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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Discussion: Possible DC Universe Movies

    It wasn't as good as the Batman one, but in of itself, it was quite good. People who like Superman better than Batman as a character will like it. The depictions of Clark/Superman, Lois, Lex Luthor, and Jimmy were all really iconic and pitch-perfect. It would be a great starting point for a new Superman movie.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    Discussion: Possible DC Universe Movies

    First of all, if they don't do some sort of origin, people will think it's a sequel to Superman Returns. Best way to do the origin is to just start the movie with the crash landing in Smallville... then roll the credits and start the movie with adult Clark arriving in Metropolis. Pepper a flashback or two in there, and done. After Superman Returns, I am DONE being beholden to a 30 year old movie. I don't care if Donner's film did it already. Frankly the "post-crisis" and TAS Superman was in a lot of ways, different from the Donner movies.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    Comic Request thread

    Great thread. Got Mark Millar's "Kick Ass" by any chance?
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    If all the news agencies are correct that Bayh isn't the guy (those drudge bumper stickers don't exactly match the visual style of the Obama site for instance), then I think it's Biden. Which is OK i guess. I don't have any major love for most of the VP candidates. I do like the sound of Obama/Kaine just for superficial reasons (the way their names sound when read out)
  5. bobobrazil1984


    The reason you know their goal is money rather than actually stopping the film's release, is that they waited until it was late in production, maybe even finished, before filing suit. That strategy is designed for only one thing, make it so WB actually has a finished film that they NEED to get out... they panic... pay whatever's needed to get the f'ing thing out the door. it's designed to force a settlement.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    bahahahaha! we're going to elect ANOTHER Republican. This country is always good for a few laughs!
  7. bobobrazil1984


    Its just public posturing. In fact, I'll bet FOX has an actual number they want in mind.
  8. bobobrazil1984


    1) The suit was filed before the trailer was released 2) If Fox wins, Warners will just (grudgingly) give them a big chunk of the profits. All they really want is money. 3) Regardless of why FOX is dong it and the timing, IF THEY WIN THE CASE, it's because they have the legal grounds to win. If you're right, you're right.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    Obama/Sebelius is too weird a combination of names for America. and yes I do believe that the "middle ground" voters are so superficial that would turn them off. nOt in an obvious way, it'll just be this 'feeling' that the ticket isn't right.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Lower the U.S. drinking age?

    There's no real reason why the drinking age shouldn't be 18, except that lawmakers don't want to be the ones responsible with the increase in "stupid college kids drinking themselves into the hospital" and "drunk 18 year old drivers" stories that will inevitably follow - hell there are already too many of those situations that make the news now... not to mention the inconvenience of someone like me, in my mid-to-late 20s having to wade through 18 year olds at the bar. but there's also something to be said for taking away the 'ooh a taboo' feeling of drinking before 21, after the initial increase, it will probably level out. One hopes.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    I don't think Obama should concern himself with getting a VP to win a specific state or two unless they can manage a gigantic swing (and most candidates can't). Going with a complement is probably a better option to try to help plug weaknesses in Obama himself, to try and focus a few general undecideds, wider audience of people to influence.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    Ben Berrnanke doesn't want you to take a raise this year*

    Every year I've gotten a raise (i started off very low a few years ago) and I plan to continue that trend.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    Tropic Thunder

    Um, they did protest 'Mary'.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    The Dark Knight

    For what its worth, Downey's comments are supposedly given in a much lighter tone than that article suggests (according to a different article). But Dark Knight was better than Iron Man (which was also good) so, in the words of 14 year old girls on AIM... whatevs. I was thinking about the movie, and one of the best moments was Joker hanging out the cop car. What made it so awesome was, the lead-up to this sequence was pretty rapid fire, all the way from the Loeb funeral to that point, it was relentless...just before then, you had this high stakes race against time... two big explosions, one person dead the other's face blown off, Gordon's line, its like EVERYTHING has gone to hell... then the scene comes, and the music just STOPS, there's only like this atmospheric heartbeat thing, and the camera stays with him, doesn't rapid ADHD cut away. I think that's the moment where the movie's "gravitas" really hits the audience. Everybody hushed during that sequence in the theater, you could hear a pin drop, as in, like, the audience collectively realized, at that moment, that this movie was fucking amazing. I've seen it 3 times and would gladly see it a 4th, it was AWESOME!
  15. The Developers responded by saying "we have decided the projects do not harm endangered species and plants". When asked, which project they were referring to, they answered "All of the projects that we will begin in the next 50 years"
  16. bobobrazil1984

    Weekend Box Office Report

    I can easily see a hardcore batman/joker fan thinking its the greatest movie of all time. i dont necessarily agree (it's in my top 10), but people underestimate how long some Bat-Joker fans have been waiting for this incarnation of the Joker. Up till now, the closest they could come to seeing their favorite character onscreen was mark hammil's voice.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Punisher: War Zone

    Wow. This looks horrible. And I'm a big fan of Titus Pullo from "Rome"
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Weekend Box Office Report

    It's also just a very dense movie. A LOT happens. By the time you get to the 'joker hanging out of the police car' bit (i'm being vague here cause i dont want to spoil anything) - already a full movie's worth of shit has happened. Then there's more. it seriously has really good rewatching value.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    Detroit Mayor Violates Bond Twice; Sent to Jail

    what's great (relatively) about Detroit is that you can just move 10 miles in any direction and find a cool nice place to live and never ever have to deal with any of Detroit's shittiness. I used to live in the downriver suburbs myself. I've never seen a city metro area that's so segmented like that.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Russian-Georgian War

    My general impression is that Georgia started this by trying to (re)take South Ossetia, and after Russia responded, Russia said 'fuck it, now that we're in it, lets take care of our own interests and finish the job' and have kept on going to an extreme. I know what I'm going to be reading abuot this week though, trying to get more informed. Wow, military conflicts involving actual militaries and countries. It's like a throwback to yesteryear.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    Edwards isn't in the presidential race, so that issue should probably be its own thread. Just sayin is all.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    WWE basically wants to have all the control of having full employees without giving their workers the benefits that a full employee gets.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    I dont know, that trailer looked pretty fucking awesome. Liev Schrieber is such a great casting choice for Sabretooth its ridiculous. That shot of him in the fangs smiling, ripped straight from the comic books, and he's a pretty decent actor too. It feels more like "X2" than X3 ever did.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Campaign 2008

    That was just ridiculously clever
  25. bobobrazil1984

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    What's the max an NBA player can get? like 20-something million a year? when you factor in the major difference in value, economy, taxes, 50 million a year is more like 70 or 80 million American a year. There's no doubt in my mind Lebron would do that, since he's flat out said, becoming a Global Icon is one of his major goals.