE KERRY CAMPAIGN! And what about the tabloid quotes from the parents? Ooh he's such a scumbag and all?? Geez, *some* people are getting desperate (memo: psst, it helps quite a bit if the scandal is actually true ) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040216/D80OIHSO1.html
  8. bobobrazil1984

    Helpful WWE links and resources

    http://www.wrestlingdb.com headline grabber, has PWTorch, PWI, WO, 1W, WWE, slamwrestling, among others.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    I fear for the future....

    After the blowoff feud with jericho, Christian should be moved to Smackdown as an upper-card heel. He's not going to get higher on the RAW card on the heel side than he is now, and could have new interactions with Cena and Eddie.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Angel has been cancelled. (there are some light spoilers for this upcoming week's episode, but if you saw the preview its no surprise) http://tv.zap2it.com/tveditorial/tve_main/...6346|1|,00.html Also, Herc at AICN has two sources saying this is true.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Wait, did someone say next week's looks retarded? RETARDED!?!? Does THIS look retarded to you!??! (don't answer that)
  12. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica picked up for 13 episodes

    Actually it was quite good, and I am looking forward to the series (though I would gladly trade away BSG for new Farscape)
  13. bobobrazil1984

    More workers to gt the boot ?? This week ?

    Well now we know, dont we? Ernst Miller.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    Aah, Chase you pimp! Actually I was almost positive all throughout this episode that the baby was actually Jack's baby... that Jack and that woman from last season, I forget her name, blonde, the sister of the terrorist chick, she had a one scene cameo at the beginning of this season... i was positive it was Jack and her's baby, which somehow led to their breakup, and as Jack left to do all this Salazar stuff, had Chloe take care of it as a favor. Looks like I was wrong with a capital W.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    O'Reilly turns on Bush!?

  16. bobobrazil1984

    Bush sets up WMD Intel Panel

    ^ Face it. We were lucky that this huge failure happened in a situation where the end result was still good (saddam getting kicked out) That isn't always going to be the case. Who are we relying on make sure countries like say Libya dont secretly try to develop nuclear weaopns? Who are we relying on to try and track down Osama Bin Laden? Who are we relying on to try and track terrorist supporters? <insert anything non-diplomatic foreign policy related>. The answer to each of these questions is Our INTELLIGENCE. Something is seriously wrong with our intelligence. People need to stop harping about Iraq and look to the future. If this intelligence failure and its implications on the future doesn't scare you, then there is something serously wrong.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    So What Did You Think Of The Contract Singing?

    IF this is leading to a situation where Benoit gets a relatively uncontroversial win over both of them, I think it works. If its leading to a loss, its a burial. Isn't it funny how often feuds with HHH are like that?
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Janet Nixed from Grammys

    So like, why is Timberlake still gonna be on the show? He was the one who reached over and pulled off the tearaway bra... ???
  19. bobobrazil1984

    Orton's Test

    Well the Torches and the Observers of the world are saying its going to be a tag match, with Rock and Foley against Orton and someone else (batista or flair probably)...?? A one on one match makes much more sense though.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Getting back into comics

    Fantastic Four!!! It's being written by Mark Waid and is the best that book has been in DECADES! (Fantastic Four...no bloody Ultimate, 4, X, or Knights ) Don't worry if you've never really been able to get into FF before, because Waid's FF is re-converting thousands
  21. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO Raw Thread - 2/2/2004

    I dont like this crowd tonight. They seem dead for almost everyone
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Kerry supporters

    Well I ran across this photo which was pretty damn convincing!
  23. bobobrazil1984

    A few tidbits from the 2/2/04 Observer

    *snorts* hah. HAH. HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Well it was nice for once to see a little optimism in the IWC, even if I knew it was misplaced. Amazing how people thought three full years of bad booking and writing was suddenly going to reverse itself JUST BECAUSE Benoit was the wrestler involved.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    A few tidbits from the 2/2/04 Observer

    ..aaand this is why i never got too excited about the Benoit push, despite him being one of my favorite wrestlers. I'm guessing he doesn't win at Wrestlemania, and after this triple threat WM match, he wins in a one on one match at Edmonton. HBK wins the belt at Mania drops the belt to Benoit at Backlash in Edmonton 2 months later Benoit drops it back to HHH.