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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Windows Media Player Upgrade problems.

    on a semi-related note, is there any way to downgrade? I had WM8 and i really liked it, at some point (auto update i guess?) it ended up going to 10, i hated it ad uninstalled it, and inexplicably, WM9 showed up. i dontl ike that either. Anyone know how to do this?
  2. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    not a big Sacremento fan, but they did get screwed on the goaltending call. tough break guys.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    What players SHOULD BE in the NBA All-Star game?

    Steve Francis, Chris Webber, Chauncy Billups (although Rip Hamilton would be an acceptable alternative, detroit's just got a great starting backcourt, sometimes the wealth is spread across the two of them which makes it hard to single one out. I give Chauncy the nod over Rip because of his many clutch shots, he's detroit's Mr Big Shot)
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Dean For DNC Chair Thread #2

    I always kinda liked Howard Dean. He was entertaining, and seemed like the kind of guy who would actually blurt out what he was thinking ( no matter how damaging it is to his or his views ). Since I have such a low opinion of most all politicians, I like that. It doesn't hurt that his views fall similar to my own, and i think he is not as far left as some people characterize him. YEAAAAAHH!!!
  5. bobobrazil1984

    NBA All-Star Starters Announced

    if you want all deserving candidates, then have the frikken coaches pick the entire team. This is the side effects of having fans choose, of course its popularity. why else even have the fans choose if you dont want a popularity contest?
  6. bobobrazil1984

    This Week In The NBA

    ha, that was great. Shoulda let it go Eddie.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Star Trek: Enterprise Cancelled

    The show sucked ass, and should never have been made. Voyager was years of pure shit... so what do they do? Immediatly after it ends, they start a new show... with the same producers. Idiots. They deserve it. Thanks for ruining Star Trek you stupid douchebags. Quality Trek died when DS9 ended. They should have handed the boat to Ira Steven Behr and Ron Moore (the new Battlestar is a million times better than Voy or Ent).
  8. bobobrazil1984


    Um, please keep the spoiler tags. I sure as fuck don't want to know what happens before seeing it. and since there are long paragraphs of spioler stuff up there, i cant differentiate between what is spoiler and what is speculation.
  9. bobobrazil1984


    12-minute rescue! Bauer is Back!
  10. bobobrazil1984

    New "Batmobile" pictures

    There was a video clip of that Batmobile actually in motion a while back, driving down streets (some excited teens shot it on a Handycam), it was crazy, sounded like a jet engine, but very cool. The still shots dont do it justice.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    New "Batmobile" pictures

    There was a video clip of that Batmobile actually in motion a while back, driving down streets (some excited teens shot it on a Handycam), it was crazy, sounded like a jet engine, but very cool. The still shots dont do it justice.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Nash-less Phoenix Suns are getting violently ass-raped by the Pistons. they act like they've never seen a half-court defense before.
  13. bobobrazil1984


    Well one explanation is that Locke knew the compass was messed up and gave it to Sayid to throw off their direction so they wouldn't stumble onto the hatch.... and the other.... and the one I think..... well, its because the island changes, physically. The island is alive, and it has been giving people what they want and need when they wish hard enough for it? But sometimes it just fucks people up...... the big crashing monster that nobody ever sees... is actually the island itself, moving, thrashing, re-arranging, doing its thing, throwing trees around as if they were its arms, whatever... but its the island itself. Hence, North is no longer quite north. That's my theory. If we really want to delve into the scifi, then the island was given life by some kinda expirement and the hatch leads down to its brain. that's not part of my official theory though.
  14. bobobrazil1984


    The pattern seems to be that the island/monster/whatever is essentially giving each of the characters what they NEED to move forward or move on with their lives, or maybe what they want or wish for or something... Jack finding his father... Jack needing to save a life and Charlie coming back to life... Charlie and the heroin addiction... Locke and his legs... Boone and being free of Shannon... I don't know if there's any more examples or not. Locke seems to understand this, and embraces/uses it.
  15. bobobrazil1984


    It's not really an "issue" so much as it's lame and predictable and boring. Especially for a show so ripe with unpredictable twists like 24... and the villians are arab terrorists? Talk about a serious lack of imagination. The stuff with Jack and his kooky attempts to keep tabs on the guy is about fifty times more interesting than the immediate plot.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    Lex Luthor cast for Singer's Superman movie

    Kevin Spacey. Awesome.
  17. bobobrazil1984


    i'm kinda excited but have been brought down by then doing mideastern terrerorism (at least so I heard). there's no more boring, cliched, and overused subject for villians (except maybe the commies in the soviet days ). i want something new hopefully it will be a unique threat. Assassination, Nuke, and virus are pretty diverse. Maybe they could do something like sleeper agents in the government or something that jack has to hunt down.
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Frank Miller. Jim Lee. Batman

    http://www.comicon.com/cgi-bin/pulse.cgi?h...36%26t%3D003277 Fuck yeah.
  19. bobobrazil1984


    That was a good episode, but the revelation of what was in the briefcase was unspeakably lame. The whole episode I was hoping it wasn't gonna be some stupid sentimental item... alas it was, and not one that explains her super secret behavior. Why couldn't she just tell Sawyer or Jack... "it's a personal item that belonged to the guy I loved who died"??? *rolls eyes* stupid woman.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Paul Heyman Released

    Mae Young's baby aside... on the whole, that was such a good period of storytelling for WWE, and the matches were also pretty dang good. I wish he'd never left *cries* the storylines started breaking down right after he left. By the time the post WM period of 2001 started, everything reached suckage.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Chyna arrested for hitting X-Pac

    Wow, these are two are the biggest freakshow couple in the history of wrestling. For the love of god Waltman, get away and cut all contacts with the man. err woman. It.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    What new film are you most looking

    oh yeah, episode 3. I literally forgot about that film when thinking 'what films are coming in 2005?' before responding.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King EE

    How far have all you got in the extras? I just watched the 'Bigatures' feature yesterday. The quality on those miniature buildings is outstanding (how cool would it be to have the whole Minas Tirith set, just sitting in a room in your house, the ultimate model), and its just a great idea in general. Lucas would have just made all of them CG and it wouldn't have looked as real.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Wash/Detroit was a fun game, but it was pretty much the prototypical Pistons 04-05 game. Play sluggishly, get down by anywhere from 12-20 points, spend the 2nd half sparking a comeback. I'd say a good 80% of their games have follwed this pattern. This time it was 16 or 19 (i forget which) but they cranked it up in the 2nd half, playing the kind of basketball that won last year, and scraped a win. still having a hard time putting it together for a whole game though. They've still got it but its definetly not consistent. Home game against Miamo tomorrow, nationwide on TNT.
  25. bobobrazil1984

    What new film are you most looking

    I'd have to say 'Batman Begins' and 'Serenity'.