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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984


    i dunno, the thin connector part of the strap does seem awfully flimsy from what I'm seeing. they should probably replace it with thicker material. Its less of a big deal with other stuff like cameras or whatnot, but really, what's the point of a Wii if you have to temper or soften your movements? Going full bore is what makes it fun, and the wrist strap should hold and not just snap unless you're Superman.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    How do you feel about Iraq?

    Looking back at Iraq, it just boggles my mind that people didn't see this situation coming. I saw it, as did many others. How is it that such a huge amount of people didn't? Nobody ever uses their fucking brains anymore. I'd mostly started to avoid articles and stuff about Iraq b/c I was sick of it but for some reason i'm mad all over again. i dont know if i'll ever be able to forgive the "Bush Republicans" for such incompetance.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    Final Fantasy XII

    I'm 40+ hours in and only at level 25 myself. I spent a bit of time doing hunts, exploring, and level grinding though. Speaking of which, where the hell can you buy Haste from? I'm in the Henne mines and I haven't seen it anywhere at any shops yet.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    So, Princess Leena is getting married

    have they scheduled a date for the divorce yet?
  5. bobobrazil1984

    Big Surprise

    Borat broke them up! Pam generally, from what I've seen and heard (on howard stern, etc that kinda thing), generally has a pretty good sense of humor about her, um, stature, so kid rock sounds like a real dick. but then again, she married him, its not like its a surprise. Borat.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    Superman Returns -- The Game

    IGN also gave it a 5.5
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    uh wow. The music on that is ass.
  8. bobobrazil1984


    I think they should have sort of a 'linked' network, they have their own stories but once there's a big threat, they network with each other to stop it, like when Peter tells Hiro/Ando about saving the cheerleader.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    Final Fantasy XII

    this game seems to have gotten lost in all the PS3/Wii frantic-ness. Anyone here beat that Wyrm dragon mark in the Westersand? Sucker was just wiping me out, it was ridiculous. It was a level III hunt, I'm afraid to try the level V hunts which are also available to me at this time.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Mel Gibson... Now Kramer??!!

    wow, some people need a reality check. You're on a stage, people start heckling you... immediatly launching into repeated racist remarks (barely any actual jokes even) at the person, flying into a rage, and calling them a 'nigger' over and over again isn't an acceptable response, period. Jesus christ. Seriously. What kind of person sees a black person irritating you and immediatly starts thinking "God what a nigger", and then starts calling him nigger 15 times? Anyone who thinks that was a remotely acceptable response is a complete moron. I couldn't really care what happened to Kramer, but I'm just genuinely surprised that there are people in this thread who think this is even remotely close to being in the same orbit of acceptable or "understandable" response to a heckler.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Mel Gibson... Now Kramer??!!

    hey this thread should be getting close to the point where we start seeing the obligatory "white people who are more upset about the fact that they can't call blacks 'nigger' while blacks get to use it in a friendly manner with each other, than they are about the incident" posts!
  12. bobobrazil1984

    Mel Gibson... Now Kramer??!!

    :lol: Good lord, it's like a KKK version of Kramer. I can even imagine Kramer's voice screaming it, he slides into the door to Jerry's apartment, drinking a can of soda, sees Jerry making out with a black chick, spits out the soda and starts screaming it.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    O.J Simpson to write book that details murders

    Looks like FOX bowed to the public anger and cancelled BOTH the TV special and the book. Damn, I wanted to see what the nutcase had to say!
  14. bobobrazil1984

    HD-DVD or Blu-Ray?

    I think we're getting close to the point where digital distribution HD-video will surpass both of these formats as the next big thing.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Thread

    ^the guy who wrote the comments wasn't the reviewer.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    Harry Potter Movies

    I like the poster, but the stupid froggish nose on Voldemort looks, uh, stupid.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    PlayStation 3

    Looks like the PS3 resale market has died down, I just saw an auction end for 800 bucks, and most seem to be hovering at the $1,000 range. Figured that would happen since EVERYBODY was saying "I'm gonna get one to sell on eBay". It was really only the first day, maybe the 2nd, where any money was to be made.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Thread

    they should never have responded. they wrote their review, just keep their mouths shut, let the fanboys rant and look stupid, and people will forget about it in a week. edit: upon further inspection, seems like "they" didn't so much respond as a single editor posting on his blog. still, though.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    SNL Review

    on a semi-related note (hey its an SNL thread), I heard Tina Fey on howard stern the other day, talking about what Paris Hilton is like backstage. Funny stuff, Tina just rips into her, calling her a dumbshit, a piece of shit, was really funny. Apparently she hates jessica simpson b/c Jessica is fat. or something.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Box Office Report...

    Wow its not every day that making $40 million in a weekend puts you in 2nd place. Still, "top movie" bragging rights aside, I'm glad Casino Royale had a good opening. Was one of the better Bond movies.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    The One and Only "Casino Royale" Thread

    Saw it, thought it was great. Craig was a great Bond.
  22. bobobrazil1984


    I read one review which called it "as long as the NES controller and half as wide". Is that correct? Because that would be pretty damn small. Sounds about right. Might a little bit longer than the NES controller, but yeah its in that range.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    PlayStation 3

    In my little mall sojourn today, i played the Wii (over in the other thread), also saw a Ps3 in action though didn't play it. It was some dirtbike/dirt-car game. Have no idea what the actual game was. I have to say, the graphics were outstanding, though I think it was being run an HDTV (it musta been, right? dont they look less impressive on normal res TVs). I just stood there staring at it, it was like photorealistic. But I have zero insight on whether the gameplay was good or not, but it was stopping everybody in their tracks to watch. I dont really watch high quality internet videos (only smaller lower res ones) so it never quite hit me how it would look. This is gonna have no problem selling, assuming ppl pony up the high price tag.
  24. bobobrazil1984


    I played the Wii at EBGames today, they were running Excite Truck. At first I was swerving wildly all over the place, I sort of stabilized later. It was fun, though it didn't necessarily feel revolutionary or anything, after a while, it kinda felt like a normal racing game controlled by analog sticks or one of those steering wheel things. It actually feels really fresh if you're comparing it with the D-Pad, but I think the analog sticks giving you some directional movement, the feeling is a bit similar. You do the steering with the motion sensing, while accellerating with the 1 button. Didn't try the DPad while in-game. In a nice touch, the trigger was perfectly accessible underneath while holding the Wiimote on its side. the Wii-remote is actually really small, much smaller than any of my TV/DVD remotes.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Thread

    From what i read, the main complaints were a) the control, b) sound across the board (music, SFX, voice acting, etc), and c) lack of innovation/new stuff. But he also made it a point to mention that if someone just loves all the previous zelda games and is looking for more of the same, they'll love this game. The sound stuff is probably the only one that piques my interest b/c between the Wii-mote and the horsepower/graphics discussion across the internet, you rarely hear anything relating to sound about Wii. I noticed though, that the IGN review actually complains about some of the same things down in their categorical round-up at the end of the review, ie sound, music, and graphics/textures.