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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Middle East Tensions Exploding

    nowhere, heh, just a random number i pulled out of my ass. however much it really is.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    Middle East Tensions Exploding

    That's great Bruiser... EXCEPT ITS NOT WORKING! Only a truly blind person would think that this situation worked out WELL for Israel. People are very good with generalities but seem oblivious to the fact that the end result is always the OPPOSITE of what you wanted. I noticed Hezbollah, who already experienced a jump in popularity after Israel's offensive-which-did-nothing-to-Hezbollah's-infastructure, immediatly jumped into Lebanon and started with the rebuilding, thereby increasing their stock even more. There's an article in the NYTimes about this. Look at Hezbollah's role in Lebanon BEFORE this mess................... and look at it after. Israel got outsmarted here. They took the bait, completely, 100%. Israel isn't hadn't even completely left and hezbollah was immediatly on the influence and rebuilding trail. Hezbollah, now more popular than before! Now with Vitamin C!!!! This clearly isn't working. It isn't working in Iraq, and it's not working in the Pally territoriies and it definatlely did not work against Hezbollah. ANd we cant just do nothing. The only real solution I can think of is pumping ALL the "war money" into intelligence and infiltration. ALL OF IT. ALL 80 MILLION DOLLARS (or however much it is). I have to think if our intelligence, had, say, double or triple the resources that they could hopefully pull off better cases of infiltration and inside sources. Terrorism and Guerilla Warfare isn't traditional war, and history has proven time and time again that "traditional war" methods are woefully inadequate. QUADRUPLE the amount of special forces, and intelligence resources, and money available. In addition, any strategic fuck-ups need to be held immediatly accountable. This is essential. Smart people who think winning strategy. In Israel's case, I strongly feel that every war planner should be immediatly fired. In this kind of war, lack and thought of strategy hurts far more than any terrorist attack. SPECIAL FORCES and CIA INFILTRATION SHOULD BE OUR PRIMARY ARMY.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    Middle East Tensions Exploding

    The point is, they're not being dealt with in the way things are being done. Hezbollah was not dealt with, in the least. Are the insurgents in Iraq really being dealt with? We're doing a better job than the israeli's did in this offensive but i still dont sense its really a good job. Anybody who couldn't see from the beginning that this offensive WASN'T going to do what Israel wanted it to is BLIND. I'm sorry but they are. It was all so fuckin obvious. Hezbollah was simply doing what every guerrilla/terrorist organization has done. The bottom line is until the military powers can come up with people smart enough to come up with a more effective way with dealing with guerilla warfare, it'll go on, because they consistently OUTSMART US by baiting us into no-win situations. I wonder what the israeli war planning room was like. When someone tries to point out the obvious things wrong with reaching the goal, was there a designated robot that simply repeated "SO YOUR OPTION IS TO DO NOTHING AND SURRENDER!??" It could just repeat the same statement over and over again. The right wing method is a PROVEN FAILURE time and time and time and time again (try, every major guerilla situation, from afghan-soviets, vietnam, pally territories, this offesnvie, iraq). The far left wing method is at times, more like "surrender".
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Middle East Tensions Exploding

    well it looks like this is more or less over (for now)... and nothing of any consequence has been accomplished. Except a huge increase in Hezbollah's popularity. And the non-release of the soldiers. And a ton of civilians dead, mostly on the Lebanese side. And a month of Israelis holed up in bomb shelters. But trying to think of logical consequences of actions before you take them is apparently for terrorist-loving anti-semitic cowards who just want to "roll over and die". or something. I tried to get into this back when the initial Beirut bombings began about how this was just plain bad, but it was always the same simplistic stupid-people logic from hardcore supporters. Israel is clearly worse off now than it was before the offensive began. I think its becoming clear that at some point, when you military reaches a certain strength, you start to become stupid, which is why guerrilla organizations can always find success by using the same tactics they've used for decades. They DELIBERATLY draw you in by clustering into civilian populations, and DELIBERATLY create a situation where you have to become evil to stop them. It's strategy, because if you have any morals whatsoever you won't do it, or if you do well everybody else in the world sees it. And every single time someone takes the bait. Here's to another 30 years of bloodshed.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    PS3 .VS. Wii .VS. Xbox 360?

    Right now, I'm not planning on getting anything. Nothing on the 360 other than Oblivion interests me. Wii has Mario Galaxy, Zelda, and the virtual console PS3 has Final Fantasy, MGS, the next RE, and the next GTA. As far as the games go, if price weren't an issue, it'd be PS3 hands down, since I am a huge modern FF mark. I dont even like the other rpgs I try to play, just the FFs. But no way in hell I'm buying a 600 dollar system, or even a 500 dollar one. Or even a 400 dollar one. In fact, 300 is my absolute limit. Which should point to Wii, except I know myself enough to know that I'm going to be crying inside when the new FF and MGS come out and I can't play em. So basically I'll keep on playing Ps2 for another year or two, then look at the respective game libraries and prices and see how it shakes out. I basically need at least 3 "i must buy this now" games on a system before I go with it.
  6. bobobrazil1984


    looks like kind of a lacklaster launch to me. Zelda and maybe Wii Sports just for the novelty are the only ones that would interest me. To be honest, the chance to play mario 64, and the past zelda games, via virtual console, is more interesting to me than the majority of the launch games. what is Wii FF crystal chronicles supposed to be like? I love the ps1/2 FF games but i've heard the CC games were a completely different beast and kinda sucky.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Immminent terror attack foiled

    so like, what exactly is off limits now? I'm flying in a couple of weeks (just in the US) does this mean i should leave my "bathroom bag" (gel, shampoo, toothpaste, contact solution etc etc) at home?
  8. bobobrazil1984

    N64 KID

    holy shit, i'd never seen that video before. That kid is fuckin nuts.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    Britney Spears home video

  10. bobobrazil1984

    Immminent terror attack foiled

    some interesting notes as i'm listening to the news. Pakistani intelligence got the initial lead that found out about this. if not for them, who knows if anybody would have found it. secondly, then the brits had managed to get an undercover agent inside the group who gave them specifics. human intelligence is indeed the best weapon for things like this.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica

    that one's a little hard to make out. Found one that's clearer/brighter: Frakkin awesome. I'm so psyched for this!
  12. bobobrazil1984

    Immminent terror attack foiled

    I heard somewhere that they were going to use liquid explosives? That's a new one. I wonder what it looks like. Are we seeing the day where explosives can be smuggled in bottles of water/coke/etc? Major props for Scotland Yard for their competancy
  13. bobobrazil1984


    I never ever buy any expensive electronics at launch. You know that any serious issues will make their way online in a huge bitchfest (like for example, the ipod nano's easy scratch-ability), its usually not hard to wait a month or two to see how things shake out.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    I'm a few discs into "Last Exile" and I have to say it's pretty damn great. I'm more selective than most with my anime so its a bit of an achievement for me to dig it so much. The animation is AMAZING. they meld CG-ish animation for the airship stuff with some rather fluid traditional animation. there's some truly great airship battles and races and the like. maybe i just don't watch enough anime, but this is really some of the most visually vibrant animation (anime or otherwise) that i've seen. The setting really makes up for a lot, it's pretty unique. Dubbing is also good one of the rare times I can bear to watch the English track. I still have I think 2 discs left to watch but I highly recommend it.
  15. Good riddance to Joe "captain censorship" Lieberman. and as far as Iraq goes, it has shown to be such a gigantic strategic fuckup, probably the worst foreign policy decision since vietnam, that I have no problem with people voting hardline supporters out. but Lieberman's really small fries, i can only hope everybody who dragged us into this nonsense and are keeping it going gets voted out.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    X3: Last Stand DVD Details and Covers

    The oscar thing is just one of the usual catchphrases people use to defend shitty movies. You may also substitute in "Citizen Kane" for "oscar-caliber movie". Anyways, X3 was okay but had some REALLY bad and cliched dialogue and had too many fuckin characters with not enough screentime for any of them. Angel was a joke, he was in THREE scenes the entire movie.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Miami Vice

    Saw this tonight, and really liked it. I despise most cop movies so it was an achievement for me to dig it so much.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    X3: Last Stand DVD Details and Covers

    that cover, with the people, is horrible. It looks like a bad photoshop, what's with the damn super-bright colors???
  19. bobobrazil1984

    Middle East Tensions Exploding

    This is something you think about BEFORE bombing Beirut, and increasing Hezbollah's popularity in the region, not after. Oh, but apparently the mere thought of not bombing Beirut and civilian infrastructure for some vague reason that nobody can quanitify in practical terms, was "rolling over and surrendering to the murderers." Or something. I love how some people expect lebanese people to blame themselves and HEzbollah and not Israel for their people getting blown. These people clearly don't understand basic human emotions... has any people or nation in the history of the world EVER played "blame the victim" when come under attack regardless of the circumstances???? Even here, the "us is at fault for 9/11" crowd is a radical fringe. For all my negative talk, i do think that israel is sort of on the right path (finally), by targeting the south and creating a buffer zone.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Middle East Tensions Exploding

    Boy those Beirut strikes really took out Hezbollah's infastructure, didn't they? Hez are launching more missiles now then they were then. Gee, who woulda thought that blowing up highways and gas stations would have had this little effect on Hezbollah? They should have gone straight to real Hezbollah strongholds in south lebanon to set up the buffer zones FROM THE START. Bombing Beirut was a HORRIBLE idea that has proven to be completely USELESS. Its just there are some people will defend any strike from israel to arab-terrorists, regardless of how STUPID and NON-SENSICAL it is, constantly responding with idiotic statements like "so what, they should should just roll over and die!?!?!?"
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Great DVD buys this week at Best Buy and Circuit City

    ooh. My spider-man 2 dvd is scratched up, so this would be a good opportunity to get a new one.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Middle East Tensions Exploding

    ^ good luck with that. As long as there are militarily superior powers, there will be terrorism and guerrilla warfare. Why? Because it's the only real tactic that works against a significantly superior enemy (unless you have grand admiral thrawn leading you or something, and lets face it, modern leaders ain't no Thrawns). the superior powers do NOT KNOW HOW to beat them completely. what hezbollah is doing, deliberatly situating near civilians, is something guerrilas have been doing for DECADES. They do it because it works. Either the power pulls back because of the civilians, or the power does the equivalent of what Israel does and blasts away at the civilians to get to the terrorists. EITHER WAY, it serves the guerrila's agenda, its meant to maneuver you into a two-way trap scenario. and we aren't smart enough to find a way around it (yet??).
  23. bobobrazil1984

    E3 cancelled for next year... AND BEYOND!

    Gamespot's article takes a different approach to it: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6154897.html Apparently, they're not cancelling it per se, but making major changes including downsizing it.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Being a little bitch

    the last scene of the shawshank redemption. Damn, its heartfelt.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Lindsay Lohan Is A Crack-Whore

    Here's the actual letter: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/07280...ml?link=rssfeed Wow, he completely and totally owned her.