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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    yeah the middle-tier teams in both conferences are so close together, i can see some upsets happening. i'll be happy if chicago and indiana both move up to Miami's side of the bracket, as I feel those two and boston are the dangerous middle teams for detroit (I feel they've had washington's number all year so that wont be a problem).
  2. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    immensely entertaining article.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    its amazing when looking at the W-L numbers of Denver since George Karl came onboard. If he'd been there longer, we'd probably talking COY. I'm not a big fan of crymelo so i almost feel bad for rooting for his team but i like george karl enough that i wnat to see them make a healthy playoff run. out of habit, when something interesting is happening with an NBA team I check out their city's local paper site just for the hell of it, so I went to Denver's main paper a week or two back, and i see a bunch of references/articles to about how supposedly there is unrest in the locker room cause some players arent happy with some of Karl's decisions, playing time, etc. wtf. i would kindly like to wave their with-Karl-record numbers in their faces and tell to shut the fuck up and sit down. (of course I'd never actually do that in person )
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Thinking about buying an iPod

    ^ you use itunes to put em on the ipod. iTunes is both the music store and also the transferring program (which confuses some people). Regardless there are no problems with transferring "stolen" mp3s, which most of my music are, in fact. That being said, I've heard its also possible to use MusicMatch Jukebox to transfer, and there are 3rd party software out there (jobber of the week posted some links in another thread i think). I cant answer any questions about other formats, I only use mp3s and occasionally apple's itunes format (whatever it is). i do know that it doesn't play wma's, which i never use. If you want lots of extra features and formats, I've heard good things bout iRiver's black 20GB player. its more of a swiss army knife many different things, though i prefer dedicated players.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    Thinking about buying an iPod

    my decision was made for me, as i got the ipod mini as a gift. i woulda been happy with a iriver or even a dell too (but not creative or rio, companies i no longer trust for consistent quality product). Love my mini though, and the touch/click wheel is just a great interface, i really like the way they made everything, buttons, scrolling, all of it in just this circle and a snap to use. The big downside is that the quality of listening to songs on the mini is so good that it makes my 128kpbs mp3s' little imperfections become kinda noticeable (which they never were in crappy laptop speakers), though i'd imagine they would probably as noticeable on any good mp3 player. These are dled/pirated songs so its not like i can just rerip them at 192 :-(. I was also given one of those itunes prepaid cards, since it was already paid for i said what the hell and picked up some lower level indie stuff that i couldn't find on my usual P2P, and was pleasently surprised by the audio quality (on the ipod, where the difference is noticeable, on the computer it sounded the same as my mp3s), though i'd imagine a nice 192 encoded mp3 would sound roughly the same. itunes is a pretty slick set up though, for less-known stuff that i cant find mp3s on, i'm considering actually buying some stuff there.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    NEW!! Episode III trailer........

    without the originals as background to make connections to........ the prequels would suck ass (or, suck more ass than they do, for those who already hate them). If I ever show them to anyone new, it's 456123. You need to already be a SW fan to get into the prequels. I actually had a friend who had never seen a SW movie, he had always kinda ignored them as "geek stuff", one day he got curious so i loaned him ANH, 2 days later he was raving about how awesome the movie was and i loaned him ESB and ROTJ. after that he rented TPM, and without any preconceived notions, the first thing he said was "its ok but not even in the same league as the other three." That to me sums it up completely. Those people who think that TPM would be as loved as ANH if it came out in 77 are crazy. I mean really... take out the connections to the OT and think... is there really anything about TPM that makes you want to see more? Would you even care who the shadowy guy in the cloak is if you didnt know about the emperor? would you give a crap about this bratty annoying shit if you didnt know he was Darth Vader? come on now. wtf is the force? once you're already a fan, i think going 1 to 6 would be a fun thing to try, but the only way i'd do that with a newbie is... if I DIDN'T want them to be a SW fan.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Poll: Everybody unhappy about everything

    Thank frikken god. My reaction was exactly the same. That whole thing was the most idiotic thing to ever fill the news airwaves. I hope everybody involves, media, politicians of both parties, everybody suffers fallout. This actually raises my faith in the American public.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    If you could have one sport thing happen this year

    The Pistons going back-to-back.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    Peter Jennings has lung cancer

    thats fucked up right there.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Did anyone else notice this?

    why would you expect any different? It was pretty obvious last year, no matter who hhh "puts over" he's the focus of the show. one of the main reasons i stopped watching the crapola.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Is this corruption?

    is this corruption? Is that Washington? There's your answer. (I'll feel really stupid if the national archives aren't in washington... err, well the people involved are. sort of). political people are such scumfucks. you have to sell your frikken soul to get anywhere.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    The Official Sin City Thread

    well sin city has made the drudgereport. Now we're going to get lots of pompous fuckwit political assholes on TV and radio whining like fuck about how its anti-religious, when in reality they should be whining that nobody's shot themin the head and made life more enjoyable for the rest of us. So lame and predictable "# 1 MOVIE IN USA WEEKEND POPE DIES 'SIN CITY' FEATURES A CARDINAL AS CANNIBAL, IN LEAGUE WITH A SERIAL KILLER WHO READS THE BIBLE, A CROSS IN JUST ABOUT EVERY SCENE... MOVIE FEATURES BRUCE WILLIS RIPPING A MAN'S PENIS OFF..."
  13. bobobrazil1984


    just saw it. AWE and also SOME. Locke really sold his soul to the "Devil" there, sacrificing Boone to get to the secret of the hatch. What if the island keeps making him do "bad" things to get closer and closer to the 'center' of the mystery, like what if he's forced to use charley to do something and the only way he can do it is to give charlie some of that heroin? Locke could go down a seriously dark path. Hey maybe the hatch leads down to Hell, and the island/force is the devil, slowly forcing everybody to become evil. nah, too supernaturally.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica

    aside from Ron Moore (BSG producer/creator) who was a DS9 writer, there are two other DS9 writers (Weddle and Thompson, i forget their firstnames) on the BSG staff
  15. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica

    for those who have been watching it, I dunno if you've followed the official site, but exec producer Ron Moore has been doing "podcasts" (which are basically mp3 files for those who dont use podcast syncing), commenteries for the episodes here. Original ending int he 1st draft of the finale had Baltar meeting the Cylon God... played by Dirk Benedict (starbuck in TOS). Also the original plan for the adama/roslin thing was that over time Roslin was supposed to get more strict and hard-edged, stamping out dissent and freedom, until Adama staged a coup to put a stop to it. obviously the scenario that aired is different, with the same result.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica

    I tended to think Gaius was too over-the-top and fidgety for a while, but he's getting a nice push in the last few episodes which has mde him interesting... becoming the vice prez, banging starbuck, helping with the trench run plan, and of course starbuck walking in on him
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Battlestar Galactica

    that ending... kickass and jawdropping. And Edward James Olmos has just been kicking all kinds of ass as Adama, one of the best quiet badasses i've ever seen.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    The Official Sin City Thread

    good, but i'm a little let-down. There are many spots where slavish devotion to having every single caption narration and line from the comic hurt the movie. Lacked any real emotion for the first half. Very cool stylistic stuff. Dwight storyline with the city of Hookers, while funny, sticks out and is unrelated ot the others. I'd have lifted that out and given more time to the Marv storyline and forming better connections between his and bruce willis' story. Marv = awesome.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    aww whats so bad about starving this woman anyways, i bet she would have approved, isn't that what got her into that condition in the first place? or was she one of those people who actually did eat but just induced vomiting? I always get those two mixed up. anorexic, bulemic? which was she nobody talks about that angle, but shiavo has become such a "name" that this case could be used to try and promote, you know, NOT being an anorexic/bulemic/whatever, since there are thousands of women who do that shit to themselves. That should be the 'lesson learned and preached' moreso than just "have a living will!"
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Whats the name of the song.....

    karen O's voice is hot. she, however, is not.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Bad News for the USA

  22. bobobrazil1984

    How hyped are yall for WM21?

    how hyped am i for WM??? ................ is there any new backstage news on the Edge/Lita/Matt thing???
  23. bobobrazil1984

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    thank god this is over. now lets go back to ignoring the hundreds of other similar cases, and on with our lives.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Thankfully (unless one hates detroit, in which case that would be "unfortunatly"), larry brown is coming back for friday's game against the clippers.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    the new Alkaline Trio album, of which i d/led the advance, is inferior to their previous two albums imo. sadly.