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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Clerks II Offcial Thread

    the commercials for this movie look awful. Like, really bad.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Thread

    which basically means "get me to the Finals in the next 3 years or I'm gone".
  3. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Thread

    well I'd figured that Ben actually WANTED to go to Chicago, with their style of play and organization and whatnot. As I understand it, Knicks and Philly (two teams with bad management) were the ones who Detroit woulda tried to S&T with. It's not a surprise he'd say no to those two.
  4. bobobrazil1984


    dont remember the specific words, but the gist was,
  5. bobobrazil1984


    Henry Gale was in too many episodes to be considered for Outstanding Guest Actor. He was in 8 episodes, but 6 is the max for that category.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    Sony is a bunch of assholes

    There's a reason they only put it in a specific country and not other countries. HINT: look at the racial makeup of said country. not to mention the ad agency who made it is known for 'shock value' disruptive ads... which means yes they were fully aware of the 'controversial' racial implications, history of slavery, all that stuff. In fact, they were specifically going for it. Which makes the people who don't see the problem with the ad either a little disengenious or just plain stupid. And the "nobody would care if it was the other way around" argument is pretty fucking stupid. Use your brain and you might figure it out.
  7. bobobrazil1984


    Damn was this good. Balls to the wall with the action, humor, Depp chewing scenery at his best, piratey sea action. And Davy Jones is just sooooo cool and badass. Not to mention a really fuckin cool ending. I'd say the biggest improvement over part 1 is Will and Elizabeth's characters, they have pretty engaging plotlines of their own, unlike part 1 where they bored me and I just wanted to get back to Jack Sparrow. Will totally seems at home with the swashbuckling sea life here. And Depp as jack is of course awesome, he's really managed to craft an iconic character. I'm anxiously awaiting Part 3 next summer.
  8. bobobrazil1984


    Bingo. For a while I've been trying to put my finger about what I don't like, and as i've been rewtaching S1 with someone, I'm pretty sure what you say above is the problem. Are The Others REALLY that interesting?? I honestly don't think so. Seriously, unless there's some out there explanation like they're time travellers from the far future or something wacky like that, I don't even care who they are. Season 1 had a lot of island stuff and situations, almost all of it was pretty awesome.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    ECW tidbit from the Observer

    Vince is a moron, but so are those of you believed that "this time it'll be different than the last 50 times VInce and WWE fucked a major storyline up!" same old shit as always, its impossible to get outraged, since its been happening nonstop for almost 5 years now.
  10. bobobrazil1984


    I'm sorry but the idea of doing a LOST movie is horrible. Talk about milking the "franchise" for more money, its starting to become exactly like X-Files. Don't they see how this bs just undermines the specialness of the story? ugh.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Thread

    ESPN is apparnetly saying that he's waiting to see what kind of improvements the team makes, ie sending a message that he wants a championship calibur roster, but that he's not really looking to move to a different city, moreso that he's willing to make em sweat a bit to show he's serious. It's ESPN (stephen A i think) so take it for what its worth.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Thread

    anyone else find it slightly strange that, Carmelo and Wade immediatly signed max extensions with their teams, while Cleveland's offer is still floating out there? What's Lebron waiting for?
  13. bobobrazil1984

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    not until the PS3 slimline comes out I might pick up a Wii depending on how the Virtual Console works out, but it's a bit doubtful. I'm just going to spend time on my incredible backlog of ps2 games until ps3 gets a price drop, as I'm interested in FF13 and the new MGS.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Thread

    the article is incorrect, it's actually 4 years for 60 million (15 per year) for Ben's new contract (later articles and reports give the new figure i think). It's also expected that Pistons sign Joel Pryzbilla wtihin the next day or two as a replacement. ehhh, well he's definatly better than a gaping hole in the lineup.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    have they settled on the specifics of the virtual console (pricing, what games will be available, etc) yet for the Wii? I'm not really interested in any of the games announced except for the usual Mario/Zelda, but the chance to play the SNES/N64 games without buying old nintendo systems is pretty cool.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    OAO "Blade: The Series" Thread.

    I've heard you can download the pilot for free offa iTunes or something, but haven't checked it out yet.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Superman Returns

    Reminds me of the first X-Men movie. Very good, but kind of flawed at the same time. It needs a sequel to really knock it out of the park. Routh was very good as Superman, kinda iffy as Clark. Bosworth surprised me, the acting overall was very solid. The first half of the movie was better than the second. In later parts the Lex stuff really dragged out, and the climax and epilogue went too long. Singer seems to have a problem pacing out his climaxes (get out your gay sex jokes here please). I noticed it in X2's drawn out climax and here. Felt was trying too hard to make him Godly and holy and all that.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    2006 NBA Draft

    I'm not following the knicks that closely, but why exactly is Isiah concerned about who Phoenix wanted or was going to pick or whatever? What is Phoenix to Isiah? They are a team in the other conference! huh? Was he interested in trading balkman to phoenix? that sitll makes little sense.
  19. bobobrazil1984


    I remember it being fairly good though i never finished it. The reports of massive amounts of non-gameplay cutscenes have scared me off of Xenosaga. I think FFX had just the right amount of gameplay vs story for an RPG, any more is pushing it a bit.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    2006 NBA Draft

    *does a happy dance* Don't let the door hit you on the ass on ya way out Mo. Flip's hardon for mo is the reason Delfino, who was clearly superior, got no burn.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    2006 NBA Draft

    it would be pretty funny though if Balkman ended up becoming this amazing player in a year or two, lol.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    2006 NBA Draft

    I can't believe the Nets got Williams. the Nets, like they needed antoehr good player. Goddamn it Isiah. Is it possible Isiah is playing the tank game for Oden? good lord. LMAO at the expression on Spike's face.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    2006 NBA Draft

    i'm not even watching the draft but its hilarious to read the comments about the Knicks in this thread. Every nba event just has to have some Isiah Thomas fuckup. It's like mandatory. What a great GM
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Spiderman 3 Trailer...

    nice little homage to the animated series' version of Venom saga:
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Spiderman 3 Trailer...

    This might just be the greatest teaser trailer I've ever seen. Holy god that was awesome. Sam Raimi did what I thought was impossible and that's get me interested in the Venom saga in the movies. And when Sandman sand-punches people in the street, whoaa. Harry Osborn acting all badass, Peter putting the moves on Gwen, dear lord, markout city.