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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    I saw multiple people refer to this mythical blond chick over on RealGM's forums. Anybody got a pic?
  2. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    i know KG made that one shot with 7 secs left, but the man DISAPPEARED in the last few minutes. i was never sure about that criticism of KG shrinking from the clutch, but there's no doubt in my mind when things looked bad with like 4:00 left, Tim Duncan takes at least 3 or 4 big shots down there, and THEN, once they're going insane trying to stop him, find ginobli or Parker outside. He was playing hot potato with the basketball the whole time. in his defense he did grab big rebounds, but how many shots did he take in the last 5 minutes?
  3. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    Wow you'd think Bibby had money on the Celtics winning considering how many times he bricked or f'ed up. Still INSANE win for the hawks. This is nuts.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    Bibby should just... stop shooting now, period. Just transfer all his shots to Joe Johnson.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    This Hawks crowd is CRAZY!
  6. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    I'm rooting for the Hawks here, would love to see this go 7, but its hard to see them winning in Boston without the rabid crowd.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    This is a very strange back and forth going on. You guys realize that Shaq is ON the Phoenix Suns team, right? Thus Shaq's weaknesses are Phoenix Suns' weaknesses. on the Phoenix topic, SI.com is reporting D'antoni is done.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    Screw it, i hope we get that Deron-Paul matchup. It's kind of difficult to see them getting past LAL and SA respectively, but it would be new and fun.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    WTF is with the Suns? That was like... 4 turnovers in 5 possessions there it was ridiculous.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    I dont know what was going on during the 1st two games, but i know at the end of Game 2, Paul Pierce was running around screaming about how they were gonna sweep the Hawks, the Celtics players gloating and celebrating when they were up 20. It was all extremely bush league, might be what Ripper was referring to. I wasnt paying close enough attention to those 2 games to see if it was one-sided though. in fact the whole Horford thing was a direct response to Pierce in Game 2, pierce said something like '10,000 bucks says we sweep you' and Horford in 3 when doing his little trash talking was referring to that talking about checks your ass can't cash or whatever.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    The Dark Knight

    I love the whole "this city deserves a new class of criminal... i'll give it to em, you'll see" thing
  12. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    there's also a style clash, philly and atlanta have been successful by using their young legs and running. Pistons won game 4 by re-establishing the pace as a half-court game.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    If they make the Finals i still think it will be competitive. i think a lot of what you see is the top teams not having enough respect for their opposition and just getting shellshocked by the energy of the lower seeds.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    This Hawks game is amazing, the energy they are showing along with the fans... but I've seen Ripper rip on Mike Woodson SO OFTEN that I'm half expecting them to choke it away even though I never even watched the Hawks at all this season. Josh Smith and Joe Johnson have been pretty sick down the stretch.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    Here's an interesting question, well at least rendclaw will find it interesting and those assesing T-Mac should make them think too... if you were the Pistons, and you went down in the playoffs again, lets say round 2 to orlando... and you got offered T-Mac for Rip Hamilton and say antonio mcdyess or a draft pick or something, would you do it?
  16. bobobrazil1984

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    ^ I say keep Hermann... and dump the rest of them. The Flipper needs things to be simple, no judgement calls needed especially when he has to judge whether Jarvis Hayes is on a hot streak or on a cold streak, and I object to the description of Hayes as a "passable" defender. He's the 2nd coming of Maurice Evans, with a better jumpshot (at times). No defense and occasionally hot jump shooting, i can see why Saunders likes him so much. Also we should get rid of Dixon and roll with Stuckey and Afflalo (who is the forgotten rookie, this guy actually stepped into the starting lineup multiple times and played well) as our backup guards. Lindsey's going to the front office anyways so no need to "dump" him. Theo, lets just say, i'm fully on the bandwagon of "dump the old big guys". The Pistons frontline needs athleticism. Hell i'm on an island alone in thinking McDyess should either be shipped or relegated to only being Rasheed's backup and not a starter or playing alongside him - i think it's a major flaw when your two starting big men are long jump shooting big men who aren't bangers, and i think this even when Dice plays great (a la game 2). If the team can't win the title this year, dump all these softie big men, we tolerate it with Sheed because he has pure talent, but i'm not willing to have TWO jump shooting softie big men. Roll with Rasheed, Amir johnson, and Jason Maxiell, with possibly either Samb or another relatively young "true" Center waiting in the wings. If the veterens come up short AGAIN, i say commit fully to the next generation: Stuckey, Afflalo, Amir, Maxiell.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    To me the deciding factor was the wizard's "defense". As in, lack of. How exactly did all did all the Wizard pickers think they were gonna slow down Lebron? All the Cavs have to do is not play shitty, just slow down the pace a bit, then let Lebron do his thing. You don't even have to be a great team to beat the Wizards. These Wizards are basically like the Vince Carter Nets. Everyone seems to overrate them because they can't imagine a team sucking with Carter/Arenas and omg Kidd and Jefferson and Haywood and Butler.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    Mmm, playoffs, tasty East Boston in 4 Cleveland in 6 Orlando in 6 Detroit in 5 West Lakers over Denver in 6 Utah over Houston in 6 San Antonio over Phoenix in 7 New Orleans in 6 The best match is SA vs Phoenix, these were two of my possible Finals picks and they are right there in the 1st round, damn wild wild west.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    NBA 2008 - the home stretch

    I've got: Boston in 4 Cleveland in 6 Detroit in 5 Orlando in 6 (followed by Boston and Detroit in 6 each, and Detroit in 7) I honestly have no clue about the west.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    On Benoit

    Sounds like the whole "i remember him for the man i knew not this weird psycho killer" thing was at work here.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Looking to get a new Laptop

    There is a GIGANTIC difference in size and weight there. One is 13 inches (the size of a Macbook), the other is 17, which is not very good for carrying. Even my 15 incher is a pain for that. So factor that in, and see what matters more to you: portability or performance. The Sony has a hybrid graphics, which means it has integrated as well as a dedicated one that I think you can switch back and forth. But I'd guess even the dedicated one isn't as good as the Toshiba's. Toshiba = very large but better graphics Sony = not as good graphics but small and lightweight.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica

    A lot of things went through my head. First I was "dream, its a fake" but then the slow motion went on long enough that I started thinking "holy shit this is the last season... what if Adama really is gone!?!? It could happen its only one season left OHHH SHITTT". I loved how chipper Tigh was right when he shot Adama.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    Box Office Report 4/04-4/06

    I read the book that 21 is based on, it was a fun and interesting read, but I have no desire to see a movie of it.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica

    I'm on the Roslin's a Cylon bandwagon. I bet Adama finally realizes his monkey love for Roslin, and then he finds out she's a Cylon... challenging whether he'll still love her or not (a la Lee's "what if Zak was a Cylon" little mental challenge). I think her cancer is basically radiation poisoning. Plus she's investigating who the final cylon is and it's one of those"clever mystery writing tricks" to have a protagonist be the culprit. Also the writers said that the final cylon was someone they'd been kicking around in their heads since late season 1... and back then, she still had cancer, and the eventual resolution (hera's blood) was so dues es machina that it had to have been made up on the fly so i'm deducing "Roslin's a Cylon" was their ace in the hole to get out of the cancer all along.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    iPhone and iPod

    I really like my iPod Touch, but I'm having iPhone envy. internet browsing is the best on this device i've ever seen, and i wish i didnt have to rely on wi-fi. Its the first mobile internet I'd actually use on a couch when there's a computer elsewhere in the same house (whereas a normal phone internet i'd only use it outside if I had to) A lot of people wont have use for a lot if iPhone/Touch's features and that's cool, but for others, these features are great. My Touch is still jailbreaked, with the new firmware, and it's really robust. I've downloaded games, various utilities, eBook reader, etc. While i'm sure Apple's SDK will be interesting, you'll have to pay for so much of it. I really like what the indy community has done, and "Installer" is a great way to download programs right from the device. I'm impressed. Those of you with jailbreaked Touches or iPhones, look out for these apps: MxTube - basically a clone of the Youtube app, but you hit a button and it downloads and stores the video on your device. Right now I have that tear jerker Desmond/Penny moment from LOST a few weeks back Books - eBook reader. Duh. do a search for an installer source, i think it's like someguy1's eBooks, he put a ton of AWESOME books up there. Tris - Tetris that uses the touch pad. You can drag the piece around with your finger, tap to rotate Netflix - there's a util somewhere in Installer that lets you re-order and add movies to your netflix queue