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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Sony sues Lik Sang the hell out of business

    never even heard of these guys
  2. bobobrazil1984


    Nobody commented on the new episode. Another really entertaining episode, though not quite as hardcore cool as last week. The best part imo was Hiro meeting Petrelli. I love the way they're creating this slow broken team, mission 1 is to save Claire. The show's really hit its stride these past 2 episodes. Surprsingly I have no problem with all the coincidential meetings, maybe its the comic booky feel of it that makes it feel "natural", as these are the sort of contrived things you'd find in a comic book. Oh yeah, and Nathan Petrelli's FLYING! there was even a sonic boom as he flew away. THAT was fuckin cool.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    If anyone is interested, Resident Evil 4 for PS2 is apparently about to go (or already has gone) Greatest Hits, and sites all over are dropping prices to 19.99 . Its on my to-play list but alas this happens right before FF12, so it'll have to wait a little while, but I love how all the good games are coming down. Shadow of the Colossus also recently went GH.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    O.J Simpson to write book that details murders

    I remember watching the trial every day (almost) on E! Frankly, the defense did everything they were supposed to, they did their job well, raising kernals of doubt in all the scenarios and effectively restaging the debate into the LAPD's racism. The prosecution didn't do its job of refocusing the trial on the evidence they had. I was young at the time and had a dream that OJ would be innocent, and then the real killer would appear somehow, and it'd be an evil twin of OJ named "grape juice" (i'm not joking by the way). I remember OJ running through some crowds and giving Grape Juice a football tackle and catching him. true story. the dream that is.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    World Series: Tigers vs. Cardinals

    didnt he clean the dirt (or whatever) off his hand after an inning? and continued pitching an awesome game? in fact he pitched better with a "clean hand". what non-story
  6. bobobrazil1984

    O.J Simpson to write book that details murders

    I'm still waiting for the day when Fred Goldman just snaps and guns down OJ in cold blood in front of a 100 witnesses. When's he going to do it???
  7. bobobrazil1984

    O.J Simpson to write book that details murders

    If this is book actually ends up being what's described there, I am so buying it. The balls on this guy. PS the prosecutors on the OJ case were horrible. Cochran ate em for lunch.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    Second Life

    so its basically like an MMORPG but without the fighting/genre elements, all social interaction? An online Sims sort of? Sounds kind of interesting but I think i'd get bored with it after a while.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica

    From what I hear, and I avoid direct spoilers, these are sort of general and vague:
  10. bobobrazil1984


    waht I find amusing is that Chris Hanson is smarmy enough to almost make me sympathize with the pedophile, before I have to remind myself, hey the guy's a pedophile!
  11. bobobrazil1984

    World Series: Tigers vs. Cardinals

    looks like that was a complete ass whooping. they went from red hot to ice cold.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica

    Galactica falling into atmo then jumping out of there was fuckin incredible. and damn some of these characters brought back some real hardcore baggage. Starbuck's last scene was really good. The look on her face when she finds out Kacie isn't hers. Goddamn. That woman is going to have serious psychological problems. Looks like next week is "hunt down the collaborators!". Lookin' forward to that.
  13. bobobrazil1984


    It's episodes 2, 3, and 4 I believe, not the first 3.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    World Series: Tigers vs. Cardinals

    I of course go with the Tigers. I hope the astonishingly long layoff doesn't hurt them.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    North Korea Agrees to end Nuke Program

    so drudge linked to this article: http://www.washingtontimes.com/commentary/...90449-7656r.htm and this bit caught my eye I find it darkly amusing, that yet again, another problem, has its roots with Iraq. oh and the main reason that certain military options are off the table? because we're tied up in iraq.
  16. bobobrazil1984


    Downloaded Episode 4 today and it was the best yet. Very little of the over-cliche'dness (well except for the other girl being a fellow rape victim). -"Is Peter Parker cheating... when he takes pictures of himself as Spider-Man?!" Point Ando. -FUTURE HIRO!!! Awesome! I love how his costume is just a bit geeky and anime-ish, exactly the kinda thing you'd expect Hiro to do. -Ali Larter is pretty hot. -Where is everybody getting the "Save the cheerleader save the world" quote from? Was it in the preview? i didnt hear that in the show.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    PlayStation 3

    Lair sounds cool. Did they say how many PS1 downloadables are available at launch?
  18. bobobrazil1984

    PS3 .VS. Wii .VS. Xbox 360?

    Not that impressive a list, Elder Scrolls Oblivion is the only game on there I'd buy if I was getting a PS3 at launch. Of course i'd never do that (get it at launch), why bother when the good games like FF13, MGS, Assassins Creed, etc are coming out in 07? To be fair, the only game I'd buy if I got a Wii at launch would be Zelda. If we're lucky sales could slip in 07 and we might even get a price drop towards the end of the year.
  19. bobobrazil1984


    #2, that'd be me. and yes i liked this episode much better than last week's. loved all the S1 shoutouts, with the hallucation drug that Locke made again taht he made for Boone, the polar bear, the visions, no sitting around the hatch washing dishes (ugh). Unfortuntly it looks like we're going back to "ooh wacky exprieements that make no sense" with The Others next week. I want to see Locke and the gang go all hunting party.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    OZ on HBO

    there musta been another thread somewhere. Anyways, OZ was great up until the end of the Adebisi's Black Paradise in OZ storyline. Not too long after that I went from loving the show to feeling like the whole thing was just tedious, and i'm not sure why. I never finished the series, giving up sometime either towards the end of that season or beginning of next. I remember Beecher had gotten out, but I never saw his return to jail. Just the idea that he was gonna end up back in Oz after gettnig out felt incredibly stupid. Like a Gilligan's Island type thing.
  21. bobobrazil1984


    Doc lent me his Delorean. (or I may have meant 12)
  22. bobobrazil1984


    honestly the game looks pretty good. This is a good environment for the GTA-style free roaming style. However, I have too many games on tap to play between FF13, Okami, RE4, and MGS3, so it will be a while until I get to this.
  23. bobobrazil1984


    And what exactly is wrong with the Puray Stay Shu-Nu? I think it has a nice ring to it myself.
  24. bobobrazil1984


    that makes sense actually, they all have some sort of illness or handicap or something debillitating, and that's why they're there, trying to recreate normal life. Would also explain why Juliet was tearing up at the song, it reminded her of home (downtown, cities, etc) but she can't go there because she'll die or be a cripple or whatever.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Secret Service Targeting 14-Year Old Girls on Myspace

    got no problem with the secret service looking into it, though i do think there should be a point where they do a value judgement on if it even has a possibility of being a real possible risk, instead of just allocating all kinds of resources to fully investigate it.