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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984


    another theory, to go in the opposite direction, that i have, is that we all have it backwards. Supposedly hallucination Walt says "dont push the button, the button is bad". We're all worrying about what happens when the timer runs out, maybe its supposed to run out. Maybe entering the numbers and hitting execute sparks all the weird shit, the security system, the supposed sickness, the others, etc etc. If the timer ran out, it would all just... stop. Its a fairly common writing device actually.. have the hero go through all these steps to reach an endpoint... where its revealed the steps the hero took, are exactly what the villian needed.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    DDD B1G1 Free Box Set Sale

    Some good stuff there. Jeremiah, Married with Children, Rocky Anthology (!), Seinfeld, Stargate.
  3. bobobrazil1984


    So one question is, why exactly was that little splice of the video cut out and put somewhere else in the first place? Why was someone trying to hide it? The computer started its HELLO? thing right after that splice of the video finally aired. Is it possible the computer (or the island or whatever is really behind all this), HEARD that splice played for the first time, thus giving it the idea to actually use itself for something other than the numbers? Meaning, the splice was cut out specifically so the computer WOULDN'T HEAR IT when someone watches the Orientation video. And that entering the numbers somehow keeps it busy or locks it down or whatever for 108 minutes. Sort of like being locked into a programming loop or something, except you have to manually initiate it each time. Someone mentioned above that the series would have to have some sort of easily understandable overall premise, even if details get technical. Well some sort of "super-smart A.I. gone crazy" is an old scifi favorite. If you add some sort of biological and electromagnetic component to it, give the AI more of a reach than just 'network connections' and the such, then it's not really that different from the 'collective consciousness' theory linked a few posts up, except easier to explain to the layman (crazy AI!). Maybe if the timer "ran out", then the computer would be free of its shackles and "come alive" or something. What if the Hanso foundation created a monster (not literally), a super-smart AI that's gotten its tendrils into all sorts of computer systems (like, say, the lottery), essentially an artificially created god. think Skynet. If let loose it takes over everything. So they come up with a simple solution, lock it into some sort of processing loop. a figurative hypnotizing type thing. IF you use the computer for anything else, you snap the AI out of it and all hell breaks loose.
  4. bobobrazil1984


    Anyone know if there's a site which has a sort of compendium of comments from the writers? I'm not looking for outright spoilers, just the hints that the writers have thrown out. Surely some fanatic has quoted them all in one spot somewhere?
  5. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    ^ Also I know a lot of people give him flak for going small and putting Tayshaun Prince on Duncan late in Game 7 when the other bigs got into foul trouble, feeling it turned the tide and allowed Duncan to get back into the game (remember, there was quite a bit of Duncan = choker feelings going around at the time). He was having a bad game up until that point.
  6. bobobrazil1984


    picked it off another message board (a general one, not a Lost board), its just on a photobucket account. However, I've read a few other posts around the internet commenting on seeing an "arab looking man that mighta been Sayid" from the scene, which prompted someone to take a screencap. Looks authentic.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

    This movie looks pretty good, though it's left me slightly wary that they might overplay the slapstick humor with Jack, make him too much of a goof (a la Stiffler in the later American Pie movie). Still, the first movie was entertaining as hell thanks to Depp's Keith Richards impression, so I'm looking forward to this. Can't think of any pirate movies besides the first movie that I actulaly liked.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    Favourite narratives/voiceovers

    Can't go wrong with Morgan Freeman's deliberate, measured, but wonderful narration in my favorite movie ever, The Shawshank Redemption.
  9. bobobrazil1984


    Look who's on the TV.
  10. bobobrazil1984


    That was a great ending. Creepy as hell too. Walt's somehow found his way into the consciousness of, well, everything. The island, the computer, wtf? The horse thing was interesting because it was a LOT like Jack and Desmond, something(one) he/she came across in passing during an important period, and now coincidently shows up on the island. I feel like the germs of the beginning of a theory is out there but i'm too dumb to put it together. I'm reminded of the last episode of Star Trek the next generation, it had this thing which was like time travel in reverse, events rippled BACKWARDS in time. Makes me wonder if something like that's not happening here. ie, Kate met the horse on the island FIRST, and it somehow rippled backwards, showing up at a key moment to change events to make sure she came to the island. Same wtih Desmond and Jack. Wouldn't it be fucked up if the flashbacks weren't actually flashbacks at all? That we are actually seeing flashback-events unfold as they're happening in a new way, because of the island (or whatever is on the island).
  11. bobobrazil1984


    ^ I think that was a general preview for the rest of the season. I think the show is in repeats until January.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    Stupidest/Worst/Most Offensive Smackdown (Special)

    meh you'll all still watch it and shell out your money for wrestlemania, what do they care?
  13. bobobrazil1984

    Vince saying "Nigga"

    You know, while I agree its in bad taste, the company has been putting up awful intelligence-insulting shit for like 3 years now, and NOW you're offended? Frankly it's more like "moronic bad taste WWE stunt #343278738".
  14. bobobrazil1984

    WINFIXER 2005

    One problem is that it may be coming from a specific site which you go to every time, in which case u'll have to avoid that site (or turn of java) until they get it fixed. If its coming from your machine, for instance mine had the problem where it would pop up everytime I ran IE, then you want to try this: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcen...moval.tool.html (this is a tool from Symantec in case you're wary about where its coming from)
  15. bobobrazil1984

    What aren't you reading

    This book is frikken awesome. One of my favorite books ever in fact. If one digs Neil Gaiman or JK Rowlings' sort of style of writing, then they will absolutely dig this.
  16. bobobrazil1984


    i think i'll get around to see it. I saw the play on Broadway and was pretty blown away. Doubly so because i thought i'd find it lame, as far as the subject matter goes. Seeing some clips though, I think having them sing amidst actual NYC locations kinda zaps the charm out of the songs.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Black Friday! Indiana, San Antonio, Detroit, and Miami all lost home games on Friday.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Harry Potter Movies

    you know at this rate, i'd suggest that people who like harry potter but arent up to date on teh books actually see the movies first. it seems most book-readers are upset and annoyed at the stuff being left out, while the people who watch the movies seem to genuinly enjoy GoF (and Azkaban) on their own. Might be better to enjoy both the movie, and then the book even more, than to enjoy the book then be pissed off at the movie.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Regarding the KG-Detroit thing, on paper, switching KG+darko for Rasheed in the starting lineup seems like a no-brainer, but messing wtih winning chemistry is a tricky thing. If Detroit was like 6-4 instead of 9-1, I'd be way more open to it. Sheed is so liked and gives such identity and swagger to the team, i feel like his wroth is more than his numbers.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Smackdown Spoilers from England...

    Rey could possibly be booked as a champion who isn't a joke... but the WWE writers/bookers are not the ones to do it. no way WWE can do it. what in god's name makes any of you think they have the creativity or competence to do so?
  21. bobobrazil1984

    The Serenity movie thread

    the cover for the DVD absolutely blows chunks. But still, I personally think its cool as hell that its coming so soon. I'm eager to watch it again.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Target 2 Day Ad DVD sale

    Arrested Development seasons for 15 bucks each at BestBuy (on friday I guess, not reflect now).
  23. bobobrazil1984

    Vince McMahon Institutes New Drug Policy

    That part encourages me. A third-party will (hopefully) not deal with all the BS that comes out of WWE offices. It tells me this is serious. Hopefully they dont abandon this when people forget about Eddie. I do want to see what happens if HHH got caught with somthing (i'm guessing he will simply not be picked in the 'random' testing, possibly by categorizing himself as management or something). Have a hard time seeing them firing or sending HHH to rehab.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Harry Potter Movies

    Well they did have the scene where Dumbledore makes the speech to the students telling them Voldemort took out Cedric and has returned. But then they capped it off wtih a semi-upbeat scene with the Trio (i think.. i need to watch this again my memory is foggy).
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Phil Mushnick is at it, again

    I don't disagree with everything in that article. But he overplays his hand by exaggerating the number of deaths and that crack about the ratings of the tribute show wasn't called for. In fact, the majority of the article is very close to the mark. This part in particular bothers me because of how true it is: WWE's awful policies (or lack thereof) do deserve severe bashing until Vince implements road physicians, mandatory drug and steroid testing for everybody under threat of firing, and a system that allows workers to take 2 months or so off per year without ceding their "spot". Frankly those are far more serious issues than Mushnik's article. His articles don't get people severely hurt or killed. I hope those sending complaints for the artciel are also planning a complaint to WWE for the way their "system" is set up. Until some changes are made, and some of the things mentioned are implemented, its hard to build any outrage of people bashing WWE's treatment of wrestlers and matters such as these. edit: I just saw on the main page there's apparently a new drug policy. That's good, hopefully its serious enough and not for show. More changes still need to be made though.