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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    PlayStation 3

    they just announced their "Playstation Home" interface, which is actually the first thing I've seen from the 600 dollar monstrosity that actually made me say "way cool", the way they describe it. There are a lot of neat possibilities. Think XBox Live crossed with Mii's crossed with Second Life. a cool thought is, say, a bunch of TSMers meeting up at Anya's place for a game of online REsistance, shooting the shit until everyone shows up, then go straight from there. or being able to share whatever's on your hard drive at your place (ie - inviting others over to watch something). I imagine it'll get a lot of cynical comments because it's Sony (and not without precedent, since SOny brings a lot of cynicism upon themselves with their constant f-ups), but if all this was announced for Wii, using your Mii avatars, people would be raving - in fact i've seen people asking for this exact thing. I still aint payin 600 big ones but it sounds way cool to me.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    buying a laptop

    Aren't they the same nowadays? HP and Compaq I'm talking about - same company does both, same/similar construction and stuff.
  3. bobobrazil1984


    I dread the return of The Others. I can deal with em in snippets or B plots, but another episode that's focused on those lame-ass BORING pointlessly cryptic bullshiters will put me to sleep. More Beach Losties plz~@!!!!!@
  4. bobobrazil1984

    buying a laptop

    What kind of reputation does HP have? Anyone know? Their "dv6000t" series looks kinda sharp.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica

    'the hell was that!??!?! I sure fuckin hope Starbuck wakes up in a Cylon resurrection tank... or that she ejected and the mystery Cylon raider picked her up. Otherwise this would be a really pussy way for a main character to die.
  6. bobobrazil1984


    I thought Sawyer teaching Jin the only 3 things you need to say to a woman was hilarious. Tomorrow I'm gonna watch all of the Hurley/Jin/Sawyer/Charlie interplay again on abc.com.
  7. bobobrazil1984


    yes yes yes! Awesome! A pitch-perfect LOST episode. Hurley, Jinn, Sawyer, and Charlie were a hell of a comedy team. Man, it really reminded me of how much I miss the CHARACTER INTERPLAY of LOST. Hopefully now that (almost) everybody is re-united we'll see more character play between these guys. And I like that for once, one of the islanders was actually thinking, put the pieces of alex and danielle together, and did the logical thing and go recruit her. My only (minor) complaint is, apparently the car was not too far from camp, how could they have not found it earlier? But I guess it's a big jungle. And best of all... NO BORING POINTLESSLY CRYPTIC BULLSHIT WITH THE OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  8. bobobrazil1984


    Damn this coulda been a season finale and I would have been satisfied.
  9. bobobrazil1984


    The episode aint even over yet and this is already my favorite. CLAUDE as Bennet's partner! arrival of the Haitian! Eric Roberts! HIRO'S FATHER in charge of Bennett's company!!! Kid HIRO playing Gameboy! The flashbacks are awesome. Tons of big revelations. I hear Heroes is sticking to the "Story arc per season" format, the nuke storyline is this season. Good move that will (hopefully) prevent LOST-itis where the mysteries get dragged out forever.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Oscar Nominations thread

    Nice to see The Departed win. It was a great movie.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    The Office, Season 3

    Great episode, Roy's going after Jim! WHOO BABY!
  12. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    I think they have a shot. Compared to the Pistons I'd say they have a bit better defense (or at least, on par with the defense) and better coaching, two pretty important things for a playoff series. Their offense is inferior though, they rely even more than the pistons on the perimeter jumpshot. I was very relieved they didn't get Pau Gasol.
  13. bobobrazil1984


  14. bobobrazil1984


    I love how nobody can give a straight answer as to why the hell Jack got beat up and shunned for getting a tattoo, just a bunch of speculation "maybe it was a cultural thing? maybe it was religious? maybe it has some mystical meaning?" or maybe it makes zero sense, and they just wanted to make some amateurish half-baked parallel with Jack being the "other" amidst all the Thai people and Jack being the odd man out as part of the Others. I think the source of a lot of disconnect is The Others. This season has almost exclusively been about them. I can think of two episodes that weren't Other-centric. The writers seem to think they are really interesting and worth spending 9 episodes hanging around them and still not answering wtf is up with them. Are they really that interesting?? I also think the show really loses something when they try to ground the stories. The Others are apparently ordinary people, with an agenda/mission/whatever, sure, but there's nothing supernatural or mystical about them (apparently). The best stuff is the stuff that feels scifi/fantasy like Desmond, or the mystical stuff from season 1, Smokie, the evil island, etc.
  15. bobobrazil1984


    Why was Jack beaten up and shunned?
  16. bobobrazil1984


    It was an ok episode, but the flashback story was just WTF, i didn't understand a lick of it. And there was a huge example of how contrived and lazy the writing of the show is, when Kate and Sawyer are sitting with Karl, and he's answering every question directly without a moment's hesitation, and there's no time situation, no peril, no nothing. By all accounts EVERYTHING about The Others should be revealed right here. But its not, simply because the writers have to elongate the mystery. Logic goes out the window, all for the sake of stalling the answers. That was fine when The Others were shadowy mysterious figures, now they're full blown cast members basically. You can tell that all the writing is driven by the mysteries rather than the characters driving it and mysteeriousness coming out of it gradually. Honestly, the only reason I watch this show on Wednesday nights is that i have no life during the weekdays and am home with the TV right there. If LOST was on at an inconvenient time, i'd probably miss weeks at a time and gradually catch up via online viewing.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Windows XP

    theoretically you can just pop in your XP Cd, boot from there, and the install screen should let you delete partitions. Like I said though, I've heard of some problems when trying it with Vista already installed. Has anyone here actually done it? XP over Vista?
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Windows XP

    I've heard of some problems from people trying to wipe Vista by replacing it with XP, like you get some kind of error when you actually try the install process. Wouldn't surprise me since Microsoft seems to like making everything clunky. I'd be interested to know the answer to this, I'm getting a laptop within the next month and much prefer XP than a memory-hogging Vista which doesn't work with half the things I need it to because of driver incompatibility.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    funny sequence with Lebron. He all of a sudden got the urge to take like 3 or 4 straight shots for the East. that little ball-hog stint included a horribly botched attempt at backboard-dunk, and an airball 3. Nice coaching move by EJ pulling him.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Windows Vista.

    what sucks is all the new laptops come with Vista pre-loaded now at the major stores. With the driver issues, I'd much rather just stick with XP, which I've actually come to enjoy.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    I kinda agree. While the sticker thing was kinda neat, he is 7 foot, and the height/sticker had nothing to do with the actual dunk. This woulda scored better I think had the judges not been dunk-contest-winners-of-the-past. I also think it was good the judges weren't handing out high scores (though the last dunk wasn't a 50, I think at that point they decided "ok Green is the winner" and pushed his score up higher to end it). My favorite dunk was the Pierce to Green off the side of the board.
  22. bobobrazil1984


    I think Valentine's Day probably had something to do with it, maybe. THey might want to consider moving it back to 9 PM. I've personally enjoyed the last two episodes more than the rest of the season. And ending it after Season 4 is not be so bad at all if the writers have some lead time. You can tell they ttry to stretch out and stall their storyline, and this would let them just get to all the good stuff.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    FOX News planning right-leaning show similar to Daily Show

    THere was only one moderately funny line there, with the "My Life in Politics: My 18 Month Journey", which is more due to clever wording. The rest was rather lame.
  24. bobobrazil1984


    That was my favorite episode of the season. By far. Great ending too.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Macs with Bootcamp?

    Does anyone use Apple's "Bootcamp" program to run Windows XP (or Vista) on an Intel Mac computer? I'm looking at laptops, and am intrigued by the idea of running both and being able to switch in between without the clunkiness of a "virtual machine". How is the Windows performance on one of these machines? I mean, would the performance of Windows on Mac via Bootcamp match that of, say, a Sony or HP or whatever PC computer with the same hardware specs?