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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. What were they smoking? Who's dumbass idea was it to bring back Norman Osborn? Why did it drag out so long? Who made the various calls? What were the writers thinking during this time? how stupid were the editors? What was one of the original ideas to end the whole thing (two words: time loop)? Just how much does bob harras suck? Some of you may have already read it, but here's the 35 part (yes 35 part) look at the Clone Saga, "Life of Reilly," filled with tons of "backstage" (for lack of a better term ) information, mostly from one of the associate editors (and writer towards the end), Glenn Greenburg. His comments are clearly marked in bold and formatted differently so you can skip right to them w/o reading the synopses if you want. The guy actually kept ALL his memos from teh period, and draws from them extensively. It's really fascinating reading, the same way one of Dave Meltzer's history articles on the fall of a great company are... in other words, in a history trainwreck way. http://www.newcomicreviews.com/GHM/special...s/LifeOfReilly/ Just to get yall started off on some of the info in here, I'll post one of the more interesting bits of info, from part 22:
  2. bobobrazil1984

    Goldberg Unhappy.....Again

    Fuck Vince McMahon for giving Goldberg creative control over his character. Seriously, it's his own fault. What kind of moron does that?
  3. bobobrazil1984

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    A little late to this party... but damn that was a wild and shocking ending! Best show ever!!! My theory? Palmer got the virus at last season's cliffhanger, but Ann's medication has been keeping it at bay. or maybe, he needs some special medicine to "activate" it that's gonna be slipped into Ann's medicine. Just speculation (I would never look at 24 spoilers... man what a show!), but that would be a total "24" twist. When Jack and Hector hugged, my theory was actualy the opposite, that Hector was working CTU all along (and I was still yelling out holy shit) Daaamn, I've got to go d/l this episode to watch it again!
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Bryan Singer In Talks To Direct X-Men 3

    Wolverine's the most marketable and popular character. There shouldn't be an X3 without him... however, since there will be a wolverine solo movie, you can reduce his role. In other words, give him about the same amount of plot/screen time that Halle Berry had in X2, and let him have some cool Wolverine badass moments to satisfy the masses, but he doesn't need a direct connection to the plot like he did in X1 and 2... just enough of a presence to give people their fix and tease the solo flick.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galatica

    DS9. He also wrote for TNG, but I dont think he was really a "lead writer" until the later seasons. Best known on TNG for the Klingon episodes like Sins of the Father, Redemption (i think), and on DS9, was just known for really good character oriented episodes (Rocks and Shoals, In the Cards, Inter Arma enim silent leges, tacking against the wind) There's a rather lengthy 18 PART interview (though it says 10, when you get to part 10 you can move ahead to 11 up to 18) with him at http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/444/444306p1.html where he talks behind the scenes stuff bout Trek.. and pretty much tells the story about why ST sucks ass now
  6. bobobrazil1984

    Rock Interview: he will be in WWE from January

    Well, now I know exactly when to tune into WWE programming, and exactly when to tune back out again! Thanks WWE.com!!!
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galatica

    Weak first half hour, the rest was quite good. I ended up watchign more ofthis than RAW, and watched the 11:00 replay to fill in thep arts I missed. And i dont care what you all say, the new Starbuck rocks
  8. bobobrazil1984

    Has Benoit's time arrived?

    Common sense dictates that between putting this article up, and Angle talking in interviews about how Benoit's time has come... that they were giving Benoit some big title push. COMMON SENSE... something that's totally absent nowadays.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galatica

    ^ well the Cylons are the CYlons, but they have a group of 'sleeper' and infiltration agents who look like humans.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galatica

    New story, remake if you will.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Kurt Angle Interview

    Aah, ANgle's a smark at heart
  12. bobobrazil1984

    Cena steals Benoit's spot

    I think what they should do is... have one match, and establish that the wnier is going to face the other... like have Cena v Brock, and establish that Benoit v the winner is gonna be next, and have Benoit hanging around, built up like this wildcard. He's watching them both ringside for the main event, who's he gonna side with, etc etc blah blah and so on. Plant the seeds for both feuds. That will make the resulting feud (which could be Cena v Benoit or Brock v Benoit) seem erally special.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    Kid Rock Attacks a Paparazzo

    Um... he tried to fling the papparazi onto a highway!? Isnt that like, attempted murder or something
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Chris and Trish sitting in a tree...

    Well, *IF* they handle this right (ie dont have Trish become a skank and/or dont have Trish be totally humiliated with real revenge *cough*getonyourkneeslikeadogtrish*cough*), they could get a jump in female viewers.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    'Simpsons' Celebrate 15 Years of Laughs

    Well, to be fair, that does sound like an episode of South Park.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    WWE News From The Torch

    Is Gowan really that much of a bitch? I mean I know some people have egos and all, but for someone at his level, that seems way too much... my natural instinct is that he is probably too full of himself, but the dirtsheets and wrestlers who dont like him have exaggerated. At least I hope so..
  17. bobobrazil1984

    White Judge Draws Fire for Costume

    Wow, what a dumbass (the judge)... i mean in what frame of mind could a judge decide that wearing BLACKFACE, with the connotations and history of such a practice, in a prison costume, is anything but utter stupidity? Forget racism, This guy should be clobbered for sheer stupidity
  18. http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles...hed_lynch_says/ I'm sure most of us knew this already, but its good to see that Lynch is actually speaking out about this and not keeping her mouth shut while the falsehoods spread.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    The OaO 2003-2004 NBA Season Thread!

    ^ what does ROTY have to do with anything? It was a general comment on LeBron and the Cavaliars, not any kind of response to your comments. Hell I haven't even read most of your comments on LeBron in this thread. (in terms of ROTY, he's obviosly the frontrunner. He's doin better than Melo, and Darko has barely played) PS: What's Isiah Thomas up to these days now that he's not coaching the Pacers any more?
  20. bobobrazil1984

    The OaO 2003-2004 NBA Season Thread!

    OMG! LeBron's team actually WON a game! OMG! OMG! P.S. - Pistons now 5-1. Not that any of you West dicksuckers care (meaning you suck the dick of the west, not that your'e actually dicksuckers. Unless you're a female). I'll be the last lone cheerleader for my Pistons here if i have to be!
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Chris and Trish sitting in a tree...

    That's good stuff. TOO good for the WWE writing sadly. btw his name was Chris Kreski I believe, the head booker in 2000.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Chris and Trish sitting in a tree...

    Jericho and Trish is one of those angles that ALL logic, common sense, and laws of reason tells you SHOULD suck complete ass... but as we know, logic and common sense do not exist in WWE land... I'm digging it too, and I can't expalin why. Probably just Jericho's natural entertaining persona. But I'm not enjoying Christian and Lita half as much. Or at all really.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

  24. bobobrazil1984

    the jericho/trish angle

    Where is all this nonsense about whether this angle would help or hinder a Jericho rise to main event, come from? the people in charge of RAW have decided for the forseeable future, Jericho is not a true main eventer on RAW. That's that. It doesn't matter whether this angle with Trish happens the way the poster describes, whether it happens in a different way, or whether its dropped completely on Monday. Jericho will be "catapulted" to the main event when (if) those in charge decide to. Despite all their hoo-haa about the fans, THEY decide when and if he goes to main event, not reaction to an angle. I think the past, with talented over guys, has proven this well enough. Like that angle with Stacy, somebody mentioned how that didn't "catapult him to main event". Yes, it didnt catapult him because the writers/bookers/Vince/HHH/whoever decided that it wasn't. They coudl have easily had Jericho whoop Test's ass, beat HBK, and go on to main event ppvs, but they didn't. Their choice. So in conclusion, the arguments that yall are having are quite silly. This angle wont help or hinder any Jericho "main event" rise in any real way. Whatever his fate is, its decided regardless.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    the jericho/trish angle

    I actually found the "awkward moment" between Jericho and Trish to be pretty funny... for reasons I'm not sure of, but the segment just made me laugh, in a more subtle-funny way. There's potential for a good angle there. POTENTIAL. Something which RAW writers don't exactly have a reputation of capitalizing on. But Jericho's so entertaining that he can make average angles pretty good.