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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    The Serenity movie thread

    You can watch it on your own and not have a problem.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    Firefly on DVD

    The magic number is $80 million WORLDWIDE, according to the universal exec. I'd say that probably means about $50-ish US, which might not be unreasonable. A hot DVD sale could also help a bit, maybe.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica

    I was travelling so I just saw the last two episodes of this block, Flight of the Phoenix and Pegasus last night. Phoenix was a nice episode, great execution of an old plot. I liked that it was really about the crew and hope rather than the virus plot. But Pegasus, HO-LEE SHIT! HO-LEE SHIT! A new battlestar about 5 times more advanced? Fuck yeah Ro laren as hardass Cain? Oh Fuck Yeah! Pegasus crew gang-raping Cylon prisoners? W T F!!! Helo and Tyrol joining forces and killing the would be rapist? OH HELL YEAH! And adama... Adama adama adama... this guy is one of the all time great "quiet badasses" in television history. When he finally snaps at the end, and orders the vipers and marines out to the Pegasus, HO-LEE SHIT! Look out, he's got the look of death!!!!! Cain obviously missed the little notes in the BSG logs that said "Don't frak with Adama or you become his bitch". Adama/Cain phone-showdown was an awesome scene, especially the way it circled around and cut back and forth! I can't believe no more new episodes till January (?). WTF. fuck that. This show is awesome. Still cant decide which is better, this or Lost, but they both had dynamite hours this week. but its definetly one of the top shows on TV.
  4. bobobrazil1984


    Apologies if this has been posted already. Here's the symbol from Desmond's bunker, from the medicine cabinet and here's what it is: http://www.shaolinhungmei.org/theory2.html
  5. bobobrazil1984

    Super busy day from Apple...

    yeah the phone does look awful. Its obvious which of the two companies designed that. I think i'd wait until there's an actual apple-designed iPod-phone, which numbers and a scroll wheel, which lets you buy songs straight from the phone, before even considering it.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    Super busy day from Apple...

    so apparently this new nano is a flash player. interesting.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Super busy day from Apple...

    *jaw hits the floor* My ipod mini just went extinct. I want THAT!
  8. bobobrazil1984

    Google continues to take over the world

    well i've since downloaded Google Desktop 2 on my work computer here, and its really somethin' else. In particular, as you type in the search bar, it shows you results in a popup. I've found that its the easiest way bar none to get to a document or program, much easier than navigating windows. Just now I typed "thesmartmarks" in it and this forums homepage was at the top of the popup results. faster than even opening the browser and going. The idea of them building some sort of google-dominated shell over the windows OS is pretty real.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    I agree, i'm not as huge on the Miami bandwagon as some. i dont see championship level defense there. Indiana and Detroit can give them a run for their money. The Spurs though... goddammit. There's a team built to repeat. The West, barring some huge sudden improvement or SA injury, is a bit of a joke this year. Does anyone really think anybody's gonna beat S.A. now???
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Google continues to take over the world

    speaking of the Big G, anybody here use Google Desktop? how is it, worth downloading?
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Google continues to take over the world

    ^ interesting. The whole thing about Google is just interesting if you think about this in a historical context. A GBrowser seems like a logical step. It might make more sense to join or buy mozilla (which has a grassroots following including me, i'm using firefox right now) than split the pie three ways. As Google adds more and more easy useable services, i think the day is coming where each of them interfaces smoothly with each other, Gmail, GTalk, the search, computer search, GBrowser, the library project they're doing, etc etc well they all already interface in some way, but to the point where its all so cohesive, one day you'll look around and realize they've basically created a complete functional simple, sleek and idiot-proof OS. Just load up "Google Life" or whatever, and one screen gives you access to the whole web, to all the books (via their digital library), all your contacts and friends, satellite pictures of everywhere, easy access to all your files, all the news, etc etc. True synergy. Well, at least it aint Microsoft takin' over.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    they wouldnta signed dale davis if they thought they had a serious chance, sounds like finley probably privately ruled detroit out or settled on miami or something.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    Google continues to take over the world

    dont know but i'd like to see it. Firefox though is pretty google-ish in its simplicity, but i think google could make it one better. Google's one of the few "names" in existence thats big enough and part of pop-culture enough to truly whoop some asses. Gave Google Talk a spin, but couldn't find anyone online to talk to at the moment, but the interface is really slick.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Google continues to take over the world

    taking over the world... really, they are. and i'll willingly allow it. Everything they do just seems so simple, non-cluttered, and useable. When are they going to come out with an operating system to free us of Windows??
  15. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    They will try, but it won't work. hillary has already gone through much worse than Dean ever will. I think she'll win the primeries EASILY, even ifshe loses the general. however you do have a good point about her not connecting the way Bill did.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    Hogan/Michaels Backstage gossip

    That's hilarious. Shawn basically got a taste of Kliq medicine going the other way. I used to hate Hogan's politicking when it actually affected stuff I like, but nowadays its just awesome.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Comics books you liked that are no longer printed

    ^ I was just about to post it. Too bad Neil Gaiman decided to call it quits. I've tried dabbling in some of the spinoffs, but man, it just makes me realize that nobody but Gaiman should touch those characters.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Best Alan Moore story

    There's a few I haven't read (LXG, Supreme), but I have read most of them, and its absolutely Watchmen. It really is the Ciitizen Kane of comics (right down to people reading/watching it and not getting what the big deal is). Its SO FUCKING DENSE! there are so many interesting little unique and new storytelling techniques down there. Its complex in so many ways, not just the characters, but in the little physical aspects, the way the story is told visually, through the ways characters are staged, through many different things. Its usually the abillity to further the telling of the story through means OTHER than plot and dialogue that makes something really complex. Put the Godfather on MUTE and pay attention to how Michael is staged as the movie goes on, to what he wears and his physical mannerisms, and you'll see his whole story is right there on screen, and it has nothing to do with dialogue or the plot. No michael bay movie will ever have that. Even if you foun the Bay movie more "fun to watch", it will never be as good as a film as The Godfather. thats how fuckin dense watchmen is, normal superhero comics are michael bay movies while Watchmen is the fucking Godfather.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    I'm going to break with the wisdom here and say this: If Hillary runs I believe she will win. Elections are all about name recognition, stardom, and popularity. Sorry its true. Bush and Gore were both big recognizable names, Bush cause of his Pres Bush Sr and Gore b/c of the clinton adminstration, and it was really close. some people already dont like her and i think thats coloring their viewpoint. while i do have a negative opinion of her, its the same kinda negative opinion i have of most politicians. YOU may laugh at her attempts to jump to the center, but her approvals and "moderate appeal" and all that has jumnped like 10 full points since she started the whole center thing last year. she's actually convinced some republicans to publicly say 'shes not that bad', think about htat, that takes some skill for a lefti-antichrist like Hill. Her popularity among women is actually shockingly high. It doesn't matter if every woman you know claims to hate her. The other things is the polarization factor can be an advantage. Plus, the extreme hatred for her will serve her the same way it did others, like bush and bubba. it will make her sympathetic, like she's unfairly being dumped on, the same way the ravings of the far left and the really lefty hollywoods makes middle america back away slowly. Sure YOU may think the hatred's justified based on "truth", but so what? YOu're not everybody. I'm sure senn penn thinks his ravings are justified too. Just like Bush, she's not very good and not perfect and has quite a few things to criticize, but the hatred will be so irrational to general folks that it will OVERSHADOW the actual negative things about her. Only this time, when they try to explain in their minds whats drawing this "irrational" hatred, one thing will come to their mind, regardless of its true or not. I'll give you a hint. starts with a "w". Hey if more sexual attacks come on her in the heart of the election, like that book recently, speculating she was a lesbian and was raped by BIll to give birth to CHelsea, you honestly think millions of women AREN'T going to sympathize with her??? Yeah right. Unless the Republicans can find someone with charisma who can Criticize WITHOUT SOUNDING MEAN OR VINDICATIVE (something Bill Clinton was aces at, hell one of the only democrats who can do it), imo they are sunk.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    Damn, the 2 disc SE sounds sick (the good sick)! Nice. http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/050816/to300.html?.v=11 it did very well in imax
  21. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    Michael Finley got waived at the last minute... it's on now!
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo

    Usually i have no use for Ebert, except when he loathes a movie. His "this movie is SHIT" reviews are usually some of the funniest around
  23. bobobrazil1984

    "Batman Begins" Sequel Proceeds

    Ok here's the dude I'm talking about, but I still have to see him act, i've only seen him in bits and pieces, nothing substantial. i hear he's one of those classically trained guys though. and take this pic... and add white color and a few slight makeup ticks, and ya got (Some dude at superherohype did this.): http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b199/pieeye/jkedit2.jpg
  24. bobobrazil1984

    "Batman Begins" Sequel Proceeds

    I'll tell ya who I like as the Joker. A guy named Christopher Ecclestein. I'll post some manips others at superherohype made of this guy.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    There's also been talk of Detroit pursuing him also, as they are on the lookout for a good scoring SF/SG guy (i'm partial to jalen rose for that slot myself but it now looks like he wont be an amnesty victim). Only thing is, Finley wouldn't be a starter with Detroit, but its still a very good shot at the title, as are the Heat, and the Suns (a bit less so but close enough). on a different note, boy am I glad the Nets didnt land Abdur-Rahim. i hate the nets.