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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    ^ I think either of those all depends on how serious Indiana is about trading to competition. They don't want to make teams that can burn them in the playoffs any better. Personally I see Artest going out west or to truly bad eastern team, barring some ridiculously lopsided can't-say-no offer (something stupid like Artest + bender for Lebron or whatever).
  2. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Wow, here's a cool story, which unfortunatly is gonna take like 6 years to be finished according to the article: http://news.com.com/NBA+to+create+huge+dig...89364&subj=news
  3. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    ^ it would have been somewhat understandable if you're in the final minutes down by 3 or something and absolutely have to stop the clock... but there was SIX MINUTES LEFT.. and they were down by 8... coming off of a 8-2 run which had everybody's rhythm going and the crowd rocking... and then they decided to foul Ben Wallace off the ball in every possession (fouling out Sam Cassell I might add) I dont think I've ever seen a dumber coaching decision in "crunch time". Teams who are "for real" can and have (often) broken 8 point deficits in 6 minutes. You gotta have confidence in yourselves to play defense if you expect to make any noise in the playoffs, which teams who are "for real" do. No way I can imagine teams who are "for real" like the Spurs, the Suns, Pistons, Mavs, Pacers, Cavs, you name em, throw their hands up and essentially admit "We are your bitches and can't stop you!" when only down 8 with half a quarter left.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    ... while having the most calm serene look on his face the entire time
  5. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    would the Lakers be willing to take on Artest in exchange for Odom I wonder? ARtest/Kobe would probaby become the most hated team ever
  6. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    ^ the worst part (well worst for the Pacers) is his dumbass statements about how if he's traded west he's gonna bolt back to NY or something. Talk about cutting your potential suitors off immediatly. I dont see Indy making ANY deal with the Cavs unless its for Lebron (which obviously wont happen). They have like the same record and are in the same division, hell is very likely they could up in a 4/5 matchup in the playoffs.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    The Chronicles of Narnia

    I'm interested in the 3rd book actually. That's the one with Lucy's awesome (read: obnoxious) cousin Eustice on the ship that sails to the end of Narnia, isn't it?
  8. bobobrazil1984

    Stan Van Gundy Resigns as Head Coach

  9. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    edit: meh, not worth getting pissed about. 10-1 road record. Keep on rolling Pistons
  10. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    The unusually high number of FTAs for him was because the Clips started employing a pretty extreme "Hack A Ben"... with 6 minutes left and only down 8 points. I'm only listening on the radio, but it seems the "strategy" caused a bit of a stir on the Pistons bench, Rasheed got a tech for yelling at Dunleavy cause of it What, was 'defense' not a good enough strategy? Can you imagine any elite or good team switching to HackShaq/Ben when only down 8-10 with HALF A QUARTER left? Spurs? Miami? Detroit? The Suns? Cavs? Pacers? Psh. Please.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    in case there was any doubt about crazy RonRon, i'm reading on various boards that he went on local Indy news and basically repeated everything from the article, he wants to be traded anywhere else. He's done in Indy, no way they can keep him there. As a pistons fan i can only hope they dont get equal value back!
  12. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    i dont see how they can keep him after those comments. Its not just the trade, its the idea behind them. The comments about Carslile, the reasons given (maximing his potential), keeping him now makes him a team killer chemistry wise. Talk about undercutting RIck Carslile if they keep him. After reading that interview/article again, I'm starting to wonder if there isn't some sort of sly sneakiness going on between Artest and Isiah/LB. 1) He repeatedly makes the point he wants to the Knicks. ok, fair enough, he has his prreference. 2) He flat out says "send me to the West and I'll go back to the Knicks or Cleveland when my contract is up"... its well known that the Pacers HAVE and STILL ARE (if certain analysts are to be believed) talking to the Kings about Peja. It seems very co-ordinated to scare the Kings away. 3) Repeatedly mentioning Cleveland. If you read his reasons for wanting to go, Cleveland seems like the worst place. So why's he keep mentioning them? Because Cleveland is exactly the team that Pacers wont send him to in a million years (unless they gave up LeBron which obviously isnt happening), with their record, place in the East, and DIVISION. He's already knocked out the West, wont send him to Cleveland, scared off other teams with his attitude, suddenly sending him to NY doesn't seem like such a bad idea for the Pacers. I get the impression the Knicks wont be turned off by his attitude at all. It all seems a little too co-ordinated. You think Ron could be "in league" with Isiah and/or LB?
  13. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Wow, Lebron drops FIFTY TWO points, and they still lose to the Bucks. by the way, the Central Division has the top 5 record in the east. On that note, Indiana will be so incredibly stupid if they trade Ron to anybody in the Central (or miami) for anything less than a franchise player (shaq, wade, lebron, etc, not that those teams would give up their franchise for Ron the nutjob).
  14. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    by the by, those comments about 'if i go west i'm going back east to the knicks whne my contract is up' are absolutely moronic, keep that stuff to yourself idiot, you're killing your trade value (and by proxy killing the pacers opportunities to get stuff back for you).
  15. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Check this shit out!!! Ron Artest demands a trade? http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/arti...RTS04/512100493 Partly surprising (the actual trade request) and partly not (c'mon we were all just waiting for "silly Ron stunt of this season", wasn't it around this time the infamous rap album stuff happened?). As a Pistons fan, I can only hope he gets traded to the west for someone not as good in return, hopefully knocking a playoff rival down a notch. Boy would it suck for us if he went to Cleveland, but hopefully Indiana also realizes that giving him to a big division rival is a bad idea. Of course its hardly a lock that he'll be traded. This could all blow over, Bird sits down with RonRon, talks, etc. Still the Pacers have been pretty good to him, standing at his side through all his idiocy, that kinda statement (even if its just off the cuff and not serious) is a hell of a way to repay them.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    speaking of those yahoos, the Nets, they could be a good team if they traded one of their big 3 for a GOOD PF/C frontcourt presence. and by Good I mean better than Kristic.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    The objectors shoulda instead said "this sends the message to the students that quitting on your team and slacking off is a good thing to do."
  18. bobobrazil1984

    WWE Files A Very Interesting Trademark

    That's ludicrous. Just like how they claimed that much in damages because Vince was also using the name. I don't know how Vince's dumbass lawyers couldn't prove this in court. Vince had very clearly broken the rules of the contract he'd signed with WWF (Wildlife). It was an open and shut case. I can't think of any way Vince could have won considering there was an ironclad agreement between him and the Wildlife guys.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Putting Nocioni on him like that was just ridiculous (for the Bulls). He was just shooting them over his head again and again. When Skiles LEFT him on Sheed... fuggetaboutit, even i was laughing alogn with sheed.
  20. bobobrazil1984


    the flashback being not-real would really suck.
  21. bobobrazil1984


    ^ a lot of people will disagree and make oh-so-clever jokes about twist endings, but I think Night would have made a fantastic Superman movie. He loves the DOnner films and worships Alex Ross style of superheroes and is actually a comic geek himself. I think he could raelly channel the grace and heroism of Superman in a cool way. Singer's not a bad choice though.
  22. bobobrazil1984


    I read that article (or at least one very similar to it) a while back, crazy shit. Really crazy. However, I disagree a bit with his interpretation of the post-AICNHarry-review-of-Abrams-script period. He seems to suggest that fans rallied behind Abrams' production after that "bought" review (fooled by it), but as I recall that wasn't the case. Many, if not most, still thought it sounded horrible and were dreading it. There was some cautious optimism that the reported rewrites would get rid of the sillier stuff (Lex a kryptonian alien? wtf). But was a strange portion of the article because it was one of the few points where he/she went off on a tangent describing how internet fans reacted from his POV. the stuff behind the scenes seems accurate, it all seems vaguely familiar. By the way, to this day I'm still appreciative of Moriarity for writing that review, it may actually have saved superman (assuming Singer's movie isn't shitty), one of the reasons i make a point to exclude him when i'm ragging on fatass Harry.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    WINFIXER 2005

    did the removal tool i posted above work for anyone else?
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Al Sharpton Wants To Be A Sitcom Star

    Al Sharpton in a sitcom? SOLD! I'd watch that.
  25. bobobrazil1984


    While donig my daily scouring of the LOST boards (it's like a job ), I came across a pretty interesting screencap. This is from Jin's episode when he talks to Sun's father. Look at the two screens on the right side of the office. Is it just me, or does that look like an island? Also, someone pointed out that one of the old Korean flags has the i-ching symbols laid out in a similar fashion as the dharma logo (the current flag only has four i-ching symbols).