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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984


    I was about to say the same thing in response to Metroman's comment above. I mean, I expect a few answers, but we're OBVIOUSLY not going to get EVERY answer to EVERY question that's been raised since Season 1. That expectation, even for this show, is a little out there. you're right, but I was referring more to things dealing specifically with The Others. If we don't know, by the end of next episode, who The Others are, and what they are doing on the island, and why they do most of the wacky things they do... then its bullshit. pure bullshit. I dont anticipate anything on lostzilla or the hallucinations or whatnot.
  2. bobobrazil1984


    decent episode. but if Juliet doesn't spill EVERYTHING about The Others next week, I will legit stop watching. the difference between a paced mystery and pure bullshit stalling is the story. there's no story reason for them not to know everything now, just as there was no reason why Alex's boyfriend didn't tell Sawyer and kate everything when he was asking question.......... the only reason was, the writers couldn't think of a reason so they cut away to a different scene. I'm glad the preview at least touched on that. It will be pure bullshit if we don't learn everything next week.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    I agree, i thought his performance was fun, his singing voice was pretty decent, it wasnt a great performance, but I wouldn't even consider the worst of the night... and dancing with Paula was a stroke of showmanship genius. He is gonna get SO MANY WOMEN VOTES for that move alone, guaranteed.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Firefox 2 sucks

    did they fix the goddamn memory leak issue?
  5. bobobrazil1984

    CPU speed or RAM?

    In my shopping for a new laptop, to stay within the price range I want, i've been finding I have to compromise a bit on one of these. I'm looking at Core 2 Duo's, which have varying speeds, 1.66, 1.83, 2.00 ghz, and the same with RAM, anywhere from 512, 1 GB, or 2 GB ram. Which is generally more important for an efficient and smooth non-clunky experience? My first instinct is that going with 2GB RAM with a slightly lower cpu (1.66 core 2 duo) might be the best option. fyi - i do a little bit of everything, internet, watching videos, light gaming, etc.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    I agree, Sanjaya is the greatest thing to happen to this show. His haircuts, the song choices, all the controversy, hunger strikes (lmao), the whole thing is just so over the top in entertainment. The show is just as much entertainment as competition (otherwise, we'd never get the bullshit move where crappy singers are let on just to ridicule them).
  7. bobobrazil1984


    Pretty good episode. Lots of "continuity porn" here. Though the ending was all kinds of fucked up. I'm noticing a direct correlation between the amount of Others in the episode and my enjoyment of LOST episodes. The less Others, the better the episode is. Beach-oriented episodes are far superior. My only complaint was that I thought it was lame how they found the plane and The Pearl before anyone else. A little too cute there. Why wouldn't Nikki tell anyone about it? I get Paulo not saying anything b/c he didn't want anybody to find the diamonds. Did a nice job integrating them into various moments from the show. If advancing the main storyline means we have to sit through more of "Livin' with The Others!" then Seriously, FUCK the main storyline. I'd rather they ditch all of it and spend the rest of the show telling stories about the Beach losties. Sawyer, Charlie, Desmond, Jin, Hurley, these guys are the real fuckin show. This episode, as well as the DHARMA VAN episode and the recent Charlie/Claire/Desmond episodes are all better than the Other-centric episodes. BTW - did anyone notice the LOSTZILLA sound go off in the background before all the spiders came? Nikki even heard it and was looking around.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    All Stefani songs have that annoying part (hello B-A-N-A-N-A-S!) which eventually grows on half the people who are annoyed by it (while the other half end up hating it even more)
  9. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    Sanjaya is pure entertainment. I hope he stays on till like, the final 3.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    Sanjaya's safe! yesssss! bahahahaha!
  11. bobobrazil1984

    American Idol

    sanjaya knows his shit, he know he can't sing so he's pulling out all the gimmicks to stay in it. Like a sports entertainer who's a horrible in ring worker.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica

    I *knew* Tyrol had to be a Cylon, there were just too damn many hints and wtf things going on with him over the past season. The music thing could be cool if it turns out they're hearing radio waves from Earth (I believe the original BSG had something like that, them picking up Earth music)
  13. bobobrazil1984

    CPU speed or RAM?

    What about AMDs? what kind of performance hit are you taking if you settle for an AMD Turion X2 but with, say 2GB of RAM? will it be significantly slower than a core 2 duo?
  14. bobobrazil1984


    that was what I figured - what he wanted was to get payback against his "dad" and voila it shows him his dad tied up ready to be made a bitch. I'm actually surprised that so many people are talking about him as if he's really there. Eko's death episode made it fairly clear that these manifestations were Lostzilla, or connected to Lostzilla.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    Video Editing Programs

    I'll second that, Video Vegas is pretty decent if you're not getting too advanced.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    he always does that. his substitution patterns are generally ass.
  17. bobobrazil1984


    I hope Locke deliberatly blew up the house so as to not get off the island (his legs?). Remember Locke hitting Sayid waaayy back in season 1.
  18. bobobrazil1984


    Another good episode. They're on a roll. There's a direct correlation between: less of "Living with The Others!" and good episodes. Its nice to see them focusing on the LOSTAWAYS, and not on the snooze cruise. I'm somewhat wary of next week, but hopefully it won't be cryptic feet dragging, with Sayid and crew actually attacking the Others.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    that was REALLY strange, because they were playing the Celtics. Even after I'd gotten it straight in my mind that Green were the Bulls and white were the Celtics, it was still fucking me up. It wasn't even just the colors, it really did look like Celtics jerseys, even the lettering.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    buying a laptop

    what do you guys know about Intel vs AMD processors? I know Intel Core 2 Duo's are supposed to be the best, but how much of a drop off do you get if you opt for an AMD Turion 64 X2 processor?
  21. bobobrazil1984

    buying a laptop

    What do you guys think are the good brands I should look for? My budget is $1300 MAX (though ideally 1100 to 1200). PCs only please. My only major spec requirement is 2 GBs of RAM, because apparently Vista is a memory pig. HP? Sony? Toshiba? Everyone tells me to avoid Dell. Will be using it for a little bit of everything, internet, writing, some light Photoshop work, maybe some very light gaming (emulators mostly). Multitasking is a must.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    7 minutes of Spiderman 3

    My guess is that Goblin II won't be a full fledged villian, heck, the fight scene from that 7 minutes might be the only scene of him as Goblin in the movie (since every clip I've seen is from that section of the movie).
  23. bobobrazil1984

    PlayStation 3

    here's a pretty neat demo of the custom environment aspects on Little Big Planet. Well, at least, *I* thought it was neat. I can see others poo-pooing it. The physics on this thing are actually impressive. http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?type=wmv&id=17602 playing a made level: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOpc9Z6pKSg...ted&search=
  24. bobobrazil1984


    Yeah, I liked this episode quite a bit. Good intrigue going on there. Despite the lame "Gilligan's Island" ending (there's comm equipment there the Losties might be able to use - gotta get rid of it! Just like desmond's boat). I like the idea of a war between DHARMA and The Others. Sayid is always a good character to let loose. It's also refreshing to see Lostie interaction for a whole two weeks straight! Hopefully next week stays with the rescue party and beach and doesn't spend too much time with Jack and the snooze cruise of The Others.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    yeah, i played it recently on the PC. It's vaguely fun, but there's nothing remarkable about it whatsoever. I'm guessing its more to do with it being a console FPS, since FPS games aren't that big on consoles. Personally Goldeneye beats the ever loving shit out of Halo as far as console FPS goes.