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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    "Filmore" creator mad at Jon Stewart

    which would make Family Guy 200 times funnier than the "Filmore" creator!
  2. bobobrazil1984

    the one who leaked CIA op's name to Novak was....

    what does any of whether joe wilson was correct or talking out of his ass have to do with this issue? seems like more confusion. Rove's email is Rove's email in both scenarios. Personally I think he has enough wiggle room to get out of a crime. Danville, As I understand it, Cooper's source was Rove (and Rove's lawyer apparently gave him a waiver to go ahead and disclose so as not to go to jail), but Miller's source was someone else. Remember, Novak's column cited TWO administration sources, "Two senior administration officials told me Wilson's wife suggested sending him to Niger to investigate the Italian report." I'm guessing Novak's other soruce is probably Miller's source. I get the feeling that second source is the REAL story, who knows if we'll ever get that name though.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    i have a hard time believing the actual breakup-cheating was an angle. More likely a few weeks after the release, they started talking about using the heat for an angle, right around where Matt starting going extra weird on the internet.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    It's Emmy Time.

    I'm hoping the three Slutty Housewives actresses will split the vote for the show 3 ways, enough for someone else to win. its not a bad show, its just that i'm sick to fucking death of hearing about it. Everywhere. i couldnt even watch the fucking nba finals without them going on abut the hot slutty hispanic housewife.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    It's Emmy Time.

    Sayid got nominated? Well I'll be damned. I thought he was great until that lame ass storyline with Shannon.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    Direction for Hassan's Character on SmackDown

    ^ they never were trying to do anything of the sort, despite the attempts at retroactive depth/subtext some fans tried to inject into it to find some redeeming value. he was always another 'evil foreign heel', only this time it was even more tasteless than in the past because of real world events of 9/11, afghanistan, london, etc.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    It's Emmy Time.

    Battlestar Galactica, Lost, The Shield, and 24 are tops for me.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    Direction for Hassan's Character on SmackDown

    WWE wrote the shit in the first place, they created the Hassan character. You dont need another actual terrorist attack to let you know that the whole thing sucks ass.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    Backlash on Terrorist Angle

    No, in no way is it secondary. The Hassan angle has been running since the end of 2004. If London wasnt attacked, what happened on last weeks SD wouldnt be generating as much discussion. Its all about the timing. If all you can say is thank god that the angle is finally scrapped, please just say nothing. Its not just me who is saying that its all about the timing and that its UPN's fault. People clearly havent yet understood my 1st post, so check out exibits A, B and C below that other people here have stated. read my post again... SHOULD be secondary. Not is secondary. clearly the timing has the majority of the people fussing, thohgh i was against this shit from the day hassan's character started. Oh yeah, and, thank god that the angle is finally scrapped.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    The return of Matt Hardy!!!

    depends on how the rest of its booked. If its the same old, ie one guy distracts the ref and uses a chair on the other guy... standard promo... some guy facing Edge and another guy picks matt as his mystery partner, the usual shit, well then it'll end up just like every other hot angle. Remember, Orton's "face turn" when Evolution turned on him was a hot one night thing everybody was raving about too. Then it sucked. seems they actually paid attention to the details of the angle this one night, can they keep it up?
  11. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Thread

    bahahaha! i forgot about that. i need to track down teh book again too.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    Backlash on Terrorist Angle

    Gee, too bad it took an actual terrorist attack to get this trash off TV. I give it a maximum of two months till they do something else this awful and trashy. what'll it be this time?
  13. bobobrazil1984

    Darko Milicic

    Still have hope of fulfilling the promise of a #2 pick? No. Still have hope of becoming a productive player? Absolutely.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Backlash on Terrorist Angle

    the "timing" issue should be secondary to the fact that they wrote such a retarded tasteless mornic angle in the first place, hell the fact that they went down this shitty route with a character in the first place. Then again, it's Vince. "Shitty Tasteless angles are what we do BEST!!!"
  15. bobobrazil1984

    Weekend Box Office Report

    glad to see batman still has legs.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Thread

    [ Is there any way this movie can be better than the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory? Since that movie is merely a "good" kid's film, absolutely it can. or it could suck. Will it be more faithful to the book? So I've heard. Does anyone even CARE if its more faithful to the book? I do. And there are significant differences between the book, I'd say the most significant of which was the entire Slugworth testing the kids' loyalty subplot, which didn't exist, and the overall darker creepier tone. Wilder's Wonka was a supremely likeable guy who goes around singing, the scene where he starts singing in the "candyland" segment was about as far from the book's Wonka as you can get. I remember reading the book as a kid and actually having a sense of dark foreboding when they go into the factory. There are lots of smaller things which escape me at the moment.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    United Church of Christ Backs Gay Marriage

    speaking of which, someone tried to set one of these churches on fire: http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-ucc10.html I wonder if any of the vandals have ever had sex outsida marriage? Of course not, that would be a sin as bad as gay sex.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Jim Cornette on thin ice. Again

    did i read that right, he slapped the guy FIFTEEN times!? 15 times!? You'd think after slap 7 or 8 the guy would grab cornette's hand and be like "Hey, dude, stop slapping me!" I can understand losing your temper and throwing one or two hits, especially if the guy ruined the angle... BUT FIFTEEN!? In a row?? that's insane and pretty indefensible. What a sight that must be though. "You fucked up!" SLAP! Sorry bos- SLAP! Jim, what the- SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Oww! SLAP~! SLAP! SLAP! i just couldn't hel-SLAP! oww! SLAP! couldn't help laughing! SOrry-SLAP! (add about 6 more slaps)
  19. bobobrazil1984

    Weekend Box Office Report

    there were quite a few more very significant differences between the book and the movie. For one the entire Slugworth subplot, about stealing the everlasting gobstopper fromt he factory, it being a Wonka test, etc, was never in the books. IN general the book is more mysterious and a bit sinister in tone.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

    It makes little difference if Lesner is back or not, because its the same idiots booking and in charge.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    The Future of Smackdown

    and yet they still draw less amounts of $$$ than even a few lower rated shows (as of last year when i read that tidbit maybe its changed but i doubt it). Which makes being the highest rated show a bit useless, though i'm sure they still make soem coin, or it'd be off the air.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    WWE News and Notes

    It only takes the steam off because the bookers suck ass. A competant writing/booking crew can regain the "lost steam" in one night with a great angle or promo. But since we're talking about WWE, what you say is true.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    jebus, some of these contracts being signed, max deals or close to it, are insane. I personally dont think either Redd, Simmons, or Hughes deserves those huge contracts, good players for sure, but compared to how mcuh some players who move their teams in the playoffs make, its just... wow.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    The One And Only Fantastic Four Thread...

    is it true that they made Dr. Doom into basically a norman osborn (movie) clone [or kingpin/luthor type)? Dr Doom in the comics is the coolest villian ever, he rules an entire frikken country, with an iron fist (literally!), he could be the most uniquely different villian there is, so i hpe they didnt fuck him up TOO much.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Larry Hughes to Cavs

    Yeha i thought the whole point was to get a guy who was a good long range shooter? Bah. i'm not too keen on any new powers rising in the East.