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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    Speaking of which... I came across a clip and I couldn't resist... being that I HATE Alonzo Mourning: Video Clip of Alonzo getting posterized!
  2. bobobrazil1984

    Cheney directly implicated by notes?

    continued here http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/25/politics...agewanted=print It goes on a little more, the whole thing's worth a read, but I think its almost time for the ole "the special prosecutor has a political vendetta~!!!!!!!!" strategy, as they're getting into dangerous territory here. Of particular interest is that if the notes are true (and why would LIbby make fake notes?) that could lead to a pretty clear "perjury" case against Libby even if the cia thing wasn't a crime! Maybe people should jsut stop taking notes. Tapes are what did Nixon in, and notes could be the downfall of Libby/Rove (probably not Cheney he is too big fish)
  3. bobobrazil1984

    Looks like we have our first "high profile"...

    ^ I would somewht agree with that statement. Even if wnba is the pits, Cheryl Swoopes is a relatively known name in sports. Anyways, good for her. It must really suck ass to have to hide shit like that for how many years.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    When do the varoius NBA shows start up again? Do they still have that show on ESPN, fastbreak/shootaround/whatever its called.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    You heard it here first (as far as tsm goes), this season Darko will become a real player rather than a victory cigar! By late in the season he'll be able to come off the bench and be good for 6-10 points and a few rebounds, in-game not garbage minutes. Mark my words!!!
  6. bobobrazil1984

    The Rock Comments on HBK

  7. bobobrazil1984

    Box Office report Oct. 21-23

    I actually quite like Rock as actor, but more often than not, the movies do nothing for me. While I never saw Be Cool, "The Rundown" was my favorite Rock movie, hell the only one I liked.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    I'm not down with Crispin Glover and his stupid voice and the same exact nerdy uber-antisocial weirdo he plays in every movie. He's got a good look, but Eccleston has a much better look. I'm good with Eccleston or Betany. Paul Betany seems realistic according to the rumors.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    The Rock Comments on HBK

    I remember reading something about HBK and HHH working to sabotage Rock early in his career (I vaguely remember a rumor about them lobbying to have him job the I-C belt to Bret or something like that), plus there was that promo back in 02 where HBK took a cheap shot at Rock out of the blue ("...just like the Rock is jealous of Hunter"), so there could be some kinda heat between these two. Anyway, I wouldn't rule out a match between these two. There's a poll on WWE.com asking whether or not people would wanna see HBK vs the Rock, and as you can imagine most people voted yes. This could all be a work to get people interested in a match between the two. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Meltzer stated in his daily update yesterday that this is NOT a work, and that The Rock really does dislike Michaels and has no desire to ever work with him. Now, as for why the Rock dislikes Michaels so much, here's Meltzer's take (from 8-9-05 on the WrestlingClassics board): "The incident in question was a TV match in 1997 with Bret Hart as a heel vs. Rock as a face. rock and HHH were rivals for the same spot, and it was booked for Hart to win with a sharpshooter. Hart went to management and said Rock was going to be the future superstar of the company and he saw no reason to beat him. He knew why it was booked that way, so he did some sort of DQ finish instead. Shawn cried like a baby over it because their ingenious plan had been screwed. That's why, to this day, the guys Rock always praises the most are Hart and Austin. As far as Rock refusing to work with Michaels. I don't buy it, and I'm pretty sure if that was the case, I'd know. Saying he has no desire, that I can believe, but refusing, seriously, he's long past sweating anything that goes on in pro wrestling." Keep in mind that Meltzer didn't know (until now) that the Rock had absolutely no desire to work with HBK. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sorry but I don't buy that story for a second. That sounds like classic Meltzer revisionist history designed to make Bret look as good as possible and make Shawn and HHH look as bad as possible. "Rock was going to be the future superstar of the company"? And Meltzer makes it sound like Rock losing to main event star Bret Hart in that situation would have permanently buried him or something so that HHH could "take his spot". It's just more pro-Bret bullshit from Dave. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've heard that Bret story before, years ago in fact. It might have even been from Bret but dont quote me on that. Of course that doesn't mean much, maybe it was made up years ago, but the point being it wasn't something just made up now.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    Movign the topic back to the actual game of basketball, this brought a smile to my face... Alonzo Mourning got dunked on by Darko Millicic! hah! though the points got called back cause of someone else's foul... it's still awesome. millicic is actually producing in the preseason, having been given minutes (or maybe its just cuz brown is gone and he has confidence i dunno, the whole bench has been lighting it up. maybe its just preseason) Also, and this is a 2ndhand report i didnt see it so take it as you will, but i've heard that whenever Walker (antoine) gets the ball, he kinda "goes into business for himself"trying to find his own shot. Hey Antonie, that's exactly what your team doesn't need (can you tell i'm not a believer in the new Heat *yet*? I would pick last year's Heat over this year's if they were going head to head)
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Rocky VI Officially Greenlit

    I actually thought the script excerpts in the Stallone magazine were pretty freakin good. Better than all of rocky 5. Surprisingly good as a matter of fact. As long as the story takes into account and dramatically acknowledges his age and doesnt try to pass him off as younger and healthy, i'm interested in it.
  12. bobobrazil1984


    Decent episode but felt padded. Show's still good but this isn't season 1 quality at all. Five eps in and 2 have bored me (Michael's episode and this one). By episode five last season I was going nuts because the show was so fuckin good.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Speaking of him, artest challeneged ben wallace to a boxing match on PPV in a recent interview. Hey, wasn't it around this time last year Ronnie boy started the whole 'i want a month off for a rap album' thing? and the goofiness begins again
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Depeche Mode-Playing the Angel

    I like "Precious".
  15. bobobrazil1984

    DVD Releases: Week of October 18th

    I picked up the Batman Begins 2 disc. I'm psyched. PS - I also got West Wing Season 1 dvd for 16 bucks, at best buy! Smallvile s1 is also on sale there, as well as a season of Friends.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    House of M #7 is out.

    Wanda the walking plot device was pissed off about beign a mutant or something, and said no more mutants, and they all shattered or blew up or something or other. I only skimmed it, didn't really read in detail. i guess the idea is to make the mutants a tiny minority again. too bad, grant morrison did awesome things with an emerging mutant population. Its too bad most of the writers after that did jack shit with the concept. edit: isn't there one more issue of House of M? the end said 'to be concluded'
  17. bobobrazil1984

    New Orleans Fight Night!

    the more video that's released, the more bad the cops look. At some point it just becomes impossible to spin the guy being a threat in any seriuos way.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Amare Stoudemire to undergo knee surgery

    In other news, the Western Conference has officially shut down, with the Spurs moving directly to the FInals.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica

    are these new commentaries or the online podcasts from the website?
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Darko Arrested

    I've heard he's been doing pretty decent in preseason games, having been given in-game minutes rather than just garbage minutse. (of course one could argue all preseason minutes are garbage minutes) speaking of which i think its about time for an NBA season thread, no?
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Y: The Last Man

    I really like this book too, though i dont follow it monthly (I dont really follow anything monthly). every few months i grab a few issues and catch up. Its a fun read and does interesting and unique things with the premise.
  22. bobobrazil1984


    Looks like an arrow. or a Q-Tip. or a really thin dildo. An arrow most likely. speaking of the Walt conversation earlier, i found this screenshot out in the pathways of the internet:
  23. bobobrazil1984


    you can watch it tomorrow if you're willing to shell out 1.99, apparently
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Weekend Boxoffice Report Oct 7-9

    ^ yeah but the movie kicked ass so at least 'Whedon fanboys' have that. Hey it could have been star trek nemesis or LXG !
  25. bobobrazil1984


    What the hell? Are you sure about that? Not even sure how that's possible considering different countries and we already had Hurley buying Locke's company after winning the lottery.