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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Star Trek XI

    Nemesis broke the even-odd thing by being an even movie that was absolutely shit AND a complete and utter failure.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    How can I shrink my icons in Vista

    Hold down CTRL and use your scroll wheel to resize. Or you can choose "Classic Icons" in one of the visual menus. I want to say right click on desktop + view but I don't remember if that's right. Anyways I used CTRL+wheel since i could choose the size i liked.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    the biggest problem is that DOc RIvers is awful. I laugh at the thought of a Doc coached team in the ECF, much less the finals.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    and the new Incredible Hulk is....

    A few notes from comicon: Apparently Edward Norton is now writing the script - working off from earlier drafts by Zak Penn. I know he has a reputation for doing a lot of tweaking, light re-writing, ad-libbing, etc to films he stars in, and has directed in the past - generally his movies tend to be good, so he must be doing something right. Being that I thought Zak Penn's X3 script was shit (and that the movie was "saved" by the charm of the actors), I don't necessarily see this as a bad thing. Oh, and there's this: also an interview with cast and crew: http://www.comicscontinuum.com/stories/070...rediblehulk.htm I'm quite excited for this, they seem to have a good group of people, good actors. I thought the Ang Lee movie was average - but I tihnk it's clear from various comments that they are doing something different. I'm a big fan of Edward Norton.
  5. bobobrazil1984


    Agree with the crowd. Great movie. Also turned me on to Jude law for the first time. Well-done script, scarily realistic future scenario without being over-the-top. One aspect I really liked was the music.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    PlayStation 3

    the exclusives thing only matters before you buy something. From the looks of it, PS3 has plenty of good titles. It just so happens most of them are also on the 360 and some on PC. It doesn't matter as much as internet ppl seem to think. I know someone who has a PS3 and was raving about this game or that game, and in my mind I thought 'these are on 360 also', but then I realized he didn't seem to care that call of duty 4 (or whatever number it is) was also on 360 - all that mattered to him was that it was on ps3 and he liked it. PS3's too expensive for me though though and i'm souring on consoles in general but if I had a PS3 there's plenty I would buy. As far as Wii goes, I'd only buy Zelda (I already have RE4 on ps2). then again i'm not really a big fan of 'mini-game' or 'casual gamer' or 'party' games. Maybe if blu-ray wins the format war and all the movies come out on it instead of just like half, i'll give it a second look.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Wrestlers You Like as Wrestlers But Dislike as People?

    Err... Benoit? Seriously though, Shawn Michaels is where it's at. By all accounts the guy was one of the biggest dicks ever, but a great wrestler.
  8. bobobrazil1984


    trailer looks cool, but if you don't have free reign to explore the island, I aint interested.
  9. Reading the first couple of pages of the thread, I find all the OMG OUTRAGE~! to be hilariously amusing, particularly at the Skeith article. People say just as bad stuff about Bush and Clinton all the time.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Bonnie Hammer submitting ideas to Vince

    If the 90s means exciting unpredictable complex intertwining storylines between multiple personalities at the same time such as a link to the opening of Summerslam 97 or a link to the opening of Survivor Series 98 and the new identity means whatever passes for story today (Not much), we should probably go back to the 90s. God, I just watched those links and they make me miss wrestling so much. Not the crap that passes for it now with Cena and Lashley embarrassing themselves in a feud based on nothing, but the interesting, well-written stuff that they had back in the day. That 2nd link was awesome. Brings back memories... i remember at the time, i felt that was one of the weaker stories they did.. now its soooo much better than what's been on TV the past couple of years.
  11. You know, if someone in Congress does their research when they get the details... it's gonna be really funny to see WWE try to spin why their steroid/testosterone levels of tolerance are so high before you get "caught"
  12. interesting idea but the problem here is that what if you want to click a link and one of yoru desktop shortcuts is in the way? What happens when you click? Maybe if you hold down ctrl or alt or something, it could fade out the shortcut out of the wya.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    The Harry Potter Spoilers Thread

    found this at another site:
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Former FOX News Correspondent Pleads Guilty

    it's been said plenty in the benoit thread, but testing "clean" in WWE's testing doesn't actually mean you're clean of steroids. WWE's tolerances before you get "caught" are way high, higher than the athetlic guidelines that all sports use. The testing I think is more abuot ensuring that nobody actually dies from steroids (ie - it only catches them if you're really abusing them - your testosterone levels are sky high).
  15. bobobrazil1984

    What is with online players...

    I havent had this sort of experience. Though my online experience is generally limited to Halo and WoW.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    The Harry Potter Spoilers Thread

    The backbone of the movie is the search for the Horcruxes and their destruction, so the only things that are "safe" are Gringotts, Battle for Hogwarts, and searching for the sword probably. Possibly the Ministry stuff too but I could also see that being rewritten heavily. I expect to see entire subplots, like Bill + Fleur, Tonks + Lupin, the wedding and preperations, the death eater attack after the wedding, the visit to Lovegood's house, Dumbledore's checkered past, Rita Skeeter's book, even a lot of the stuff involving wands, to get lifted straight out. I don't remember, was Dobby in the GoF movie? If not, I could see him getting lifted straight out too. I imagine Harry's visions through Voldemort's mind will be used to deliver vital information that might get cut out from the normal scenes. I could see a structure like this, which I believe can be done in 2.5 to 3 hours: -Harry's departure and the big air chase in the 1st ten minutes. -Re-uniting with everybody... and have Harry/Ron/Hermoine sneak out soon thereafter (thus bypassing all the wedding stuff entirely) -The camping thing, while they search for the sword (I imagine they might skip the RAB stuff entirely and have Harry/Dumbledore in HBP find the real locket) - Ron leaves the group -Godric's Hollow, fighting Nagini, and Ron's return -I expect there to be serious cuts to the way the "Deathly Hallows" are introduced/explained, possibly combining visiting Lovegood and getting captured and taken to Malfoy Mansion -Move straight to the break-in at Gringotts -off to Hogwarts for the big battle, the final Horcrux, all that stuff.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    The Harry Potter Spoilers Thread

    so i'm guessing that was why voldemort's wands (his own, luciuos', dumbledore's) didn't work. Gee too bad Harry didn't know that before, he coulda walked up to Voldemort anytime and known he wasn't gonna die.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    The Harry Potter Spoilers Thread

    Harry was one of Voldemort's Horcruxes (by accident from that night lily/james died), so Voldemort actually killed a piece of himself instead of Harry. There was some blather about how Voldemort had some of Harry's blood in him, but I forgot how that fit into it - it was all approaching matrix reloaded levels of pointless complication, so I just stick with what I understood above, and ignore the rest. It works fine I think.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    The Harry Potter Spoilers Thread

    It was excellent, but the confusing and contrived nature of the "final exposition battle" with Voldemort really sort of gave the whole thing a flat ending. It was like JK got to the end of writing this amazing book and then thought "hmm, what things haven't I explained yet? this, this, and that, ok here comes the exposition". Clumsy. I liked that this book felt like a real epic journey, like this big long thing. Snape's redemption was nice. Wanted to see more of the Draco-Harry relationship years later. You knew that this book was for real and was going to live up to the hype early on with two moments: 1) The INSANE air chase, resulting in the deaths of Hedgewig and Mad-Eye. 2) The Ministry has fallen - Scrimmagor is dead - they're coming That was just in the first 1/4th of the book. Them getting taken to Malfoy Mansion was also pretty tense and unpredictable. and Neville Longbottom became a true badass war hero here. The stories of him leading the rebellion during the school year, chopping up Nagini. Damn Neville. Damn.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    President Dick Cheney

    Yes i believe it's a matter of policy as it regards Anaesthesia. In fact I seem to recall a West Wing episode about this very thing.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Report: NBA Referee bets on games, including those he worked

    more facts: -the amount of games involved is "double figures" -Stern/NBA has known about the investigation for over a year... that doesn't explain why Tim was refereeing an Nba playoff game.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Report: NBA Referee bets on games, including those he worked

    You guys remember when Sheed got suspended for like 7 games for getting into a shouting match with threats of violence with a referee outside the arena, for what he thought were unusually bad calls? (Portland days). that was this same guy: Tim Donaghy This is some sweet justice! ALso a fun fact, you guys remember Suns/Spurs game 3, the one that Amare played like 20 minutes because of fouls? Donaghy also reffed that one. I'm not saying anything here nor there in fact I never even saw that particular game, just that now everything Donaghy has been involved with is now going to be under the microscope.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    Report: NBA Referee bets on games, including those he worked

    i dont think so. I read that Stephen A mentioned something about the ref on tape talking abouta Bulls/Blazers game point spread, but Donoghy didn't ref any of them (which is where the Bob Delaney speculation came from, he reffed a bulls/blazers game in which the game was over then suddenly a few fouls came in the last few seconds, with the FTs just beating the spread)
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Report: NBA Referee bets on games, including those he worked

    according to espn they're looking at Tim Donaghy
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Report: NBA Referee bets on games, including those he worked

    I've read some convincing speculation (based on various things about the guy's past) that the ref in question is probably Bob Delaney.