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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Nicholas Cage is going to be in in Mark Millar's "Kick Ass" directed by Matthew Vaughan. Vaughan btw is the director of Layer Cake and Stardust (ridiculously underrated movie by the way), and the guy who was going to do X-Men 3 until he backed out because he thought the script sucked (though he put it much more politely than that). As you might gather, I'm a Vaughan fan. But I'm straying from my original point, which is Cage is going to be in the movie, and it might be good. So maybe he'll have a movie that doesn't suck. We can hope.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    Google Chrome

    You can from the bookmarks toolbar (Ctrl B) - right click, you can edit delete re-order, etc, particularly form the Other bookmarks drop-down... i'm not sure if that's what you meant.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    Google Chrome

    CTRL B toggles the bookmarks bar on and off for quick access. might not be what you are looking for though
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Google Chrome

    what? Are you referring to being able to drag tabs out into their own window? i can do that in Chrome
  5. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    Q: Are you offended by the phrase "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not? PALIN: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance. Somebody might want to give her a history lesson
  6. bobobrazil1984

    Google Chrome

    Definitely looking forward to giving this thing a spin. The browser is something that can really be improved. Firefox is such a memory hog with multiple tabs open. IE is just a bloated piece of bloated bloated-ness.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    wait, there are people who think Obama was TOO aggressive? You dont win political campaigns by being passive...
  8. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    That's a bold move, showing they are serious about leeching off women votes. It doesn't make a difference to me since from what I can see, there's nothing unique about her positions, they're all typical Republican positions, but from a political standpoint, well played McCain. The only real downside I see is the possibility that it's almost too blatant a political move to grab women. otoh, Americans are swayed by blatant political
  9. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    You missed Brit Hume droppin' the ole 'barack hussein obama' full middle name
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    The "You're on your own" bit is tremendous. What a perfect succinct description of why I hate the republican domestic policy.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    I switched to Fox's nightly post-speech negative spin, and that Barnes guy is losing his damn mind he can barely talk straight, stuttering all over the place, how DARE Biden question McCain's judgement? Omgzzz!
  12. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    that was clearly deliberate. Sort of clever though.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    Yeah, he stumbled over his words quite a bit. Content-wise it was pretty good though.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    I can buy Hillary supporters being upset and staying home on election day, but this supposed trend of going over to McCain's campaign really befuddles me. Wasn't Hillary's entire campaign, hell her entire political career based on things like universal health-care? Women's right to choose (ie - framing it into a women's rights issue)? All about giving women real respect and a real voice and all that? It's not like these "side issues". Frankly, i can't see how you could support Hillary WITHOUT feeling strongly about those. Guess who wants to overturn Roe v. Wade and is on the 'universal healthcare is socialism and evil' side? Who called his wife a cunt and who cheated on his first wife? Clearly they didn't care all that much about the actual issues that Hillary espoused, and were more in it for the celebrity/cult-of-personality thing.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    not universal though. the people on Fox News right after the speech were talking about how it wasn't a good endoresment at all! that Bill Kristol, so unbiased. :-P btw if McCain picks Hutchinson, as some chatter is speculating, he's going to win this election.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    the FOX audio feed sucks, the volume is so low. is that just me?
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    Michelle Obama just loathes Hillary, look at her face Speech dragged in the middle, but it's pretty good at the end
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    Who is this guy talking about oil? I like him. Started out kind of lame, but the 2nd half got really good.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    Discussion: Possible DC Universe Movies

    I never followed it monthly, I just read the hardcover trade/graphic novel (in bookstores now). Trades rock, since every damn good monthly comic has delays.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    The Dark Knight

    I prefer someone younger than Jolie.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    i watched convention coverage last night. It was a nice speech by Michelle, though I sorta agree with Carville, they need to get tough. I'm guessing (hoping) that this was just groundwork to try to counter the negative spin on them personally and now they're gonna start hammering McCain. In fact, that's what Hillary should do. It also reminded me of why I almost never watch tv news coverage and just read about everything on the internet. Talking heads really make me want to my fist through the wall. I laughed when I saw FOX News interview Karl Rove and Dick Morris.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Discussion: Possible DC Universe Movies

    Richard Donner co-wrote this comic story, which he said was his idea for Superman 3... it handled Superman as a father much much better and would have made a MUCH better movie than Superman Returns. Basically, a kid in a ship crashes in Metropolis, speaking Kryptonian and everything. Clark adopts him, and there are, in like one issue, some really cool scenes where you can see how jazzed Superman is to teach him about how to use his powers and everything.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    w t f
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    I'm watching Kaine talking on CNN, i actually like this guy. Shame he's not the VP (I dont dislike Biden or anything, just that I like Kaine's vibe)
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    In a way, yes. Politics is shaped by repetition. It's only old to you because you follow politics closely. Gore's boring and invented the internet. Bush is dumb and mispronounces words. Kerry is a pussy. McCain's old. Obama's an inexperienced secret muslim with a faked passport. I was just shocked that the normally passive Democratic politics actually jumped on it as hard as they did - usually the Republicans are the aggresive ones.