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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Tim Donoghy airs NBA dirty laundry

    Does anyone know what the chances are of the Feds actually investigating this? i have no idea of the legalities and process and if they'll actually do it. Its one thing is Donoghy says this. Its another Feds investigate and come up with something. I don't know how relavant to the case it would be though. To be fair, WCF 2002 is a pretty easy target, it's always been clear there was either gross incompetence that should have resulted in ref firings or corruption going on there, so its the natural thing to pick if you're making shit up. I wonder if there's any CORROBORATING EVIDENCE?
  2. bobobrazil1984

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    I feel that's pretty close to the mark. Fans of other teams really like Maxiell because they essentially only see his best. At his worst, he is invisible, unable to get a rebound, easily discouraged and when that happens, good bye to that hellraiser energy. He can be a major limitation on certain matchups too. He was eaten alive what little he played against the Celtics front-line (one nice block on KG aside, which actually illustrates my point, to the casual fan their #1 memory of maxiell from that series probably was that sweet block on KG). He also got really tired and hit the wall a little over halfway through the season, and sucked for a month or two before regaining his old self. Like Flip Saunders' coaching/offense-system, you kinda gotta watch em night in and night out to see the shortcomings though. I mean he's good but I wouldn't trust him to be the primary starter at the 4 for a full season. pistons should try and keep him as he's a very good 6th man for them, but he is one piece they could probably trade and fare well with because other GMs/teams will overrate himl.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    I'd love that, but I haven't heard anything about him being available, not sure why the Clippers would trade him... kinda doubt the Clippers would be interested in Sheed or McDyess, but Sheed is a big expiring so who knows, specially if they throw in maxiell..
  4. bobobrazil1984

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    Flip's an ok coach, but i don't like his offensive system (yes, i said offensive, not defensive). It's a little too passive for me, and is more predicated on going with what the defense grants you, rather than getting the shots you want. In his system, the shots you want... are what they give you. Its basically, run around and around and around until you get a good jump shot, and hey if a lane opens up, go for it. I think his system needs to start by going in then running everything around it. However, I think a mediocre team out there should definitely snap him up. I'm talking like talented teams hovering around .500, those teams could easily jump into the high 40 regular season wins. The Hawks are a good fit. I'm going to throw an unconventional thought out there and say.. the Nuggets would actually do well with Flip as coach. But I think it was the right move for the Pistons, and its just the start, you can tell when you read Dumars' words. IMO, i think Rip Hamilton, Stuckey, and Prince are safe. Everyone else is fair game. Pistons guards are fine, especially with Stuckey, and Prince is a great glue guy, they basically need a new front-line, and a system that will take advantage of it, one that places an emphasis on inside-out offense and rebounding and interior D. Dump their jump-shooting big men, move Amir Johnson into regular rotation, Maxiell can stay or go depending on if he's needed in a trade for a big-man stud, but he can easily contribute.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    2008 NBA Finals: Lakers vs. Celtics

    I agree. that line of thinking is retarded and has been proven false time and time again in the NBA.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    Avery's teams had the talent to win it all, but couldn't because they were mentally weak and had flaws in their offensive system... boy, sounds familiar to a Pistons fan. He should not be the next coach. I'd instead be looking at coaches who DIDN'T have super-talented teams but still managed to do good things, that's usually a better sign of coach x-o and motivational qualities. It's too bad they couldn't go back in time and hire Nate McMillan. Pistons should be looking to REVAMP their front-court. They should really be sick of big men who shoot long jumpers all day long, being near last in points in the paint, being out-hustled and beat on rebounds, their only inside banger being Maxiell, an undersized PF who isnt actually a good rebounder and has matchup problems with tall guys. They should roll with Amir Johnson, and start cashing in their chips (Sheed, a big expiring next seasons, Maxiell who is good trade bait because he's actually a little overrated, maybe McDyess) and try to nab a good Center. Chris Kamen anyone?
  7. bobobrazil1984


    Penny and Desmond reunited at last. It's amazing how much more heartfelt that was than a million Jack/Kate or Sawyer/Kate moments.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Finals

    I love Billups but the man is seriously overrated as a Playoff Performer. He has sucked ass the last 3 ECF. One, you could blame on injury, not three. Stuckey, even in the loss, wildly out-played him again last night in less minutes. If Pistons get bounced by the Celts in 5 or 6, I would look into trading him and change for Allen Iverson or somebody, with Stuckey ready to jump in when Iverson gets too old.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Finals

    Boston's early 4th quarter comeback was almost a direct result of Theo Ratliff. He was leaving people open, fumbling balls out of bounds, committing fouls.. then there was a timeout an I thought for sure he was gonna be yanked. He wasn't, and his man scored another point and he missed another defensive assignment. Flip's not a horrible coach but his substitutions are always ass.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Finals

    He's a defensive black hole, and he was in a slump, and he was publicly complaining about his minutes. He was valuable earlier in the season, back when he was "hot", but now that he's "cold" he's useless. He's a chucker. Not playing him is the best thing Saunders has done. on that note, there is no excuse, Rodney Stuckey should never play any less than 25 minutes a game from now on, even if they have to jump him back and forth in the 1 and 2 spots all game long.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Finals

    Yeah that was an ugly game, fouls every time down the court, ugh. but the fact i'm a pistons fan probably has something to do with it.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    The X-Files Movie

    http://hollywoodinsider.ew.com/2007/10/the-x-files-mov.html Good stuff. I think they shouldn't even bother referencing the confusing conspiracy crap. Just start it out with Mulder and Scully in the FBI, and let the hardcore nuts figure out during which time period it "makes sense". Their standalone eps tended to be as good as most horror/supernatural movies, so this could be really cool. Assuming they stick to the spirit of the show, it'll be better than some of the mindless horror movies we usually get.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Finals

    It's Game 3 and Game 6 you have to watch out for, the NBA's pattern of "interference" falls there, keep an eye out if LA/BOS fall down 0-2 or are down 2-3 on the verge of elimination. They more or less let Game 7's be without major screwiness.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Finals

    I've got Pistons in 6 and Lakers in 6. Both extremely tough hard-fought series' though.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Semifinals

    New Orlean's run was sort of fools gold because even then they were scrambling around in a panic, and pargo just got hot. The Spurs were clearly the more composed team in the final minutes. Its why they are champs. Them and the Lakers will be a good series. I predict that if LA or Boston goes down 0-2, you're going to see some screwy officiating in Game 3. Not for the entire series... just for that Game 3 and maybe Game 6 if LA/BOS go down 3-2.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Semifinals

    I'm going to go with Detroit in 6, with a few very tough games. I have a hard time seeing Pierce have very many of these sorts of games he had tonight, wasnt he averaging something ridiculously low in the playoffs thus far? Pistons best chance is to steal Game 1 by bringing the energy to a tired(?) Celtics squad. I don't think anyone should take it for granted they're (Boston) gonna lose in Detroit though... i mean, the road woes have to end at some point... but if Detroit goes down 0-2, have a hard time seeing them win the series.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica

    the last two episodes have been great, even though last night's was pretty weird. Loved the Hybrid jumping out of there, hopefully they stay away from the fleet - I like the idea of that motley crew who were on the baseship being alone, hopefully with some real answers. btw i swear i saw a flash of ROMO LAMPKIN in next week's previews. That is awesome!
  18. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Semifinals

    That block was just ridiculous. Right in the deepest clutch moment, he just STUFFED it back in Hedo's face. Prince really brings it in the playoffs.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    Starbury is the only one who is going to be hellish for the Knicks to move/get ride of. I believe Zach Randolph or Eddy Curry can and will be traded (just one of them though). The rest of the roster can be made to work. The Knicks desperately need a direction and they have it. From now on, with a GM in charge who isn't an idiot, they will be targeting players who fit their coach's system. David Lee, Q Richardson, Balkman, even Jamal Crawford and little Nate, these guys imo will be just fine in D'Antoni's system as long as they're there. I'm declaring it right now, by the end of the 2008-09 season, TWO of the undesirable 3 (Marbury, Curry, Randolph) will be gone. I think one will be bought out and one traded. in fact i just read this from espn: Walsh told D'Antoni he was committed to giving him the players he needs to succeed. He even went through each player on the roster with his coach-to-be, discussing who would be a good fit and who wouldn't. Sure sounds like Walsh is planning on remaking that team to fit D'Antoni's system.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    I'm confused about something. Why does everyone seem to think the Knicks are still going to have the same players by mid-season? I don't think Donnie Walsh took that job to "roll with Isiah's team". the idea behind having a system, is that it allows you narrow your search and target players to fit your system, and because at times you need niche role players, those players are more attainable. They're obviously gonna try to blow it up, so why is everybody saying "these players dont fit d'antoni's system"???
  21. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Semifinals

    In those last two minutes... Rip Hamilton posted up Dooling FOUR STRAIGHT plays in a row! it resulted in TWO posted-up jump shots for Rip, and Rip drawing a foul (and then a technical). That's hilarious. For christmas, Orlando should ask for guards who aren't midgets.
  22. bobobrazil1984


    Looks like jacob re-animates the dead to speak for him. Also looks like Claire probably died in the explosion and was re-animated via Jacob.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    can someone explain wtf is so special about mark jackson that everybody wants him? I dont get it.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Semifinals

    It's hard to see Orlando winning more than two games, because they have such a big matchup problem at the guard spots. Jameer Nelson and Maurice Evans can't even sniff Billups and Rip Hamilton. That's not even a contest. They outscored nelson/evans by 25 points.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Conference Semifinals

    I've got: Boston in 6 (or Cleveland in 6 if it's Atlanta) Cleveland plays a much more "conventional" style of play - one that Boston won't have as much trouble with. Lebron's always a factor but I can't overlook that the Cavs team aside from him kinda sucks. Detroit in 6 This'll be a tough series, but the bottom line for me is: -Pistons do the best job of harassing Dwight into average (by his standard) games. -Jameer Nelson cannot stop Billups. You beat the Pistons in the playoffs when you can neutralize Billups (usually with a big guard) - Orlando simply does not have the guards to do this. In fact the matchups here kind of remind me of Chicago last year, who also had undersized guards. LAL in 7 I picked 7 here because Utah is a dangerous team who is one player away from winning a title. Regardless I think their interior D is weak and Phil is good enough to exploit that. Wouldn't be surprised to see Utah pull the 'upset' though. San Antonio in 6 If Chris Paul can will NO over the Spurs that would be amazing - but the Spurs have really turned it on in the playoffs. Gotta go with them.