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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. why doesn't this guy, just, you know, choose not to be gay, like the christian right keeps telling us?
  2. bobobrazil1984

    A positive thread about Princess Leena.

    Because you kept going on about it.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Well I chose FF12. Assuming you like FF games, it's fantastic. however, MK games do nothing for me, and I hated the gameplay of Kingdom Hearts 1, so really I chose FF12 over Bully. I do want to play Bully eventually but I have a ton of other PS2 games I still have to get to, prince of persia sands of time, RE4, MGS3 Subsistence, and Okami.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica

    Adama is such a fucking badass. I love when he slapped down Starbuck and Tigh. Especially when he kicked out Starbuck's chair, throwing her ass to the ground
  5. bobobrazil1984

    Final Fantasy XII

    damn this game really grows on you. I like the battle system more and more as I get used to it. Though I think if they use it again, they should add an option that "pops up" every character's battle command menu after they act, that will make the game easier for those who like past systems. However it should be something you can set, just like active/wait here.
  6. bobobrazil1984


    apparently its on track fora 25-30 mil weekend. Now, didnt they pull this film from a bunch of theaters because it was tracking horribly? kind of a bad move in retrospect, it could have done huge numbers possibly on more screens
  7. bobobrazil1984

    The 'Sheed Rule

    well yeah if you're a fan of the spurs and the cavs, it's great that Timmy and Lebron get special treatment that other players don't get.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    The 'Sheed Rule

    in principle the idea is sound, but throwing out T's for mere facial expressions and laughs and the like cannot end well. Hopefully they'll back off after the initial burst of hardass reffing. It really only addresses 50% of the problem. It doesn't address the horrible and inconsistent reffing. the end result will not be less complaining, it will be lots and lots of techs. That's going to make games fun. maybe we should start calling NBA Games "Free Throw Shooting contests" officially.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    I think the bald look he has going on was pretty good actually.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Final Fantasy XII

    FF8 had kind of a 'typical happy ending', with Squall and Rinoa. I can't even remember wtf the story was in 9.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Final Fantasy XII

    i was clearly doing something wrong with yuna's summons in that game, since none of my summons ever went up a level from where they started. they ended up only being useful when Yuna went into overdrive. Loved that game's story too though. Anyways back to XII, the more I play it the more I'm enjoying the battle system. It's a bit cautious though b/c if not careful things can sort of spin out of control in a hectic blaze, but once you get the hang of it you can really strategize. my favorite tactic is starting my attack command waiting just outside of range until the bar is full, then running in, hitting, and scrambling out, and as the enemy chases to get back in range, my bar is filling up. done right, you can get 2 or 4 hits (depending on how many in your party) without the enemy getting a chance to hit you. i'm only at the point where its Vaan and Penelo, but level grinding is actually fun this time around.
  12. bobobrazil1984


    supposedly there was something similar that got cut from the season premiere. Claire found them having sex in jack's old tent or some such nonsense.
  13. bobobrazil1984


    if it turns out that Juliet and Ben are still playing Jack that might turn me off from the show as a whole. or at least switch to "wait for dvd" mode like I do with some shows. In general I find The Others to be insufferably boring, and frankly their weirdness isn't 'out there' enough to put up with. Last night was the first time all season I found The Others to be compelling, with Juliet's little attempted coup. If all that turns out to be yet another "ooh weird psychological expirement", then fuck em.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    my EB/Gamestop is in a mall which also has a best buy, so for mainstream releases, I go straight to BB. as far as I'm concerned, EB is only good for the lower-tier priced used games (a la MGS2 for 5 bucks or whatever). Impulse buys basically. there's literally no reason I'd ever shop there otherwise, the whole outfit just seems so amateurish.
  15. bobobrazil1984


    'the hell? Well they could have just given them seperate plotlines, since everything they do seems to be intertwined with the other. Anyways, I wish the show would go all out and make the island and Smokey actually be God, God of the old testement, full of wrath and all that. Not purgatory, but the island being a real place on our world where vengeful God lives, and they can establish he visited the oustide world in the old days and inspired religions, etc.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    PlayStation 3

    ^ Anyways, if you care about stuff like next-gen-movies (hd-dvd/blu-ray), Ps3 isn't a bad value. However if you don't care about that stuff and just want to play games, then its horrid. You're paying 600 bucks for a game system. ugh.
  17. bobobrazil1984


    No, they came because they are part of the cast.
  18. bobobrazil1984


    Well, that was a crazy f'ing episode. Too bad, I really liked Adwale. It was cool seeing Lostzilla's return though. This episode made it kind of clear that Lostzilla and the "hallucinations" are one in the same. Oh and Bernard better watch his back. He's the last surviving Tailie!
  19. bobobrazil1984

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    wait since when do gamestop games have wrapping? Aren't even their new games technically opened?
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Final Fantasy XII

    one thing I really like so far is how level grinding is a lot less tedious with the new system. I like finding a peak or something and scouting out which enemies are where, kind of strategically picking them off. also in case anyone didnt realize (and I didnt because the basic tutorial part didn't mention it), pushing down the right joystick snaps the camera back behind you.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    John Kerry screws up saying anti-Bush punchline

    on the plus side, maybe this bad publicity will put the final kibosh on his oft-mentioned possibility of running again in 2008. I was really getting that vibe from him based on his comments.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Digging a hole.

    I've decided this story needs more rape.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    HEY Mole

    wow i had no idea such drama actually existed here, while sealed in my hermited TSM existence of the movies and video game forums.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Final Fantasy XII

    Does the position or distance you are from your opponent have any bearing on whether they can hit you (assuming you're still in their attack zone)? At first, running around during battle just added extra confusion for me, but i don't get the impression you can avoid being hit by moving around or dodging. If it doesn't really add anything it'd be much easier to just stand there and enter commands.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    sounds like Jalen is going to Miami. Oy.