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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    M. Night Shyamalan

    Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and Signs = Awesome The Village = not so much. Since I have spoken it, it automatically makes it fact and all your opinions are false!
  2. bobobrazil1984

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    yeah really. its ridiculous this has been the top news story for this long.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Oh. My. God. Somebody frikken kill this woman already so we can get this shit off the goddamn news. People can be so fucking stupid sometimes. This is a family situation that has no business being treated the way it is by the scumfucks (politicians) and the media.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    pistons have sucked ass these past 3 games. well i didnt see any of this one (no more local pistons game since i moved ) but the other two ere on nationwide, but i assumefrom the score they sucked ass.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    How boxing can regain it's popularity

    It needs a new big popular star. A Mike tyson, a muhammad ali, a smokin joe fraser, even a george foreman. Find that and you'll draw in scads to see it. kinda how nba is hoping LeBron can bring more pop back to nBA.
  6. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    the only team IMO who I could see upsetting one of the big two (detroit more likely cuz of the bracketig and their inconsistency) in the East to get to the Conf. Finals is Boston, the way they've been playing. i actually just moved to boston from detroit area, i am kinda hoping they play so i can be the only person in the whole city rooting for the pistons
  7. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    intersting note, if the playoffs start today detroit and indy play in the 1st round. stern could probably net some nice ratings and attention he re-instated artest for the playoffs. id just as soon he didnt though.
  8. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    bomb threat? I heard somebody threatened to bring a packet of deadly plastic cups and chuck them down. Those cups put the fear of god into all players. man i cant wait for the first indy/detroit Palace game with Ron Artest next season that sucker better be televised.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    this whole thing is so idiotic. the politician scumfucks have no place in this matter. what the fuck, i imagine stuff like this happens hundreds of times a year, and now they care? No, each scumfuck side sees an opportunity to push their political agenda. Meanwhile, they remain... wait for it... scumfucks. i cant believe this is a media story. Sickening.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Poor wittle Bawwy Bonds...

    wah wah waaaaaaahhh dont let the door hit ya on the ass on the way out. and take the rest of the roiders with you (even if its half the league)
  11. bobobrazil1984

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    ^ as I understand it... Vic (and glenn close i guess) wanna take down that Antwaun guy. but Shane is doing dirty back-door business with the guy, in exchange for his cut. so they're on opposite sides here.
  12. bobobrazil1984


    that sounsd really cool. I've held off on actually buying a copy of Watchmen (dont ask why, watchmen is one of my favorite comics ever, i just never bought it). I think i'll haveta get this.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    HHH's Raw Promo

    um, is this a promo where he uses the supreme court pull the plug thing? i came home, saw '24' had alraedy started (gotta download it later), so switched to RAW and tuned on just as HHH was talking about how hes gonna pull the plug and put the animal down, and then i changed it. it was the same old thing. total RAW time viewed: 2 minutes? thanks for reminding me why i stopped watching Trips!
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Why is Ric Flair kissing HHH's ass?

    i skimmed through some of Flair's book, and the impression I got was that he came out of WCW feeling very... shall we say... not great about his place in the business (in such a way that we wouldn't really comprehend, since as far as we're concerned, flair is one of the greatest), and the McMahons and HHH i guess really helped pull him out of that funk, and that's where a bond got formed. or something like that. it really wasn't that compelling a read so i stopped reading.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Spurs and Pistons play tomorrow on ABC. I dunno, i feel the match kinda loses some luster without Larry Brown coaching, being that the two are such defensive teams. Brown v Popovich is a big part of the appeal of this match. Gonna have to give it to the Spurs.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    WWE doing an angle would rob the whole situation of all that's entertaining about it. I can already see it. Edge distracting the ref and hitting Matt with a chair. Horribly acted backstage segments. HHH somehow inserts himself into the feud. The whole thing turns around and Edge is the one with all the odds against him. I can just picture all the booking idiocies. Pray that WWE doesn't make an angle of this great stuff. Maybe Jeff can make a song about Edge being feces?
  17. bobobrazil1984

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    that's awesome. That's awesome right there!
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Questions About MP3 Players

    As long as you remember to turn off the "automatic sync" option in the itunes program before you start transferring songs, you should be able to do what you ask for with it with ipod. iPod 20 Gig has the best interface, feel, look, and control (i wonder why nobody's ripped off the new click/touch wheel, its a work of brilliance), however it is $$$ and short on the extra options, and its battery life is merely acceptable. iRiver makes a 20 gig hefty thing that has lots of options on it, and its battery life i believe is more. Avoid anything by Creative, and be wary about Dell, those companies are not known for consistent quality, regardless of the inevitable "i didnt have any problem with my creative/dell", they're the lucky ones. Out of those two Dell is definetly the better option though. Go with iPod or iRiver's 20 gig-er.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    Age restrictions in the NBA

    good idea. the majority of young players have an attitude problem. A few years does wonder for maturity. ANy player that is a great player at 18 will still be great at 20, possibly even better. Line's gotta be drawn somewhere, i'm in favor of the limit. There is absolutely zero downside, only the freakish possibility of an injury. THere is tons of upside though.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Joss Whedon confirmed for Wonder Woman movie

    Well... even it will suck, i think its fair to say it will at least be better than Catwoman or Elektra... in the sense that at least it should be a fun script.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    WWE to leave Spike TV

    This has been a known fact for a while. I mentioned earlier that at some point show(s) which do less than smackdown in ratings UPN can get the same amount of advertising money, and meltz has mentioned the advertising $$ dilemma many times in the past. With that being said though, I doubt its REALLY SIGNIFICANTLY less, after all RAW is still a top show, and there are plenty of video game and stuff like that companies who see it as their target audience. I'm sure it makes a good chucnk of change, But make no mistake, if, say, CSI and RAW are doing the exact same rating on Spike, right down to the tenth of the point, CSI makes more money from advertising hands down.
  22. Hey, I'm surprised that I actually like it, and I was annoyed to read the "continued in next issue" I also agree giving it a different name would be better. Kind of pitch is a long-time sequel to the first Rocky rather than the sequel to Rocky V (blech). Rocky: The Next Round or something like that.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    wait a second, JEFF wrote a song dealing with the "emotions he felt"???? WTF!? This storyline just keeps getting better. Best wwe storyline in years.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Most overrated/underrated writers & artists

    overrated is definetly Brian Bendis for me. Back in the day, when he was writing Daredevil, USM and "Alias", I thought he lived up to the hype. Nowadays, everything of his just so mediocre, the novelty of his style has really worn off, and especially if you're reading monthly. I remember I thought USM was so great reading in bulk, when I finally caught up with the monthlies, it was just a mediocre unfulfilling read that was over in 5 minutes. Hearing "Bendis is coming onboard as writer" basically translates to "I'm done reading this title" for me.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    WWE to leave Spike TV

    What good are high ratings if the advertisers aren't coming? The whole point of high ratings is to get more advertising money. I remember reading somewhere that shows on, UPN i think, that get LOWER ratings than Smackdown make more in ad money. Meltzer has also been insisting this for years, that many advertisers dont want to buy advertising time. Just today, in an Associated Press article it says... "Spike wouldn't comment beyond its statement, but a network executive speaking on condition of anonymity said wrestling was never as popular with advertisers as it was with audiences." Vince wanting a deal worth more money (if i understand some of these stories correctly) than the original deal is laughable, considering the drop in popularity and numbesr.