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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    a confused Lakers fan

    too bad , as far as the rape case goes, kobe should have just done what shaq does and pay his women not to pay. Why I heard that shaq had paid up to a million dollars already for situations like this, while bryant treats a woman with respect, therefore they shouldn't say anything!
  2. bobobrazil1984

    Tom Cruise on "The Today Show"

    I was being sarcastic.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    Tom Cruise on "The Today Show"

    I dont know why you guys are arguing against Cruise, he knows and Matt Lauer, and apparently all the people disputing his nazi science claims, don't dammit! Man knows his history.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Weekend Box Office Report

    i think its actually 140 or 150. However, it has already made a profit as far as worldwide BO gross goes, which is 162 ish.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    Tom Cruise on "The Today Show"

    on a similar vein, here is more on Cruise and his thoughts on psychiatry, perhaps the second paragraph is what he meant by the whole 'i know history of psychiatry and you don't!': from EW You are aware that your views about psychiatry come across as pretty radical to a lot of people. In the 1980s, you were supposed to say no to drugs. But when I say no to drugs, I’m a radical? ‘He’s against drugs — he’s a radical! He’s against electroshock treatments — he’s a radical!’ [Laughing] It’s absurd! Yeah, but Scientology textbooks sometimes refer to psychiatry as a ”Nazi science”… Well, look at the history. Jung was an editor for the Nazi papers during World War II. [According to Aryeh Maidenbaum, the director of the New York Center for Jungian Studies, this is not true.] Look at the experimentation the Nazis did with electric shock and drugging. Look at the drug methadone. That was originally called Adolophine. It was named after Adolf Hitler… [According to the Dictionary of Drugs and Medications, among other sources, this is an urban legend.]
  6. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    ^ all reasons why the late 80s/early 90s Pistons were awesome and kicked ass.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Tom Cruise on "The Today Show"

    I do kinda dig that he just doesn't seem to care if he gets bad publicity. Face it, this is as close to the real Tom cruise, scientologist, as we're gonna get. It's pretty rare in Hollywood to get a look at the real person. A lot of this apparently has to do with him firing his past publicist/agent/whatever last year, who was known as a Hollywood hard-hitter who relentlessly worked Cruise's image. Now, no more.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    The 'Begins' batmobile beats the shit out of the 'Forever' and B&R Batmobiles, and just barely edges out the 89 and 'Returns' Batmobile as the coolest. This one was a friggin monster, it was cool as hell, crashing off rooftops from one to the other, badass.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    It's a new series, it was written that way, and was created specifically to launch a brand new franchise, and there are some pretty major contradictions with 89. WB is currently planning the sequel already, Christian Bale is already signed to go. The Joker rumor mill is going crazy, with Mark Hamill, Crispin Glover, and some unknown named Luchley Hulme or something being the top names bandied about.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    there's no way Dumars lets go of that starting five for the next 2 to 3 years unless there's some blockbuster trade (though Prince is a restricted free agent)
  11. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    i agree. i think, next season should be better for him, he'll have a full summer of playing time wtih the summer league and also internatonal play (he sat out both previous summers). Especially if larry brown leaves, you can bet that will be a requirement for the future coach, willing to play darko and delfino. But the general idea, either roll the dice next year or cut him loose, is 100% right. he doesnt need to be a star, just a productive 10 pt guy.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    i have to say though, these last 3 games went a long way to helping redeem this series. So close yet so far. Here's a question, if you're Detroit, you've got a great team, a championship contender, but they're also more up and down... what do you think, keep the team the way it is or start shifting pieces to try to put you over the hump (again)? by the way i thought the officiating was horrendous. For both teams mind you, so dont think i'm taking anything away from S.A., but just in general, it seems to get worse and worse every year.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    sigh. well the Spurs deserve it, they play great team ball, great defense, if the pistons were to lose to anyone i'd rather it be them than say... shaq.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    jebus this is a ticky-tack called game by the refs. It was going good too before everything slowed to a crawl via fouls.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    King Kong

    is WETA doing the effects for it? That scene pictured will kick all kinds of ass if their work is as good as the LOTR work.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    has it really been 11 years since Houston/NY? Wow, it seems like just yesterday Game 6, (the best game of that series) was being preempted for OJ's bronco chase.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    rasheed really came through in the last few minutes. bout time too, considering his ginormous brain fart last game.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    ^ since you dont seem to care, why should this "just end already"? Game 5 and this one have been GREAT games (with 5 being a classic). ALthough the last 25 seconds seem like it could be a FT fest. Bring on Game 7
  19. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    whew, this has been another good one through 3 quarters. I wont mind if the pistons pull away now. my poor heart cant take it anymore!
  20. bobobrazil1984

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    The only reason I'd like to see Katie Holmes back is if Joker was going to off her, a la jason todd or gordon's wife or how he crippled batgirl. A murderous Joker is a happy Joker
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Weekend Box Office Report

    true enough (to SP-1's post). hell my favorite movie ever is the shawshank redemption, which was a box office flop. This movie rawks (and "aw" makes it extra cool!), and i'm psyched about a (KatieHolmes-less) sequel.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    YOUR Quarterly ESPN Sucks Thread

    well fuck.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    Weekend Box Office Report

    regarding all the B.O. compared to previous Batman movies, right now Batman Begins is strongly ahead of the other Batman movies (slightly ahead of Batman Forever) Batman Begins: $79,524,398 Batman and Robin: $55,845,233 Batman Forever: $72,177,183 Batman Returns: $66,242,712 Batman: $63,783,478
  24. bobobrazil1984

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    err never mind... I see the imdb newsbit's already been posted. Not exactly shedding any tears here (over the Holmes newsbit). The most moronic thing was when Katie was on Letterman and Dave asked whose movie she would see if she had a choice, and she said war of the worlds, something about suporting Tom or some such thing. Hello, McFly, the only reason you were sitting in that chair was to promote Batman Begins. and dont tell me its JUST two people in love. They are very clearly seeking out media attention for their relationship, making it a point to get it out in front of the reporters, mention it even when not asked about it ("Was Christian Bale a good kisser?" KATIE: "You know who's a good kisser? Tom"). I swear to god that was an actual question and answer during movie promotion.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Weekend Box Office Report

    I thnk batman begins will have some ok box office legs though. I get the sense people are just wary of it because of the last batman movies and the not-so-exciting marketing, but if word gets out that its great (as it seems to from both people who saw it and critics), more people will come to it. Wonder how much of a dropoff there is? It would be great if it could stay 45% or under. As long as it makes enough in the long haul to warrant a sequel, I"m happy.