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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    oh bullshit lol. I'm glad I didn't sit through the whole show.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    Clarkson has always been curvier, and I like that look. That isn't what I was referring to though, I mean she looks far bigger than she looked ever. part of me hopes Jordin goes just because they have been hyping her up so much. Honestly i havent watched a single montage, i've been watching NBA, switch back, see one of thsoe charity video segments is on and switch back.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    is it just me or has Clarkson really, uh, ballooned? or is she just wearing an unflattering loose dress? I mean, she looks good and i always liked her slightly curvier look, but she looks huge here.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    I think indiana's players got to the point where they just need a change, a new system, etc. Larry Bird himself used to say that after 3 years, people start tuning out their coach. Some crappy team out there that desperately needs to learn defense should snap him up though. The Celtics are as good a team as any, though they have so many youngsters, Carlisle isn't really known as a "young guy development" type coach. There are a ton of others.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    horrible choice by Lakisha. She clearly wasn't using her brian with this song choice - it's like putting up a big sign that says "I'm not as good as previous Idol winners"
  6. bobobrazil1984

    GA high school has its first racially integrated prom

    Hasbeen got bitchslapped by Ripper there.
  7. bobobrazil1984


    Linderman's monologue was an almost point for point lift from Veidt's monologue during the climax of Watchmen. And it was awesome!
  8. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    Jordin and Melinda were fantastic. Everybody else was forgettable. Solid, but forgettable.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    Harry Potter Movies

    Order of the Phoenix is the longest but it also feels the most padded. There's really no reason to barrage the viewers with example after example after example of Umbridge being a tyrannical dictator. I mean I'm sure there will be plenty of that in the movie, but there's a LOT of that in the book, almost to the point of repetition. I daresay this will be easier to adapt than GoF. The US version of the trailer is out in QUicktime. Looks great, similar to the international trailer. In fact, I recognized a ton of stuff from the book right there, from all stages of the plot, the whole through-line is there in the trailer, so the general plot and happenings will be intact. If they cut out anything I hope they get rid of Hagrid and his stupid giant brother or whatever the f that lame subplot was.
  10. bobobrazil1984


    Kickass episode - I also saw the Watchmen parallel someone mentioned, Linderman's plan is a direct copy of Veidt's. Not a bad thing though. The future episode looks fantastic.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    The Dark Knight

    ITS A FAKE! This guy on SuperheroHype's forums just came clean, and showed his source photos: Seriously, kudos to him. Everybody got fooled by it. that's hilariosu
  12. bobobrazil1984

    The Dark Knight

    I dunno, I think that looks pretty good. Not a big fan of the scarring, but at least the scars are white too and not red (ie - at least the scars aren't his smile). They certainly got the colors right. Heath has a pretty wide natural grin (as Black Lushus posted) so I don't forsee any problem there. It just so happens he's not smiling in the makeup/color text - I assume its a color test because of the Rubix Cube thingie he's holding up.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    the pace has definately picked back up to Phoenix's advantage. 39 at the half, but now they have 86 and there's still a whole 7 minutes left in the game.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    I'm more impressed with holding Phoenix's points to only 39 at the half. Kobe can score lights out but if Phoenix was running and gunning after each kobe shot, it wouldn't matter, phoenix wins. Usually I believe you can tell a lot from the tempo of the game.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    This Raptor/Nets series should be really interesting. A lot of Toronto fans think their team is for real (in terms of being able to beat Detroit/Miami/Chicago). Well, the Carter-version Nets have been a historically mediocre team, and have gone out in a sweep and in 5 games last year. they dont seem any better this season. in other words, if the raptors are for real I expect a strong win this series. Who's the woman doing commentary? she sounds familiar, I'm guessing she does college and/or wnba games?
  16. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    Man if only Conley or Acie Law would slip juuust a few spots to the Orlando-to-Pistons draft pick.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    every year there's one or two lower seeds that everyone overrates because of the regular season. Also on that note, people don't mention that the 3rd golden state win was essentially an end of season "rest" game for the Mavs. Wow, they went 2-0 in meaningful games in a regular season, big deal. that means nothing in the playoffs. Consistently good teams win, period. It's why you rarely if ever get any real upsets in the playoffs. "Upsets" are mostly 5 seeds beating 4, and a 2 or 3 seed beating a 1 seed, etc.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    The Dark Knight

    It's definately encouraging. purple suit, greeen tinted hair, probably pale skin. it's all there. some ppl on superherohype messed with the contrast and stuff and produced a version which seems to make it clear that there are prosthetics on his face, thus making it obvious that this is at least some form of the Joker. might be partial make-up or something.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    1) Detroit vs 8) Orlando -Pistons in 5. They don't play the right sort of game to steamroll through in a sweep. I expect this to be similar to the past 3 years' first round matchups. More or less Pistons dominance, but losing either Game 2 or Game 3 in a lazy performance. At the very least, there's a decent storyline here with Darko and Grant Hill in Orlando, and possibly getting to see the 'new darko', amir johnson. 4) Miami vs 5) Chicago -Miami in 6. This is gonna be a good series. Not much else to say except with Wade recovering from a shoulder injury, and with Chicago being a more physical team, expect lots of ref protection. ANd god forbid if Hinrich gives Wade a semi-hard hit, one-game suspension here we go. 2) Cleveland vs 7) Washington -Cleveland in 4. Washington is a mess with injuries. Damn Cavs have the easy road 3) Toronto vs 6) Nets -Toronto in 7. Gut check time young guns. Normally I'd say not enough exprience, but I never have any confidence in the Nets to do anything. 1) Dallas vs 8) Golden State -Dallas in 5. I don't that GS went 2-0 in *meaningful* games against the Mavs. You need to be consistently good to win a 7 game series, and Dallas is a playoff veteren team. 4) Houston vs 5) Utah -This should be a great series. I am going with Houston in 7. 2) Phoenix vs 7) LA Lakers -Aaah the rematch. Phoenix in 6. Simply put, they have what they didn't have last year - strong inside presences. Amare and Kurt Thomas. The Lakers are not significantly better than last year at this point. It'll be interesting to see what Phil Jackson comes up with though. 3) San Antonio vs 6) Denver -San Antonio in 5. AI or Melo go lights out to steal one, but their defense isn't good enough to stop SA.
  20. bobobrazil1984


    double post
  21. bobobrazil1984


    I think the woman was working for Penny. I mean, come on, how the f is Penny herself going to be flying in a helicopter? she aint no pilot, she's a rich bitch. Just like she wasn't in the Arctic station, she paid people to. So I'm guessing the woman will drop a few cryptic hints about Penny knowing where Desmond is, and conveniently die before giving up anything really important.
  22. bobobrazil1984


    I'm tellin' ya, the less Others, the better the episode. And that's because the beach Losties are what made the show great early on. Jin, Charlie, and Hurley together in a group (any combination of them) are gold. They were in the CAR episode and they were here. I found the Superman/Flash bit to be funny too.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    NBA - April 8-18

    I have a funny feeling that the Heat/Bulls series won't be as competative as everyone thinks. I have no idea who's gonna win, but I get the feeling whoever wins might actually steamroll through in like 5 games. dont ask me why.
  24. bobobrazil1984


    when the show isn't about THE FUCKING BORING OTHERS, I still love the show. All the beach stories have been good, the Desmond story rocks, i even liked Nikki/Paulo. Words cannot express how uncompelling and boring I've come to find The Others. So far this episode is already great, and has focused completely on the beach Losties.