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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    College Hoops: National Semifinals and The Championship Game

    even though GMU has made sort of a mini-run, their defense here is not impressive at all. they've gotten a few missed FT lucky.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    as far as i know the plan is to allow doctor-certified exceptions to the rule.
  3. bobobrazil1984


    http://img88.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ha...nnotated8pw.jpg Includes bits from an EW article about the map as well as some "translations" by a fan.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    PWTorch newsletter news and notes

    Edge is trying to be Ron Artest?
  5. bobobrazil1984


    so Dharma parachutes the food in eh? someone out there clearly knows abuot the island then.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    24: Season 5

    I loved Jack's running Die Hard esque escape from the explosion, with the '24' theme booming. It was like reminding us why this guy is the greatest action hero since John McClaine.
  7. bobobrazil1984


    I feel like the series developments are lacking a sort of... visceral movement. There's too much of characters just strolling through the woods looking for something or someone, or sitting or standing in the hatch talking, sitting at the computer, or standing around in the woods talking with the others, etc, and all that. I'm thinking back to early season 1 and the most memorable moments are... Sayid torturing Saywer against a tree, Sayid being captured by Danielle, Boone and Locke in that airplane accident, Jack and Ethan fighting in the frikken rain, TWICE! trees being pulled out of the ground. Everything was really visceral, and striking. I'm definetly looking forward to this week though, hopefully events happen rather than just doling information. The only event this season that I feel has actually had a really visceral movement to it imo is when Ana Lucia shot Shannon and Sayid tried to go all nuclear on her. That felt like DAMN SOMETHING HAPPENED! i think some people confuse this sort of movement with "resolving mysteries", i mean ok so a mystery is resolved but is it really that compelling that theyre sitting there listening to someone talk?
  8. bobobrazil1984

    Bret Hart confirms he will not be at WrestleMania

    the thing about Bret taking the belt to WCW was something Vince made up to justify what he did to the wrestlers in the back to prevent a revolt. And as for the issue at hand........ so Bret doesn't want to see the one guy he hates at his big Hall of Fame induction ceremony. Big deal I wouldn't want to see someone I hated either.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    V for Vendetta

    I'm convinced fanofcoils is a gimmick poster, he just goes out of his way to say way out there shit to provoke a response.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    I dont know if I ever actually posted it, but for a while I've had this thought. A lot of people seem to think that Amare's talents are going to pile on top of the very good current Phoenix team, but every time Amare is making plays thats one less play being made by his "replacements" this season. still this makes phoenix better nobody get me wrong, but again there's only so many touches to go around, so who knows if it makes them THAT much better? I mean maybe they go from a 50 win to a 55 win team?
  11. bobobrazil1984


    upon rewatching, i love the little shit-eating grin charlie gets when ana lucia mentions Locke and Jack's arguing. His smartass smirks are tremendous. Also, Gale's comments about how they weren't even curious how the stuff got there may have been a wink wink at the audience, but I felt it could mean something more, like perhaps he's trying to get them to question that stuff because its part of the expirement, to see how they react. and Gale can't be innocent after his speil, it's just too weird and provoking to be an actual joke from him.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    The Da Vinci Code

    Angels and Demons was better from a "thriller" standpoint but i didnt think the overall story/characters and material were all that interesting.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    V for Vendetta

    Other than the fact that there are nighttime scenes with a dark color palatte, there is like, nothing remotely similar between the two, lol.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    The Sopranos-Season 6

    i thought the latest episode was pretty decent, but i let out an audible groan as soon as his coma sequence starts. I'm sure they're all very complex and layered and all that and i'm just too stupid for them, but i've pretty much gotten sick and tired of that gimmick in ANY show. If someone's in the hospital i dont wanna see their fuckin dreams, even if it was kind of interesting to see "Anthony" struggle with all these little tings that Tony would do like that (using someone's card, banging some chick, etc). Funny thing is, I feel like I've seen this gimmick at least 3 times in the sopranos, yet i cant name a single episode. It just FEELS tired. the fact that seasons are so short and it takes such a long time for them to show up just makes people even more critical than they would be if it was a 20 episode season that came out on schedule regularly.
  15. bobobrazil1984


    you know it might be interesting if at some point the show were to time-jump ahead a year or two, a la battlestar galactica, especiall if there's some long term psychological plan a la DHARMA.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    he actually should be back and healthy by the ECF if what i've read is accurate. of course me being me thinks they win the series even with zo.
  17. bobobrazil1984


    Charlie was crackin' me up this episode. He's really turned the corner from being a whiny douchebag to being a cool character. Almost makes that shitty Charlie episode worthwhile. The alliance is slowly building... Sayid and Charlie... and Saywer, through the gun connection. Maybe even Ana Lucia.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    sounds like Zo's out for the rest of the regular season, maybe even the playoff start. the other thing is, Zo actually landed fine, this wasn't one of those "my ankle lands at a weird angle" sprains, its a TORN CALF. Don't those usually come from wear and tear and overworking yourself? edit; i'm answering my own question, but I found out, yes for athletes such as basketball it is indeed an "overuse injury"
  19. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    ^ you must be psychic or something. Zo just went down.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    The Da Vinci Code

    there's a new trailer for it.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    whens new episodes of Shield coming back anyways?
  22. bobobrazil1984

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    one thing i don get is how they found him so quick? Did they find him at the place where shane killed him? Wasnt that some auto shop or something, i vaguelly remember shane telling Lem to follow him there. if they can track that location to the strike team its an obvious tie. I really hope Dutch isn't duped out somehow. I want his ace detective skills to break it wide open. Also, the Kavanaugh story felt really oddly unfulfilled, like they needed one last scene with him as a sort of epilogue. I'm assuming Forest isn't coming back, but I hope he does.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    Awesome ending. God I hope though we're not in for another season of angsty looks from Vic while he repeats "Shane's my brother!" "We're like brothers!" "we're a family" oh what oh what will I do. Hopefully when he finds out, he goes on the hunt immediately.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    24: Season 5

    what would be interesting is if the reason that Audrey sold everyone out was that she was bitter about the government "betraying" Jack at the end of S4. I was disappointed that there was no fallout from Tony's death and Henderson was (temporarily) forgotten. However the stuff with german agent Desmond (!) was good. I'd like to see more of him.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Where can I download TV shows?

    yeah i dont see any tv shows being hosted on actual sites where you can just download the files. Aside from the copyright stuff, they are very big files. Really, your only options are: a) Torrents b) Other file sharing P2P stuff like Limewire or IRC networks (which are more complicated than P2P or torrents) c) buy some off of iTunes, they have a pretty decent selection, 1.99 per ep, but i dont think they have 24.