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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Brand new WWE news and notes from the Observer

    And so it begins... again. Remember, it was reports like these, but in wrestling, that led him to becoming an influential voice to Vince (and later, fuckin stephanie, of course). At least he works hard at it... and in this case its something that doesn't affect me directly as I doubt i'll have much interest in going to see his films.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    ultra-fascinating behind scenes info on...

    Another excerpt of insanity, from the period in marvel that made WCW and WWE right now look like the model of order! By the way, does anyone here read Spider-Girl? I recently started reading it from the beginning and am amazed at how entertaining it is. It feels like a cross between Ultimate Spider-Man and the old Lee-Ditko issues of Spider-Man. Lots of fun and tone to it, the relationship between May and older Peter is a cool dynamic. More interestingly, it picks up a few threads from the clone saga, but executes them in a clean, efficient, and well-written manner (most notably, a storyline involving Kaine, with a real Rumplestiltskon (sp?) vibe to it). For those of you who liked some parts of the storyline (but hated all the confused and bullshit involved), check out Spider-Girl!
  3. bobobrazil1984

    ultra-fascinating behind scenes info on...

    works for me... Life of Reilly
  4. bobobrazil1984

    HUSH, Lee & Loeb Run

    It was fun... but a very dissapointing ending. Although... spoilers SPOILERS The Riddler's role was a surprise. But still as an overall ending, man it was weak. Besides that very month, New X-Men had trumped Hush with the "mystery man surprise" end spoilers.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Here's my "apologist explanation for the Spike thing He can't touch sentient beings at all. However, when it comes to inanimate objects, he can if he decides to. This is why he can sit down in chairs, and cars, and can choose/push himself through them if he wants. But not living beings (which is why he couldn't touch Angel or the Grokslar Beast... and yes, I know Angel's dead, but I'm counting him as a sentient being. Remember he's not actually a ghost... that much was made clear during the scene where Fred was scanning him).
  6. bobobrazil1984

    What 10 guys would you build WWE around?

    1) Chris Jericho - the best entertainer in a sports entertainment capacity 2) Kurt Angle - the best entertainer in a wrestling capacity 3) Chris Benoit 4) Eddie Guerrero 5) RVD 6) Undertaker - *hides from the screaming internet fans* a lot of my problems with Taker has to do with his booking. Basically, I want a "classic legend" older character. I could do tons of things with him while using him to help building up newer wrestlers. And the list of classic legends basically boils down to either UT, HBK, Flair, and who else? HHH i guess since he's basically a cripple. HBK doesnt work as a legend imo, Basically UT and Flair are the best ones, but my reasons for UT over Flair have to do with booking reasons, and there's not point in getting specific since this is a list thread 7) Brock Lesner - resident bruiser monster #1 8) Rhyno - resident bruiser monster #2 9) John Cena 10) Rey Mysterio I would have loved to have The Rock, but he's pretty much hanging out in Hollywood
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Old school vs. New school Final Fantasy

    I thought FF6/3-US was alright, decent enough, LOVE ff7, like ff8 a lot, think ff9 was only so-so, about on par with 6/3us
  8. bobobrazil1984

    SquareEnix's Been Busy Today

    I can't wait for Advent Children. Haters can go suck HHH's dick! Besides, its not like they're gonna force you to buy it
  9. bobobrazil1984

    25 most overrated games of all time

    FF 6 (3 us) is the one that's overrated. By the internet at least.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    WWE RAW Writing Try-out

    I'm not a fan of the angle, but on the list of "shitty angles one can do with HHH and Goldberg" its far from the worst. It's actually not that bad if done right.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Would a trade be good

    A trade might be fun to watch, but it most certainly won't help business.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    The Emmy Awards

    Futurama's Jurassic Bark felt like a remake of Futurama's Luck of the Fryish. Not a literal remake,but the same 'sentimental' formula. Luck of the Fryish was better. That episode damn near brought ME to tears!
  13. bobobrazil1984

    Rock's not a movie star yet

    In what ways were Finding Nemo and X2 letdowns? (or did you mean letdowns to you, ie you didn't enjoy them)
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Damn you Stephanie!

    You're not allowed to get over unless Steph decides she wants you to.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    Enterprise changed to Star Trek: Enterprise

    rolling my eyes at B5/Ds9 debate #3723764 (there is nothing any of you can or will say that has not been said twenty million times already)... DS9 was easily the best Trek series... and Star Trek is exactly where WWE is now. Ok, maybe where it was last year. Not much better, but only slightly. In terms of TV, in terms of the producers, in terms of ratings, quality, in terms of everything. it's almost scary. Oh how I would kill for a Ira Steven Behr/Ron Moore Star Trek series instead of Berman and Braga.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    WWE Notes Raw, Unforgiven etc

    Bah. I think they should build up Austin and Jericho for a few more months and build to a big blowoff match as Austin's ring return. They're segments are generally entertaining (even though jericho comes across as a chump most of the time) and could do a great build up. It's been long enough from their last match way back in early 2002, that it would seem pretty fresh.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    New pic of Anakin from Ep. 3...

    i introduced one of my friends to SW last month, who'd never seen any of the movies, and knew very little except some vague stuff about Vader. ANH: he loved it, thought Threepio was hilarious, favorite out of all 5 ESB: he liked it, but was annoyed at the cliffhanger and that the bad guys sorta won (even though he was gonna watch ROTJ the next day!) still loved threepio and totaly dug Han in here (he bust a gut laughing when he heard the 'I love you' 'i know' exchange for the first time) ROTJ: Liked it also, but towards the end only cared about Luke/Vader/Emperor and not the other stuff EP1: "Okay, but not as good as the originals." "I didn't like that Joo Joo thing, he was annoying." "Man the whole thing was Qui gon's fault" EP2: Liked it better than Ep1, keeps insiting for some reason that Anakin should go evil by raping Padme (i think he was joking...), not as good as the originals. I thought it was pretty interseting to see someone unaffected by the hype, avoided scifi like the plague, thought of all star wars as 'geek fare', (you know those type of people, of course i got my revenge because now he's a big fan), come to these same conclusions. It was obvious even to him the newer ones lacked something, heart, a spark, a zip (though EpII was better in that regards).
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Another RVD Radio Interview

    I look forward to RVD radio interviews more than I do RAW
  19. bobobrazil1984

    Triple H's Bachelor Party Report

    haha, no RVD! And there was no excuse given, you can tell he just doesn't give a fuck if he pisses off HHH any more! YES! let loose RVD! I mean its not like you're gonna get pushed either way!
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Rodney Mack hospitalizes Shane Helms

    It wasn't going to be a big match on a Pay Per View. It was going to be a nothing time-filler match on Raw. Almost all Raw matches are shitty anyway, so who cares? Keep in mind what happened last time Vince didn't like a match...... at a HOUSE SHOW. He came out unscripted, yelled how the match was boring, started a bikini contest instead, humiliated the wrestlers, and apparently Rhyno got "a talking to" (ie, heat on him) for it.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Rodney Mack hospitalizes Shane Helms

    ^ LOL! To be fair, it IS the order of business that the senior wrestler is in charge of laying out of the match. Even if he doesn't lay it out, he's the one held accountable. I've heard this many times before, and Foley even mentioned it in "Have a Nice Day", during his match with Rock at SSeries 98, he felt the crowd was dying and knew he'd get the blame if the match went in the shitter, being the senior wrestler. So more likely Helms really didnt want Mack to lay it out and shittily (is that a word) and him getting blamed for it.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Parent appeals daughter's expulsion

    What are you talking about? It's VERY easy. All you have to do is sit in the back HALF of the bus. THe seat backs are pretty big. The most you can see is probably the head of the student sitting, and probably even less. If somebody leans down and starts sucking, it can be done very easiliy with a driver or a chaperone seeing (as they are usually at the front of the bus). As for people kind of crowding and cheering and stuff, that kind of stuff happens on every single school bus in america (i'm talking about the crowding, noise, etc, not the oral sex, although taht happens also).
  23. bobobrazil1984

    Johnny Depp Dislikes U.S.

    1) I assume those statements relate to the decisions of the Bush Administration... and as someone who lives and works in america (though I dont get paid, unpaid internshp at fox sports), he's right. I'd have chosen a better choice of words, but frankly he's right. 2) There are many countries I dislike, but I would gladly take lots of currency from any of those countries. After all, a trip to one of those exchange banks and it'll be US money !!! "b) it is hnypocritical to bash the U.S, but whore for our money." Our last election was split down the middle. Right now Dubya's approval rating is just over 50 percent. In other words, half the cuontry thinks one way, and the other half thinks the other way, and most of the time, ALL of them are in some way bashing the views and actions of the other side. And both of those sides are views of the U.S. I guess everybody in America's a hypocrite then
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Triple H pins first film roles

    It's a good start... but HHH needs to get more roles, this time from Hollywood. STAT! The more leading roles the better! I hope he hits it big, so he has no more time for wrestling. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Jericho is Back....

    Damn right, Chris.