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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    well, this season's over.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    oh shiiit, this could be it for Sanjaya.............. I think it could also be Lakisha, I've been expecting one of the "3 Divas" to hit the road soon, they are too similar and cannibilizing each other's votes.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    NBA - April 8-18

    Rooting for New jersey. Seeing Miami and Chicago battle it in the first round is music to my Piston-loving ears (even if Cleveland gets the "easy" side of the bracket). I'm not completely confident in our ability to beat Miami or Chicago in a 7 game series, though I feel we can take cleveland. So getting one of them out of the way early will be good.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    I think Sanjaya should try to get into the final 4 or final 3... then quit live on the air. Immediatly release an album called "Never voted off!", start hyping himself as the "real American Idol" and "the most popular person on the show" and claim the Idol producers forced him to quit.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    Imus Remarks

    Condi Rice just joined the anti-Imus parade btw to put some perspective to the $$$ side of the firing, i heard somewhere that the number of sponsors who dropped out was nearing TRIPLE FIGURES (though it wasn't elaborated whether TV or radio or combined).
  6. bobobrazil1984

    The Office, Season 3

    i thought the funniest part was Michael and Dwight re-doing their "routine" for the warehouse guys. Also, "Dwight, you ignorant slut!" (he said slut right?)
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Imus Remarks

    if the big name sponsors hadn't pulled out, Imus would still have a radio show.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    A center like Oden comes along... once or twice a decade. The last one was, what, Yao? and even he isn't as dominant as he could be (I do like Yao though so dont think me a hater, he's been awesome this season when playing). You can build a title team around a center like Oden. Other than, say, Houston, no team out there should pass up on him. edit: whoops i read that article wrong - thought it was a mock draft for this year and he's saying durant will go 1.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    Imus Remarks

    his goose was cooked as far as MSNBC was concerned when the sponsers started dropping. despite all the 'moral stance' bullshit we'll hear from msnbc, why even air his show if you're not getting sponsors, that's the whole reason networks air shows. imus' big problem is he tried to 'legitimize' himself - had opie and anthony said it, there wouldn't be a firestorm, but now he has a show which regularly has on people like McCain, Guliani, Obama has been on it too, as have other prominent figures. We're talking presidential candidates here. Heck, Imus has thrown out borderline racist comments more than a few times before. i just see this as him being outed though I'm befuddled why the politicians always gave him a pass on his past stuff. probably cause those weren't getting news coverage. 'if people aren't outraged by me hanging out with a racist, why not do it for the publicity???' :-P
  10. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    Haley is definately hot, particularly from the waist down, you're not getting many *GUYS* claiming otherwise. She just sucked vocally. But she looked good, even dancing clothed at the end of last night's show.
  11. bobobrazil1984


    I was totally with this episode until the last scene. Although it was executed well (particularly the creepy music) it was yet another of those cryptic "The Others are ominpotent and always in control and one-upping the Losties" turns. SIGH. I say this unreservedly. I HATE THE OTHERS. I hope Lostzilla wipes them all out in the finale, and I never have to see their cryptic bullshit again. I'm so sick of their bullshit.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    Sanjaya = still the whole fuckin' show after that comment.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    ahahaha, timberlake sucks!
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Imus Remarks

    this whole thing suddenly reminds me of a story that howard stern and robin quivers have been telling for years about the NBC days - involving the words "filthy nigger" being used.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    Melinda really fucked up with her song choice. She didn't get to showcase her vocals at all imo.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    I dunno I thought his vocals were quite good. Like Randy was saying, it was a smart song choice. Him and Blake chose "vocal" songs, while everybody was relying on dancing and moves. Thus they won imo.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

  18. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    oh my god, the facial hair!!! He better watch out, he might lose the 13 y/o girl vote with too much hair!
  19. bobobrazil1984

    Imus Remarks

    Its the same as when people were arguing that the guy that screamed to Serena Williams " Yeah, hit the ball like any Negro would" wasn't racist because Negro isn't a racist term. The Hos part was misogynist, the nappy headed part was racist. Unless we are going to start pretending that context doesn't exist. the funny (in a not-that-funny way) is that this is one of the (rare?) cases where seeing the whole context actually makes it seem worse. I saw a video of the whole segment, leading up to and after, including all the comments... its very off-the-cuff, but it's all also very clearly racial. during any 'racial controversy' you can always tell which people harbor a racial dislike, because at the end of the day, they're more upset that they can't be racist without people criticizing than they are about the actual racism!!! "Hypocrisy" alone is always the argument of the weak - political ppl do it all the time - can't defend a Bush action well? Scream and kick about what Clinton did instead (switch the names if you want, same point).
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Imus Remarks

    i dont care if he gets fired or not, but it was clearly a racial comment. Even moreso if you hear the whole context. I get annoyed when people try to rationalize stuff like that away.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Box Office Report...

    what is Grindhouse exactly anyways? the commercials on TV made it look like a garbage movie with a really lame gag about a woman with a gun on her foot. Had never heard of it before the commercials, and it looked like shit. I'd imagine everyone else felt the same way.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    NBA - April 8-18

    the season is too damn long. If they shaved off like 12 games, an even 70 or 68, it'd be perfect. I feel like the season's peaked and now these games are too anti-climactic, except for later seeding issues. Of course the NBA and owners would never go for it, b/c of the loss of revenue. btw, I'd keep the actual length (in terms of weeks/months) the same, and just lessen the back-to-backs and "4 games in 5 nights".
  23. bobobrazil1984

    I need a laptop.

    I just went through a similar dilemma myself... well, any major laptop brand should be able to do what you want, though I don't know how intensive a game Rollercoaster Tycoon is. I'd stay away from Gateway and Acer laptops - they seem especially "cheaply" made. As far as Vista goes, I just bought a laptop with it on it, and it's fine. I'm not crazy about it, but so far it's mostly a prettied-up version of XP from a practical standpoint. If you're getting a new PC laptop, it's pretty much either Vista or scrounge clearance or closeout models for XP loaded ones. For what you need to do - Vista is just fine. Though if you have money to spare, I'd eye something with 2 GB of RAM, this will come in handy for Vista. While upgrading RAM yourself later is easy, I get the sense you're not the kind of person that's going to want to go RAM shopping a couple of months, so go for 2GB RAM built right in. Here's something to consider, make sure you like the keyboard, especially since you're using it for school stuff, I assume for papers and essays stuff too. go to the store and type on it for a little while. I realized that I hated some brand keyboards (Toshiba's was really mushy), and liked others (HP's and Sony's felt better, more of a clicky feel which helps me keep a mental track that I didn't miss any keystrokes). IBM thinkpads for instance are known for having the best keyboards in the biz. just something to keep in mind.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Things that YOU need on Windows, part Deux

    yes, it's just anti-virus, i use it with the win (vista, ehh) firewall. I'm also behind a router which i think functions as a firewall too. what i like about avast though, is that it has specialized "providers" which you can adjust sensitivity or turn on or off independently of each other, one is devoted just to Instant messaging, another to P2Ps (it automatically scans P2p files the moment they finish downloading, which is how it caught my trojan), Web, Outlook, etc. its just easy to adjust (i always got a headache sifting through McAfee menus/settings on my old computer - and I got rid of Norton trial the moment i got my laptop, what a piece of bloatware)
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Things that YOU need on Windows, part Deux

    FYI - today I was looking for keygens and downloaded a torrent for a well known program's key generator. Immediatly after the download finished - Avast! popped up warning me it was a trojan - I got rid of the file - crisis averted. Just cause it's free, don't mean it sucks. Avast! works dammit!