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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984


    I played the first Halo, and it felt like every other FPS I ever played. Online deathmatches were fairly fun, but no more so than other FPS deathmatches. I don't get it, but I played on PC, so maybe there's something super-cool about playing it on console, I dunno.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    College student tasered at Kerry speech.

    After reading a couple of detailed reports of what went down, and how this guy was acting, there's no doubt in my mind he deserved to get tasered. Maybe instead of tasering him they could have just beat the crap out of him with a dozen punches but its the same result either way. This guy was just acting like a moron.
  3. bobobrazil1984


    In related news, if you guys remember, one of the oddities around 9/11 was the 4th mystery airplane that showed up in Washington DC over the White House with no explanation ever given. One of the things the conspiracy folks would go on about. CNN finally identified it through government sources as a "doomsday plane" (there's some specific air force plane model that it was verified as through photos) - basically a flying command post to keep the country running in case of disaster on the ground.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Weekend Boxoffice report 9/7 - 9/9

    I saw 3:10 to Yuma. It was quite good. Christian Bale is a great fuckin actor. Great job all around. Russell Crowe was good also, though a little too "charming badass anti-hero" cliche.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    Trailer for The Rocks new movie

    you know its too bad The Rock isn't better at picking scripts, he really has such good charisma and is a natural on screen.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    regarding the detroit-phoenix wnba game, when is the final game of that series supposed to air? I haven't seen much if any at all, but i'm rooting for the Shock, mostly because of Lamb and Mahorn i find it interesting that the teams apparently emulate the Suns and Pistons (a nba finals i've been wanting to see for the past 3 years)
  7. bobobrazil1984

    4,000 dead Americans

    the question isn't, was Iraq better off, the real question, was America and its military better off? With this never-ending mess in place, I think its safe to say we're not better off.
  8. bobobrazil1984


    You know who'll make sure we don't forget? the guy who's still alive and well and still making videos. But at least we took care of Iraq.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    MTV VMA awards

    The article (from 95) that someone posted seemed to cover that pretty extensively (the music on MTV). Simply put, you don't keep viewers on your station with 3 minute videos. They watch the video they like, then tune out again. Unless you plan on having 30 minute music videos, its just not a good way to make money. I'm part of the "I wish MTV had actual M on it" crowd too but the article made me think - if MTV suddenly went to 90% music videos, how much of it would I really watch? I certainly wouldn't watch it in an hour block of time. I'd tune in during commercials or for a few minutes when I'm bored to see if a specific video is on.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Complete Raw spoilers

    someone on one of the websites (Torch site i think) referenced the infamous "You're a nasty bastard and your mama said so!" feud with the Bossman, I have to admit that would be hilarious. I love that storyline for the sheer campy over the topness of it.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    iPhone and iPod

    phone-less iPhone. nice.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    looks like Nowinski was right all along.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    Windows Vista

    you can also go to Control Panel and then User Accounts, and then change your UAC settings for whatever profile you're using.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    oAo Movie Rentals Thread

    I rented Rome Season 2 discs 1 and 2 via Netflix and Instant-Watch-Rented SuperSize Me. Both (err, all 3) were good. Oddly, Super-Size Me made me crave a Big Mac though i hadn't had one in months, no joke. Whoops. Rome is fantastic. Titus Pullo is f'ing great.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    NBA 2K8

    err... why/how would you take control of the opposing team's player?? So have they officially moved on from the PS2 era, or will this come out on the ole trusty PS2 after all?
  16. bobobrazil1984

    USA B-Ball Discussion

    K is going to start Melo, Lebron, and Kobe, all in the lineup. Am I crazy, or is this the same lineup problem they always have? At least kobe will play D, so its a slight improvement, but its the same "throw a bunch of a volume scorers out there" mentality. I think they should move Melo or Lebron to the bench for a defender and a secondary (not primary volume) scorer.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    The Youtube Thread

    I just watched that... and if that's the funniest thing on WWE tv in a long time, then I don't know what to say, WWE must have gotten even worse than I thought in the last year or two (havent paid that much attention to it).
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Is there a VOB Editing Program?

    found this thread http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?t=12696 there are a few links. Havent looked in depth but "VOB editing" on google brought up some results.
  19. bobobrazil1984


    ^ i ended up getting a smaller version of that samsung, same model (42H series). So far so good. I was worried about DVDs looking bad on it but they look really good after messing with the colors/contrast a bit (and i haven't even bought a component cable for it yet). supposedly samsung has better scalers than most in it, but that might be hype - but i'm happy with it.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Box Office report

    I actually just saw Stardust tonight and it was FANTASTIC. The marketing/trailers really did this movie a disservice - i had zero interest in seeing it until my brother wanted to see it. It was hands down one of the better beginning to end fantasy movies I've seen. Certainly the best one since LOTR ended. Really really good, funny, and imaginative. I remember thinking "this is a really well directed movie - i wonder who did this?" while watching it and was surprised to see Matthew Vaughan directing it. Plus Robert Deniro as a gay pirate = wow. It's too damn bad this movie is flopping.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Girls gets arrested for filming...

    that sucks. Although I wouldn't even thinking of recording any video whatsoever in a theater even a clip on my phone for precisely this reason (more so because I wouldnt want to get kicked out rather than getting arrested, wtf) so I guess the scare tactics have worked on me.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Death and a Funeral

    I saw this a few weeks ago (some sort of pre-screening preview, whatever it's called). it was pretty funny. It's one of those "situational" comedies - ie the whole movie is set in the span of a funeral. Firefly fans, Alan Tudyk (Wash) has a large and funny part.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    The Dark Knight

    i dunno if its "official" but in the photos, the makeup only covers his face and his neck and hadns are flesh colored.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    The Dark Knight

    Those pictures are fantastic. Apparently those were supposed to be used for various viral schemes, but someone leaked them all out beforehand. They are way way clear. Though I'm not crazy about Joker being all make-up he does look psycho. Love the scene where he's kicking Batman - they just need a POW! apparently WB went apeshit, the photos are being yanked from SHH posts, AICN pulled them, etc. I think i'll save myself some copies for posterity just in case!
  25. bobobrazil1984


    Do you guys think the budget brands like the Vizio (mentioned above) or Westinghouse or Olevia, or all of those, are worth buying? I'm looking at 26 inches (possibly 32) for my room, decided the 20 inchers were way too small. Unfortunatly my budget is generally limited ot 600 or possibly 700. I can probably get a good branded 26-inch right at the top tip of 700... or I could get a budget branded 32 inch. i'll probably be watching a lot of SDTV and DVDs at first- and whatever local HD channels the antenna or qam tuner picks up.