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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Kobe or LeBron

    I think LA shoulda done that trade. Artest could really help them, and Foster off the bench is always good for some rebounds.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Yet another chapter of Chauncey Billups' Book of Clutch was written tonight. Awesome.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Gee, big shock that Jermaine O'Neal gets injured AGAIN. This'll be what, the 3rd straight season? Along with Toothpick Tinsley getting injured, and Artest being stupid. This'll be the third year where those same problems plague the Pacers.
  4. bobobrazil1984


    He was a dick to Charlie because Charlie was acting like a fucking fool. Kidnapping babies at night, just because a dream told him to? What sort of idiocy is that.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    my bad. not sure where i heard that last part, but clearly wrong. Garnett is 53%, wow. and the timberwolves still suck.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Pistons matched the famous 84 Tigers start of 35-5. It's also the halfway point to 70. Man this is such a special team and starting 5 to be a fan of. It's going to be a really sad day (for me) when this starting 5 breaks up. Useless stat of the day... Rip Hamilton is shooting 21.8ppg, .512 FG%, .509 3FG%, .872 FT% . The only 20+ ppg player who has a 50% FG
  7. bobobrazil1984


    This episode was lame as hell. I still don't get why Charlie went crazy and started kidnapping the baby. Because he had a dream all of a sudden he goes crazy and nutso and has to baptise the baby??? That's the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. There better be more to this (like, the island somehow drives everybody mad or something, or Charlie slowly becoming an actual Other psychopath). What a fool he was. I'm glad Locke beat the shit out of him, he deserved it. Idiot git.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Ron screws the Pacers again... for the 7845769th time. As a Pistons fan, as much as I delighted in Psycho RonRon pulling Indy out of serious contention, I'm actually starting to feel genuine pity for them, Ron is just screwing them so hard. Talk about torpedoing what little trade value you had. Now he has even less value than he did two days ago! can't say I'm surprised though that RonRon's meltdowns continue. I knew from the day I saw that one "glassy eyed" shot of him staring into the unknown from the brawl that he wasn't gonna shape up when he came back, he ALWAYS gets the same glass eyed look when he enters his "fucked up logic" world. He doesn't lose his temper, he just has a horrible logic system, to him everything he's doing was rational.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    the Lakers played great defense in that game?? they should deal Odom for Artest (if Indy will take it). Odom is not doing much in LA, and a defensive stopper like Psycho RonRon would do great things for the team. Imagine Kobe throwing up 60 points AND RonRon bullying around the other team's star player on defense. they'd be dangerous come playoff time, plus Ron can also be a 2nd scoring option.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Match Point

    I saw this clip from smoe movie where she's making out in a car, and the guy starts fingering her. It wasn't nudity but it was pretty hot, if you like her face and voice, since she moans up a storm. I dont know what movie it was from but it was fairly recent it seems like.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Wow. That is absolutely insane and amazing. I'll admit its also a little sad, i mean the rest of the team must REALLY suck. And its like... you know, this kind of team, with Kobe scoring the way to wins, will probably never win a title, so it almost feels like these amazing performances kinda go to waste. Its the frikken Raptors, he shouldnt need to score 81 to win. Still, wow it just warps your head to think about it.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Um, wasn't that in the 1st round of the playoffs... chucked by some guy up in one of the decks, which makes it impossible that the moron was trying to goad Iverson into rushing the stands. What was he gonna rush up two levels and up into the deck? or are you thinking of a different quarter incident with Iverson? i'm just saying is all.
  13. bobobrazil1984


    could somebody explain the whole 'bearded guy quotes alvar hanso' thing? I've seen it referred to here and other places. What lines did he quote?
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Ultimate Avengers...

    they should have gone big budget CG animation, PIxar or one of the other companies. Market it right I think you would get TONS and TONS of kids into the theater to see captain america, iron man, the hulk, thor, etc.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    do that all the time as in, they set screens for him down the stretch all the time or they stand around all the time?
  16. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    here's what I dont understand. In the stretch, Kobe routinely had 2 or 3 guys running after him. Did the other players suddenly forget how to set a pick? You can knock off a defender that way, if you're lucky, kobe can even curl around and get open, and that's gold. they just stand around instead while kobe shoots.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    wow, i dont watch the Lakers that often, but the rest of the team is erally really bad here. THey just dump it to Kobe, and he launches over 2 or 3 defenders. Luckily for them he's good enough to make many of them, but still, its like nobody has any concept of how to get a GOOD shot. I mean if Luke Walton and Smush are gonna stand at the top of the key with the ball, lost while trying to dump it to Kobe, i mean... why doesn't Luke set a pick for Smush to run around, maybe get open, draw a defender, whatnot? i'm echoing the tnt guys here, but these mediocre teams really dont seem to have any sense of shot recognition.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Ultimate Avengers...

    the story itself is pretty good if its based on the first Ultimates comic series, but the animation and voice acting seem TERRIBLE. i might give it a shot offa netflix.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    It'd be incredibly hypocritical of Stern to not issue a suspension after a full year of insisting "you may not enter the stands at all for ANY reason!!!" and the huge suspension to artest... to suddenly go "well, we understand HIS reasons, so forget about the suspension." 5 still seems high though, 2 or 3 would have done it. whatever. Its like the "automatic suspension for leaving the bench" or a player getting suspended for punching somebody that shoved him or hit him first. We would all defend ourselves if somebody hit us first and we'd probably all jump off the bench if somebody was fucking wtih our friend. But for the sake of rules we still get the suspension. and on that note, i dont get is why people seem to think "i would have done exactly the same thing" means anything to anybody? we arent the center of the universe, it means nothing to the question of punishment, unless there was some reason to think that "I" would have gotten a different punishment. I woulda done the same thing, and I woulda gotten suspended for it.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    speaking of the antonio davis thing, I switched to best damn sports show and while they were talking, they showed this video of the stands before the Antonio thing happened, and it really did seem like the wife was giving the other guy shit. She was standing up, facing him (who was behind him sitting), doing all these motions junk talk in his face, while the guy's sitting there trying to get security to come. kinda funny actually
  21. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    I heard something about how maybe it looked like somebody was takin a swing at her or something, hence her "falling back", though the scene when he got there didn't seem like a punch had been thrown. i'll give him some credit for not charging in there like a madman throwing people out of the way, he did so in a pretty calm way and no fans got rattled or anything by it.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    that last 40 seconds or whatever wasw a complete and total trainwreck for the Cavs.
  23. bobobrazil1984


    "How long would it take to train an army?" Bad.Ass.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    The Nets are a pretty good team but they're not making it out of the semi-finals until they get a better low-post presence. and by better I mean better than Nenad Kristic or whatever his name is. I would try to deal either RJ or VC for someone. Of course, I dont know if any really good PF/Cs are even available in any sense of the word. If KG ever demands to be traded, the Nets should be all up in that shit.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    This is a hilarious statement in many ways.... the first of which it almost seems like you're suggesting that the Kobe/Shaq pointless drama should be getting more coverage from ESPN while the Pistons should be getting less... ooh let us count the times they ignored each other! the times they hugged! the times they gave a half hearted bump! and from different angles! picture in picture!