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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Triple-H and Wrestlemania

    Same here, though it wasn't malaise about him constantly being wrestlemania's main focus, just main focus in general. hhh finally killed my wrestling "ooh i'm just still watching in hopes it gets better" addiction, havent seen a full show since mid-last year. Thanks HHH, for making sure I don't miss a second of "24" on Monday nights!!!!
  2. bobobrazil1984

    Kazaa Lite Revolution

    If you need single mp3 songs, i recommend Limewire.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    Where did people get this retarded idea that being interested and entertained by off-camera stuff is somehow bad? Tell that to the millions of people who read biographies and non-fiction books, or watch documentaries. few weeks back i read 'the late shift' about the war over the tonight show leno/letterman. awesome book, none of it was off-camera negotiations, great as fuck. the best article about the montrael screwjob ever was that one in-depth one written by dave meltzer (it's online somewhere), great read. Last night i was reading howard stern's book/chapter about his off-camera meeting/negotiation with michael jackson, funniest thing i read in a long time.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    If what happens off-screen is entertaining and/or interesting to read about, then yes i care.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    We Want Matt!

    I think the fact that Edge and Matt (and that whole 'good workers midcarders' clique) were good known to be good friends has a lot to do with the heat that edge and lita are getting (and deserving) Which is why all of the "If xxx cheated on his wife with yyy" nonsense is generally retarded. IF MANTAUR CHEATED ON HIS WIFE WITH BERTHA FAYE, YOU WOULDN'T HATE HIM YOU HYPOCRITES?!?!?!!? *shoots self* yeah those kind of people are morons. The CE folder awaits you. Regarding the angle, making a storyline outta this would be a waste of time. WWE writers do not know good storytelling, period. We would get boring segments that end up with Edge hitting Matt with a chair, costing him matches, and the usual crap. Even the "good stuff" of the alst few years isn't actually good storytelling, its just the other stuff is so bad that basic stuff seems good.
  6. bobobrazil1984


    Michelle isn't nearly as hot as she was at the end of last season, when she was weilding the gun and wearing leather (yow!)
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Tarantino Boards New Friday the 13th Movie?

    At this point if he wants to do a Jason movie, they should do a reboot, and start it all over.
  8. bobobrazil1984


    do emps take out batteries though? I'd imagine the whole point of emergency lights is to somehow survive power outtage?
  9. bobobrazil1984

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    ^ yeah but nobody really liked chyna enough to get too pissed off over it. It seems like a lot of people are upset because of the friendships between the group. Why do people keep bringing up hhh/chyna/stephanie? This isn't government policy, there's no obligation to be "consistent" or "fair", nobody in their right mind is gonna punish Vince's daughter. it's his daughter. part of his "punishment" is no doubt due to business ramifcations of this whole thing. they're gonna have to do roster and storyline shuffling on RAW cuz Edge decided to bang his friend's girl
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    ^ I vote for "childish revenge".
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    I think Matt deserves a push!!! Edge fucked up his career because he couldn't stop himself from having... Lita of all people! 2 months after his marriage? Lita and Edge really come off looking like scumbags from this story.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    That is cold. Wow. Also this is a much better storyline than anything on wwe shows in months. a story full of lies and deceit? sounds like it was more than just "lita fucked Edge".
  13. bobobrazil1984


    what a great fucking episode. This may be my favorite, lots of mysteries tied together. I wonder if the off-island connectsion between the survivors means anything or if they are just little things dropped by the writers for fun. Boone + Sawyer = in the same police station when Sawyers arrested. Jack + Sawyer = Saywer met Jack's dad in a bar. Jack + Jin = in the same line at the airport Jin + Hurley = Hurley on TV when Jin comes to the guy's house to 'deliver the message' Hurley + Locke = Hurley owns share in his box company What an awesome effin show.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Movie moments you marked out for.

    The "Don Corleone" line followed by the shut door at the end of the Godfather (I only saw it for the first time in full last year, i was marking at how awesome it was right at that moment) Last scene of Shawshank, but more of a misty-eyed mark out moment. The Rohirrim march on the city in Return of the King, especially that huge long sweeping shot as the armies are about to collide, me and my buddy just looked at each other in the theater and yelled out "holy shit"
  15. bobobrazil1984

    Firefox is all fucked up.

    maybe some sort of privacy setting got accidently set up, blocking them?? thats the only thing i can think of, i'm hardly an expert though. Anyone??
  16. bobobrazil1984

    Million Dollar Baby

    M$B is a perfect example of why its execution, not idea or premise, that makes a movie (or anything) great. Even a movie that you loved, that you think you loved it because of its premise or idiea, what you really loved was the execution of said idea. And cliche complaints are really complaints about cliche execution of said idea.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    The Industry Is Shooting Itself Again

    I know many people who use iTunes. Some of them surprised me. it's just so easy. I've used iTunes also, but mostly to get stuff I can't find in normal download channels. It's really slick an great. A price hike would suck ass.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO 77th Annual Academy Awards Thread

    I'm a little annoyed Don Cheadle didn't win (then again its not like I expected him to), but he was really really great in HOtel Rwanda, getting more and more desperate as the movie goes on. Great job and really hope he gets better parts b/c of the nomination.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO 77th Annual Academy Awards Thread

    prisoner of azkaban was very good. probably the only harry potter movie that's a truly great entertainment.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO 77th Annual Academy Awards Thread

    Awesome! Good choice. Million Dollar Baby and Finding Neverland were both excellent. Ray was too but Ray shouldnt have won best picture, it has "mystic river syndrome", a fairly pedestrian movie of its genre buoyed to goodness by great great acting, hence the acting oscar.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Thinking about buying an iPod

    is it possible in any way to get a 20GB version for less than 250? Anybody know any places? the lowest i've seen it is like 270something. Also, is there any date on when Sony's coming out with their mp3 player? (God did ANYONE think the ALTRAC debacle was going to work? digital music players without mp3 capability is just idiotic)
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Lip Syncing

    It think it sucks ass and shouldnt be allowed. Unfortunatly too many artists do it now, for it to be done with. I think it would be pretty interesting though, if every venue insisted on no lip syncing, to see who would and who wouldn't do concerts.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO 77th Annual Academy Awards Thread

    Million Dollar Baby is really good... if a bit depressing. I'd like to see Morgan Freeman get a supporting oscar for it.
  24. bobobrazil1984


    That is awesome.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    The OAO 77th Annual Academy Awards Thread

    I want to see Don Cheadle get an award for HOtel Rwanda, but alas you know that belongs to jamie foxx (who was also good, Depp was great too, and I assume Leo was good though i havent seen aviator). 'Best Actor' is actually a very good field this year.