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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    2009 Golden Globes Nominations

    Heath Ledger, Mickey Rourke, and Slumdog Millionaire all deserved their awards. I'm glad they won.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    24 -- Season 7

    The episode has been very good so far, but less than two hours in and we're already back on formula: -Jack back in the field, yet being distrusted by superiors. -It only took an hour for the ole "Things get bad and we realize Jack's methods really work!!!" -Traitor in CTU... err I mean the FBI There better be a change in the formula coming or I'm going to be bored by hour 7 (and that's only because 1 to 4 are bunched in 2 nights)
  3. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica

    Yeah Exodus II is one of those high water-marks, a real cathartic episode. I actually think the show has really struggled to reach that mark since (though this past half season was really good). The atmospheric jump was probably the coolest thing I've seen in ages. Pegasus' last stand was really awesome (if a tad cliche). The ending was just really dramatic too. The whole thing was balls to the walls, and if the series was structured slightly differently would have made a killer series finale.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Aronofsky's "The Wrestler"

    Saw this last night. thought it was very very good. Mickey Rourke pretty much went straight for the "I can't imagine anyone else in this role" zone, he was phenomenal. It's funny though, following the 'smark' stuff for the past 10 years or so, how true to life this movie is. Lex Luger, Jake the Snake, and Hogan were the most obvious inspirations but I'm sure there were more.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    Windows 7

    I would not suggest upgrading your existing Vista OS... I mean, it's a non-final Beta and it expires around August. Make a seperate partition (you can do that right in Vista), and then do a 'fresh' install on the partition.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    Palm Pre

    Where are you guys getting 399 from? I'm not seeing any figures anywhere?
  7. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    It's not just chinese voting for Yi either... there's a bit of an internet movement to get Yi into the all star game: http://www.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=860943 I would love if Yi got in over Garnett, maybe it would convince Stern to give up fan voting once and for all. Ironically this wouldnt even be the worst voting snafu ever, those years where a player BARELY PLAYED in the 1st half of the season and STILL GOT VOTED on are actually WORSE than this, but they aren't Chinese so people aren't that outraged by it. Though some nba purists were still outraged at that stuff, like VC getting in when injured most of the period, old injured Shaq getting in, etc etc.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    More Middle East turmoil

    Pretty much my thoughts. this just seems like a repeat of the Lebanon 2005 (i think it was) disaster for Israel, except they are hitting harder this time. I remember word for word the tough guy rhetoric that all the usual suspects used about how Israel was doing the right thing. The gov't has since flat out declared it a failure and it cost the last guy his position. We all know how this will end: Hamas won't be wiped out at all. Lots of civilians wiped out in Gaza by Israeli airstrikes. The only people helping the people in Gaza with destroyed houses and wiped out neighborhoods and dead family members will be... Hamas Hamas becomes more popular with them, Israel becomes even more hated (if thats possible) by the people in the territories. Repeat the cycle in 2 years. Maybe from a different location.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Anybody got any really good iPhone/iPod Touch game suggestions? There are some good free ones, but the more 'professional' paid ones are pretty sharp. I bought Crash Bandicoot 3D Racing - pure ripoff of Mario Kart of course, but its very fun with multiple tracks and unlockable stuff. Kept me busy on a long plane ride. The other one I bought was Fieldrunners, a tower defense game that was getting unanimous 5 star reviews. interesting game, and actually lots of fun. Sort of a RTS game almost, as you buy different weapons and use placement to blast away successively harder attackers. The free games tend to be more casual, anaconda, papijump, demo versions of more pro games (Pac Man lite, Blocks classic lite, etc), etc etc. But Crash and FieldRunners were a little more involved than your casual tetris-type game. Really turned me around on the viability of iPod Touch (and phone) as a viable gaming platform.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    2009 Golden Globes Nominations

    Hopkins actually had something like only 16 minutes of screentime. It feels like longer though because he was so damn awesome and iconic and so much of the rest of the movie was talking about him. The Joker is the same way in TDK actually. Cruise's part in Tropic Thunder was funny but really? Golden Globe worthy? Oo-kay. Personally, I think Ledger should sweep up that award - his performance was one of the best of the year period, i could see it not winning in "Best Actor" but in "Best Supporting Actor"? Please, hand him the award.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    The Dark Knight

    is the digital copy iPod compatible?
  12. bobobrazil1984

    The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight is in my Top 5. I think some people underestimate how long some of us have been waiting for this kind of Batman-Joker story on film, and how much love some people have for this Killing Joke esque dynamic between the two. This movie has everything I ever wanted out of a Joker story, it's fantastic. Its almost like an alternate version of TKJ, in which Joker targets Harvey instead of Gordon. I can't wait to get it on DVD today (Incidently that movie with Freeman, Robbins, and Darabont is my #1)
  13. bobobrazil1984

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Punisher really did look like shit in the commercials. And I loved Ray as Titus Pullo but he also looked horrible as far as line delivery and cheap-cheesy-DVD delivery goes in those commercials.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    O.J. Simpson found guilty of all charges in Nevada

    OJ's the world's biggest idiot. If you get away with murder, you should never even think about doing anything controversial ever again. Just play golf and video games all day or something.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    Keyes Blames Loss

    Lol nice bump. It's hilarious to see the right wingers conversing each other, trying so hard to make themselves sounds "sensible" and 'rational'. It's amazing, all the Republican women are AWESOME and the Democrat women are all AWFUL but really it has absolutely nothing to do with partisan politics! NO REALLY! They just have no merit!
  16. bobobrazil1984

    I need to vent about Sarah Palin.

    If you guys haven't checked it out, definately check out Newsweek's embedded reporters "Behind the Scenes" articles. I think Palin shows up at around "Chapter 5". There's also some videos by these reporters talking about this stuff. Apparently, the McCain campaign were aware that the Ayers line of attack would be seen as negative and had a strategy to slowly roll it out so they didn't look overly negative... Palin blew that entire strategy up by jumping the gun and just bringing up Ayers herself in the (in)famous pallin' around with terrorists line. Bless you sarah palin, I'll always remember you for scaring the sh-t out of America's center *bows*
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Attacks in Mumbai

    I'm going to pakistan in a few weeks so i sure hope war doesn't break out :-p
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Slumdog Millionaire

    I just saw this last night. incredibly well made, well edited and directed, funny, serious, if a little contrived... a more humurous and "Bollywood-ized" version of "City of God". Danny Boyle did a great job here.
  19. bobobrazil1984


  20. bobobrazil1984


    Dunno if you're looking for spoilers or not but the movie's replacement for the squid is considerably less lame and makes sense in the context of the story.
  21. bobobrazil1984


    You guys are misreading the whole 'changing the ending' thing... they changed the method/weapon (the SQUID to something else), they didn't change the carnage of the ending (and yes from what I hear they added more carnage)
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Star Trek XI

    I agree. the stuff with the kid kirk and the car just seems stupid. The rest of it seems pretty outstanding. I love Sylar as Spock. Too many people think of Spock as this emotionless robot but ppl got to remember he's half human and is always struggling to hold back his human emotions. Looks great.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    Does Anyone Still Play World of Warcraft?

    There isn't that much lag, I suspect they actually reduced the numbers of people allowed on at one time, increasing queues but also stabilizing server performance. Anyways I'm pretty impressed with Lich King. The Death Knight starting area is by far the best stuff Blizz has done in WoW, and Northrend questing seems a lot more fun and interesting, clustered together so there isn't lots of running around, though maybe the festive atmosphere of so many people around contributes to that. Unlike some people, I like it when there's lots of talk lots of activity, some of the more annoying fools notwithstanding. the game's at its best when you're doing stuff with other players, raids, or attacking a city, or dungeons, or defending your city, its there that it (and mmo's as a genre) offers you something awesome and unique that a single player or halo-sports-type multiplayer game can never duplicate. I'm also looking forward to Lake Wintergrasp, i played that on the beta, it's hectic and crazy pvp action.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Star Trek XI

    shaky cam version of the trailer. Official version going online on Monday. Apparently is attached to 'Quantam of Solace' I like it. Other than the Apple-ish looking interior ship corridors, that is. Everything else looks pretty cool, I particularly like Quinto as Spock.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    Yes there is, the Office of the President Elect was set up in the Presidential Transition Act of 1963. Also, previous "president elects" have, for instance, sent correspondence marked the 'office of the president elect'.