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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    78. Ignore list. Part I.

    wow, that's like... most of the prolific posters (at least in the forums I frequent, movies, games, sports, and occasionally CE). While some of the descriptions seem spot-on, I'm genuinely surprised they actually irritate you so much that you put them on ignore. Message board posters really shouldn't elict that kind of reaction, it seems unusually sensetive (now, smartass TSM poster in waiting, is your cue to jump in with the "brilliant" observation that leena is a woman).
  2. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    I'm calling it right now, Hillary is going to win the primary, and probably the election. She's gonna eat Obama for breakfast in the primaries I believe. Her team is better at politics. Remember this post and bump it in November 08, I sure will when Hillary is giving her victory speech. The only way she's losing is if her Republican challenger is a bigger celebrity than she is. That basically means Guliani or bust. Maybe McCain. Otherwise they are going down before Hillary, mark my words
  3. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica

    I got dibs on Dee. Plus it would be a neat way to get her away from Apollo without having him act like an ass and dump her.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Best writing in video games

    Metal Gear Solid I think had some great writing. Nice plot, interesting characters, generally good characters. MGS2, less so.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Yeah I dunno how Madsen went down from that weak ass McDyess hit, but it did look like Dice semi-deliberately threw the hit. Madsen went down from the arm/elbow, KG shoved Dice, Dice shoved KG back, KG threw the ball, people seperated them. on the other note, I'm fairly happy with the way Webber has played. He's not much of a defender but he has made some good shots and good passes. He has 16 pts.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    Virgin Atlantic...

    that sounds awesome. As someone who isn't the best flier, I'd take them if the prices were good.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    the only PS3 game worth a damn right now is Resistance: Fall of Man. Some good ones should be coming out somewhat soon, but really you've got at least 6 months before a software library is built up. Consequently, XBOx 360 had the same problem and is only now building an ok software library. It's also true though that the PS2 has a big library of great games, and the PS3 is backwards compatible so there's that.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    2006 top 10

    Casino Royale Pirates of the Caribbean 2 The Departed Children of Men Rocky Balboa Thank You For Smoking The Prestige I think those are the best ones.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    Children of Men

    The world wouldn't collapse that much? It's the extinction of the human race. Literally. And everybody knows about it. I actually think it would be far far worse than what was in the movie.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Burning Crusade is an expansion (basically more areas and a few new places). If you've never played WoW before there's no need to really worry about playing BC yet. Warcraft.com has a free 10 day trial of the main WoW, you can download the client and try it (no need to put any CC info or anything on your account). I did it myself, it just ended last week. I elected not to pay for it (mostly because my computer was underpowered and it was choppy), but it was pretty good.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    if Phoenix passes Dallas and is the best team in the league, I wouldn't be averse to Nash winning it, I think he has a better claim this year than last year, but I feel Dirk is unfairly overlooked, especially as Dallas has just been more or less tearing it up last season AND this season. Even last year they had a GREAT record which was overshadowed by the Pistons and Spurs, and they felled the Spurs in an epic series. He was sort of a token outside mention during last year's discussions, and I think he should of at least been the #1 runner up.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    Dirk should be MVP. Last year's finalists, having a tremendous season, the best team in the league record-wise. He has a group of solid players around him (terry, howard, stack), but none of them are all star caliber. Unquestionably the best player on the best team. There isn't even a question of that like there was with injured Duncan on the Spurs or Billups on the Pistons last year.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    Obama/Osama is definately going to happen at some point. I imagine it'll be one of those right wing groups, not the actual campaign (like those ones who distributed the purple heart ribbons or whatever that award was, to mock Kerry's service record), they'll release bumper stickers that say OSAMA 08 or something. The Republican campaign will wait just long enough for it to get into the news media shows before politely denouncing it and giving a token statement that they had nothing to do with it. etc etc
  14. Should be good. I imagine the tone will be very similar to HBO's Rome.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    Installing World of Warcraft

    you know I had this same problem and I changed some setting, like stop sharing or stop looking for sources or some torrent setting like that in the program, which made it seem like it wasn't going to d/l at all, but suddenly the speed jumped to a good constant speed. Perhaps it just grabbed straight from Blizzard without uploading?
  16. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Big trade on ESPN.com The Golden State Warriors have agreed to trade Troy Murphy, Mike Dunleavy, Ike Diogu and Keith McLeod to the Pacers for Stephen Jackson (left), Al Harrington, Sarunas Jasikevicius and Josh Powell, sources tell ESPN.com's Marc Stein. Wow its like they traded half their rosters. I think the Pacers win out just for getting rid of Stephen 'we ride togetha!' Jackson. Seriously though, Ike Diogu is a nice little pickup, and i've considered the non-Jermaine frontcourt to be a big weakness of the Pacers.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Samus gets hit by a car while walking down the street. The car runs right through her bottom two legs, cutting them clean off. To save her life, the doctors use the only animal nearby, fishes, and give her a fish bottom. However, the christian right finds out about this and convinces the president that its an abomination, and they throw it out to sea. Samus falls into the ocean, her hair turns red, uh, because someone dumped red dye in at the same time. As she falls, she hits her head on a rock, gets amnesia... the little walking crab from the cartoon finds her but she doesn't remember her name so he names her Ariel... and she lives her new life... UNDER THE SEAA! UNDA THE SEAA!! HYAAAHH!!
  18. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    for some reason I thought you meant Smush Parker and I was wondering when the hell Smush Parker ever guarded Dwayne Wade.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    PlayStation 3

    Devil May Cry, Ratchet and Clank, Jak, Sly Cooper, Gran Turismo, SOCOM, MGS3... not to mention Final Fantasy X, XII, Okami, Bully, Kingdom Hearts, God of War (though the latter didn't tickle my fancy, people love it). Seriously, if someone thinks that PS2 has a problem with quality game library, remind me to never ever trust their opinions on games again. The worst you can say is there was a lot of crap *alongside* all the great titles.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    It's official on ESPN.com, Chris Webber to sign with the Pistons. Aside from the obvious, the big benefit is that now we have an expendable big man that can hopefully net us a real backup point, which dumars is actively pursuing right now (flip murray blows chunks and has been horrible running the point with billups out). There were rumors about Mo Pete, but I dont think Colangelo will bite on that one.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    its official, the pistons suck without chauncey billups. man's earning his offseason by not even playing. the fact his backup (flip murray) who is now starting, blows chucnks doesn't hurt.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    ^ I don't think Jalen is going to come. However, I'm hoping the Webber rumors are true (not a fan of Nazr and Dice has had a shitty season).
  23. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    *hopes and prays* (not to mention it'd be a good way to get rid of him and save face instead of "detroit fires yet another coach") by the way, the Pistons are very close to landing Webber according to the detroit media. Not sure how I feel about that, if they get him on the cheap its good I guess, but there's too much of a logjam down low. Webber can only take away minutes from Jason Maxiell, who has worked his way into a solid 15-20 minute rotation spot. There'd be Sheed/Maxiell/McDyess/Webber/Nazr/Davis all manning the frontcourt, to say nothing of the age factor (and believe me, Flip is not good at rotations as it is, it'll be a trainwreck seeing him try to manage all those guys). This really only works if they're planning on trading somebody soon (... and hopefully ship off Flip "everybody with my first name sucks" Murray also)
  24. bobobrazil1984

    iPhone and iPod

    I hope they release an iPod Video in this design once the hardwire prices come down in a year or two. Basically this interface, but without the phone/internet.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    iPhone and iPod

    $499 and $599, depending on the storage size. A bit pricey, but considering the feature-set its understandable. I cant think of any mobile device out there that handles all these things, including full web pages, the way this does.