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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    John Rambo

    Damn. DAMN.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    The Office, Season 3

    My sister is finishing up her MBA and because of it has immediately lined up a high up exec job at Target (or the corporation that owns Target stores, whatever). Ryan's a little young, but that's the only conceit, I have no problem believing that an MBA got the job.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Finals

    I'm going with Pistons in 6 and San Antonio in 6.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    The Dark Knight

    That's very....interesting.I don't like how the red is smeared all over his mouth and off his lips, but other than that, it certainly looks terrifying.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    The Office, Season 3

    Ryan getting the job and dumping Kelly was hilarious and totally out of left field. Brilliant.
  6. bobobrazil1984


    oh. my. god. If all of this turns out to be "Guess what? The Others know everything that's going on and are going to one-up the Losties AGAIN!!!! Part 3897432", i swear I'm going to murder people!!! I hope the Lost writers get driven mad by guilt by knowing they are responsible for the death of the people I murder!!! Still it was a pretty good episode. Mark my words, Hurley or Jin (he is the last shooter, right? they didnt explicitly say it) is going to die. btw i'm pretty sure the woman who called Charlie a hero was Nadia, Sayid's girl.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

  8. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Semifinals

    You know what's really irritating, is that the rule DID work, Amare and Diaw headed back *because* of the rule - if there was no rule, there's no doubt Amare would be out there in Horry's face. It actually worked, but they're still suspended. This is the epitome of letter of the law over spirit of the law. i'm seriously worried about the bulls in that series. Once the other team makes some real adjustments, all of a sudden the Flip S. Pistons seem lost - boy when have I seen that before??
  9. bobobrazil1984


    so tonight's episode isn't the season finale, that's next week, right?
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Rev. Jerry Falwell

    um, it's sad he's dead in the sense that I don't like it when anybody (other than maybe murderers and rapists) dies. Yeah. That's as positive a thing as I can muster.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    Jordin should get the boot. Melinda is the best singer and did even better than usual, and I respect Blake for doing more risky performances and trying to make his songs more than just glorified karoake.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Semifinals

    caught this bit in a steve kerr column: I'm gonna laugh my ass off if, after all the talk about how the Suns have to be suspended for the bench thing, if Tim Duncan and Bruce Bowen also get suspended.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Semifinals

    They should suspend Horry and Diaw, and buy the excuse that Amare was checking in and thus didn't actually leave the bench (even though that's mostly BS).
  14. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Semifinals

    watching that last play with vince carter, this guy never fails to live up to my preconception of him as "the most talented dumb player in the league". Great talent, he just has BAD decision making abilities, I've always thought he has no idea what's a good shot and what's a bad shot, and that decision making seems reflected in his inside or outside play.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Semifinals

    Man, Utah is impressive with their crunch-time grit. I never really realized what a good roster they have, but Boozer and Memo is a GREAT complimentary frontline, Deron is sick, and AK47, when he's playing well, is right up there with the Tay Prince, Battier, and Bowen as really essential defensive minded wings. I didn't really pay attention to them until the last 2 games of the Houston series, but since then, I've been very impressed, they are a sleeper team that could imo sneak in and win it all.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    What's better?

    I don't know, isn't Turion X2 supposed to be AMD's highest line of laptop processors? I know that the Core Duos (and Core 2 Duos) are faster, but i'm guessing Turion X2 might beat a "Dual Core"
  17. bobobrazil1984

    The Sopranos

    ^ good call. It certainly seems like every week is a new "one of Tony's circle starts to hate him". I wonder where they're going with it.
  18. bobobrazil1984


    i watched a few scenes from the episode again on abc.com, it certainly looks like Ben shot Locke around the kidney area. It was his left kidney area (left from Locke's POV). Was that the kidney his dad stole?
  19. bobobrazil1984


    why wouldn't we? LOST writers love to stretch their backstories out. Unless Ben bites it in the season finale (and you all know i'd be thrilled about that), but then you wonder why he got pushed up to such a prominent character to just die suddenly.
  20. bobobrazil1984


    I know what happened to Annie, she got a case of "save her for Ben's next flashback episode" fever.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Semifinals

    Props on that pick. Looks like it will probably come true. the series so far:
  22. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Semifinals

    The Bulls just got punked in the 2nd half. They got intimidated and rattled by the Pistons 3-2 zone. That same zone, btw, helped them overcome a 20 point deficit in a regular season game too.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Semifinals

    well the Bulls certainly came to play, their D looks impressive. Anybody see the clip of Bowen kicking Amare's ankle on that dunk? That's messed up and was clearly deliberate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sc4yz__akIU
  24. bobobrazil1984

    The Shield

    yes. because technically this is the 2nd half of Season 5. they just hyped it up as a new season.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Spider-Man 3

    lol that scene with Harry was great, I love how he does the dickish evil smile.