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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    i dont know what yer all talking about, we've had two AWESOME GAMES!!! (:-P keeping in mind i'm a pistons fan so a pistons blowout is more fun than an overtime buzzer beater loss) edit: and they hit100!
  2. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    So much for the Pistons being 'out of it' and 'getting out the brooms' eh? Pistons have been down too many times in various series' to count them out unless it becomes 3-0.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    what's with the SPurs acting like they've never seen a full court trap before. The timing on springing the trap was excellent, i dont think we'd seen it at all before and bam outta nowhere, 2 straight turnovers (tho only 1 basket off it). then they didnt even adjust.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    after the pistons made their late-3rd early 4th run to go up by like 7 or 8 or whatever, S.A. kinda collapsed. bricking shots, missing FTs, like twice i saw ginobli start to drive then run back, when ginobli doesn't push, you can tell their spirit for this particular game was out. wonder if all the knockdowns on parker/ginobli in the lane are having a effect (in this game) on them.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    GREAT game so far. also, hubie brown is clearly the best annoucner there is for NBA. the guy knows so much, has logical explanations for EVERYTHING, no matter how small. awesome.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    Phil Jackson accepts Laker Job

    BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING. couldn't they get someone new instead of rehashing the Phil/Kobe drama? i mean come on, is pHil jackson REALLY the *only* coach who can whipthe Lakers back into playoff shape? Yeesh.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    ^ funny you say that... ginobli steps outta the game after a knee to knee collision with Prince. hmm i guess the pistons used their magical undertaker voodoo gooning powers again to take him out, by somehow pulling ginobli into a collision! (i'm being facetitious of course, the replay clearly showed it was an accidental collision, but if ginoblie goes out for a game or two and the pistons win, clearly the basketball gods are watching over the pistons) edit: err never mind, he's back and he looks alright. pistons at least are showing some early hustle that was so lacking in earlier games.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    X3 could be in huge trouble

    wow they are totlaly gonna fuck X-men franchise up the ass. What's the bullshit rehash storyline all about? You fuckers know what we want to see. Sentinels and Dark fucking Phoenix done right. Fuck yeah.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    I'm sorry, but this warrants some discussion

    sounds like typical WWE stupidity to me, the kind of thing that made me stop watching that crap. Anyways its not like its gonna stop you from watching, if you've put up with all the shite so far. unlses it'll tip the balance to the point where you wont watch anymore, WWE doesnt care about (y)our kvetching. It's completely vile, but what do you care? You "find the character entertaining" so you don't care. *laughs at those thinking this is the start of an austin heel turn*
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Michael Jackson verdict coming

    I'm not surprised. The case simply wasn't there. dumbass prosecutor.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    Yeah, since Dwayne Wade himself said he got injured in a freak move while he was doing a crossover move to a jump shot. I guess the Pistons have voodoo powers which make people injured without even touching them. mystical gooning!!!! Hey maybe that's why the Undertaker music was playing during the pistons' introduction, they're doing the "shooting magic electricity bolts" at dwayne wade without touching them!
  12. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    holy shit, are they playing Undertaker's music during the Pistons' introduction??
  13. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    Jebus Ginobli is a frikken monster there in the 4th.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    you know, i have no problem with a low scoring defensive slugfest, but i still couldnt help laughing when i switched it on with 11 minutes left in the 4th and the score liks like 53 to 51, becuase i know people will bitch, and it amuses me greatly to see people bitching about defense
  15. bobobrazil1984

    The ECW ONS Thread

    who exactly is booking this event? Because if its anybody other than Heyman this gonna suck balls, just like everything else WWE does.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    Matt Hardy confirms there is a Matt/Lita....

    FINALLY. I've been waiting for the next twist in this awesome storyline. Matt if you're reading, dont you dare listen to the people who are telling you to move on and forget it. Moving on is not entertaining to me. RELEASE IT! RELEASE IT! RELEASE IT!
  17. bobobrazil1984


    The Good Best Episode: Exodus Part 1 Best Character: Hurley Best Actor: Terry O'Quinn - Locke Best Scene: The departure of the raft in Exodus 1 Best Flashback: Locke Best Relationship/Friendship: Kate/Saywer Best Surprise/Twist/"OH SNAP!" award: Locke was in a wheelchair! + The Black Rock is a pirate ship!!! Best Character Development/Most Improved: Sawyer Hottest Chick: Kate Studliest Dude: um... Sawyer King of the Island (toughest motherfucker award): Motherfuckin' Locke! The Bad Worst Episode: the one about Kate and the suitcase of guns and toy plane Worst Character: Walt, the little shit Worst Actor: The chick who plays Shannon Worst Scene: Worst Flashback: Jack and his wedding Worst Relationship/Friendship: Sayid/Shannon (snooore) Worst mystery/"SHOW WHAT'S IN THE GODDAMNED HATCH!!!" award: The hatch. Not finding out whats in it really had a deflating effect on me. If we'd been shown something mindblowing right before the cut to black i'd probably run out nad pre-order S1 and frantically watch for clues. Now I have little interest in rewatching past episodes, though i am still looking forward to S2. Worst Character Development/Biggest Decline: Sayid. Was SO Badass early on, then pussified Most Useless character: Walt and Shannon are tied
  18. bobobrazil1984

    The 2005 MTV Movie Award Nominees

    let me get this straight. Napolean Dynamite won over Spider-Man 2 and Kill Bill 2? ...
  19. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    SA probably has better offesnive weapons, but the Pistons are better closers. If a game(s) comes down to the final minute, i'd trust detroit more than SA to play clutch, SA needs to put away games before that, ie 10 point wins or so.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Eastern Conference Finals

    the best part is we dont have to see any more of this from Malone..err I mean Mourning: OMG Somebody must have made a free throw!!!
  21. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    ^ shh. dont you know the score's on all the games are gonna be in their 60s? YOu know, just like how Detroit wasn't gonna break 70 in a single game of the Finals last year!!! What!? Didnt you see that conference finals with the pacers!? *snicker* (I actually expect it to be split. We'll get like 2 low scoring games and like 2 surprisnigly high ones, the rest will hover in the 80-90 range)
  22. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Finals

    fuck that noise, this has the chance to be one of the best Finals in years. No way this is as boring as SA/NJ, or LA/NJ. The actual gameplay should be more competative than last years. (can you tell I really dont like the Nets?) Plus I just love that the best *teams* made it, and not the big money stars. If David Stern is unhappy, that makes me smile. THough I was kinda hoping for an offense vs defense battle between Det and Phoenix. I feel like the SPurs are deeper, but i'm being carried by my home spirit 9even though I dont live in MI anymore) adrenaline, and will say Pistons in 6. If it goes 7, SA wins for sure.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Eastern Conference Finals

    What a game! What a game! All drama. This reminded me a lot of Game 1. Essentially it came down to poise and mental toughness in the final two minutes, this is where experience really helps. I'm so glad I dont have to see a Shaq final (again). I'm pumped for Detroit/SA, best defenses, last two NBA champs, plus I get to see lots of bitching from the defense-haters which always amuses me. Brown v Popvich. Like someone said earlier in this thread... Detroit vs San Antonio, the basketball Gods demanded it!!!
  24. bobobrazil1984

    NBA Eastern Conference Finals

    personally i've developed a fondness for "Kenny's Pictures". Usually analysts just blather on and pick random plays. Kenny's Pix usually seem actually relevant to why the score of the game is what it is and why the winning team is winning. TNT owns ESPN and ABC.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Vaughn off of X-Men 3

    Oh Great. Brett "2 out of 4 stars, 5 outta 10, C movie every time" Rattner.