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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Circuit City Game Clearance

    These won't be marked, they take them down at the register. I picked up Wild Arms 4 for PS2, just 'cause I like RPGs, but i haven't opened it yet. Pretty cool sale though, i found out about it a week or two ago via CAG.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    seriously they shoulda just left japanese talk with subtitles on it. It'd be no different than text captions in say RPGs or wahtnot.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    Futurama is back...

    Fuck yes!
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Larry Brown fired as NY Knicks Coach

    well like I said in the other thread... they got rid of 1/4 of the problem... now all they have left is Marbury... Isiah... and Dolan. Biggest trainwreck in sports.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    i was just thinking about how Sony switched back to a version of Dual Shock after the whole Boomerang suit thing. the one change I really wish they'd make is to move the left analog stick to where the d-pad usually is. Virtually all the games I play on ps2 seem to use the analog primarily. I sometimes have to sort of stretch my thumb out to get a good handle on the analog stick where it is now.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Thread

    Larry Brown just got fired. Isiah THomas to take over as coaching. Well at least the Knicks got rid of 1/4 of their problems. Now all they have left to get rid of are Marbury, Isiah, and Dolan.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    2006 NBA Finals

    The Wade referee parade has been going on for a while now, but now maybe people will wake up. I joked on another board with a couple of minutes left, "what if the game ends up hinging on another nonsense foul call on Wade" and was shocked that it actually happened.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    2006 NBA Finals

    lmao at the Wade foul. Complete and utter bullshit.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    24: Season 5

    YES!!! Go to NYC. More cities please. I always thought it'd be really badass if Jack was in DC, imagine all the havok he could create there but alas, it wont happen.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    the voice cast for Yakuza on PS2 was just released... it includes Mark Hammil, Michael Madsen, Eliza Dushku, and Michael Rosenbaum. That's some cast. For those not in the know, it's a game by Sega, think GTA with some Shenmue-ish mixed in.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    STAR TREK 11 to be written by JJ Abrams

    sounds like B5-lite to me. Mysterious races, lost cities, cosmic blather. No thanks. A kirk/spock/mccoy reboot is a good idea, just not with Mr. "One Shot Pony" JMS. Everything after B5 has been average or just "solid" really, and the same sort of tricks and stories seem to pop up no matter what he's writing. Not a big fan of his anymore.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    2006 NBA Finals

    Pussy basketball, the slightest D is suddenly a foul, exciting superstars treated like gods, games suddenly becoming ridiculously close (because of ref calls suddenly swinging wildly to the team coming back), this is what you guys wanted. It's the answer to all your complaints the last couple of years. Get used to it folks, its the Lakers all over again. Between Dal missing seconds on the clock the other game, the botched TO call, the backcourt, and the "Wade drives for FTs no matter what happens" zone, it almost makes me feel sorry for Mark Cuban.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    Avi Arad talks upcoming Marvel movies

    somehow I don't think he meant it literally. Anyways, why do a "do over"? The movie, as uh, questionable as it was, set up the premise just fine. Banner's off as a fugitive, make him angry and he goes Hulk. You can literally do any type of story except for an origin with the setup. The quality of the first film will have no bearing on quality of the 2nd, because they're clearly going in a differnet direction as far as TONE and CONTENT.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    PS2 God of War 2: Divine Retribution confirmed

    I actually think God of War is pretty overrated. First game I bought with my ps2 a month or two ago, and it was insanely fun for the first couple of days, but got so repetative and boring, it's just mindless killing. I maybe play it for a couple of minutes every other week or so just so I dont feel like it's going to waste, but I've generally moved on to other titles. The boss battles are fairly cool actually so far, but its the slogging nonsense you have to play through to get to it. Reminds me of why i dislike hack/slash killing games.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    i hate that bullshit from stores too. My preferred method is the "not-listening-no-thanks" response. I actually ignore what he's saying, start thinking about the game I'm buying or whatever, and just repeat no thanks in a robotic linda mcmahon esque voice, no matter what BS tactic they're trying. Its funny because if you do it right, you can actually make them a little disconcerted, and avoid feeling any pressure yourself b/c you're not really paying attention.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    Blockbuster Online Free Trial...

    VX is right about the manly features, not all pics of her catch them but most do. There is definatly something oddly manly about her face, especially the forehead and jaw. She's pretty attractive though if you block off her shoulders and everything above.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Suikoden III and Star Ocean: Till the end of time Are these RPGs worth buying? I'm a big fan of PS1/2 final fantasies. Don't have much experience with PS2 rpgs (though I fairly enjoyed xenogears and grandia for ps1).
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Box Office Report for June 2nd-4th

    wouldn't the stars of Breakup, actually breaking up, be really good publicity??? they are stupid. not only should they have made it public but gotten really ugly about it. They could leak out that stuff from the movie was actually happening in the last week cause they had to stay in the same place, etc etc. it would be gold.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    Bush attacking the Gay Community again.

    well duh, it's almost election time and the republicans are in the hole on almost every issue. Got use the gay card to rally the stupid religious people. (read that again, i'm not saying all religious people are stupid, just the ones that fall for this trick again and again)
  20. bobobrazil1984

    X-Men 3

    I found one scene unintentionally amusing, when they find out about the cure, and drop dead super-hot Storm who can control the weather is lecturing the guy with BLUE SKIN AND FUR, and the girl who CANT TOUCH ANOTHER HUMAN BEING about how horrible the cure is.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Thread

    if they were to fire Flip it shouldn't be because of THIS PARTICULAR series or even playoffs or anything, it should be because of the larger issue of turning the team into an all perimeter team. The players get just as much blame as the coaches for the playoffs themselves. what happened is the nightmare scenario when you're a jump shooting team. the jump shots are not falling, and every next jump shot's pressure doubles each time. and they look impotent when tryign to switch to an inside game. btw Rick Adelmen is not the answer imo.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Thread

    the detroit news ran an article the other day about how one of the motives for the flipper being coach was that dumars sensed from the rule changes and whatnot the league's new offensive direction and for that reason flip will probably stay. they shouldn't dump him unless they find a good replacement first. If flip stays, then somehow he needs to to get the picture that the team needs to be a more balanced inside out team rather than just a jump shooting one.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Thread

    I dont think they need to "blow it up" but they absolutely need a low post scorer. You can't win a title playing outside-out, all perimeter. Sheed pushed them over the hump in 04 because he gave them a good low post scoring threat. That is gone. I remember halfway through the season they said something like how he's made or attempted (probably both) more than he had all of last season. I definatly agree that 'Sheed needs to hit the road. He can be a tall 2 guard somewhere else, we need our PF to play like a PF.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Thread

  25. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Thread

    ^ :lol: I bet Barret wouldn't be afraid to score in the fuckin low post.