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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Huge earthquake wreaks havoc

    Death toll still rising, up to 100,000 now.
  2. bobobrazil1984

    Muhammad Hussan

    It's not relevant or subtle at all. He. Is. A. Heel. He is booked as one, the whole character exists to get the fans to boo him. It really doesn't mean shit if you think he's making "valid points". He is a heel, and its deliberate, theres no reverse psychology or anything at all. "He's an arab, we play it up, and he'll get booed". That's the extent of it.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King EE

    The movies turned out good, so Sauron not being physical was fine. The big armies and ringwraiths managed to sell the threat well enough.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King EE

    ^ I saw a few glimpses of it during the Featurette (which you can access from the same screen as the link to the storybook drawing thing). It was like, camera footage, Sauron was dressed similarly to how he was in the beginning of FOTR. They also did an overlay, showing how they replaced Sauron with the giant ogre troll, etc. It was mostly just a few seconds here and there, no sustained look at the footage.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King EE

    Saw it over the last two days. Excellent stuff. I vehemetly disagree with PJ's decision to remove the Saruman scene. It didn't fuck with the pacing at all, on the contrary, it gave the film a little jolt earlier. Also there were more explanations. one thing though, showing Aragorn and the pirate ships did suck the drama a bit out of Aragorn's arrival to the battle. I felt that PJ should have sacrificed some of his 40 minute epilogue to put some of these deleted scenes back in (for the theatrical edition). I watched a few of the featurettes, and so apparently, there actually were plans and footage shot of Aragorn having a swordfight with Sauron (looking like he did at the beginning of FOTR). Interesting, but I'm glad they left it out. I still want to watch it again to absorb everything.. then watch/lsiten tot he commentaries, then the rest of the features. This will keep me busy
  6. bobobrazil1984


    It was an entertaining movie. Mandy Moore did a really good job actually, about 10 minutes in, I forgot it was Mandy Moore, instead just thinking of her as the bible-thumping character. Good stuff.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Suprnova and Torrentbits shut down

  8. bobobrazil1984

    DC's answer to Ultimate Marvel;

    I'm really looking forward to it. I think some people have gotten a wrong idea on what this is. It's basically "iconic" any-time Superman/Batman stories, by great writers. There doesn't seem to be any sort of universes or crossovers or fuckups. The Batman story is told with Batman and Dick Grayson as Robin. The Superman book is with Olson a rookie, Lois unaware, etc... its great stuff, basically what Bryan Singer is doing. I dont know what or where this "hypertime" thing came from. These are the Superman Batman stories Iv'e been waiting for, Superman and Batman comics are DEATHLY dull. and I never want to read another 'retelling" of Superman's origin again. (and frankly even though I'm a bigger marvel fan than DC, the ULtimate thing isn't all that impressive. It's basically Ultimate Spidey, The ULtimates, and a bunch of very forgettable other stuff)
  9. bobobrazil1984

    iPod alternatives??

    Anybody here use high-storage mp3 players besides the iPod? I'm interested in knowing if any of them are good. I like the iPod just fine, but its shorter battery life and non-user-replaceable battery in like 2 years have made me hesitant... not to say i wont get one but i want to look at other ones. 10 GB or higher please... how is the Dell mp3 player, or any other strong alternatives? Post your experiences. Longevity of use is a big factor for me.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Rate the TV shows you watch...

    Lost: A Battlestar Galactica: A Smallville: B- NBA Fastbreak: B That's about it for the weekly shows I watch. Still waiting on the return of 24 and The Shield.
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Quick question

    My dad's laptop had a problem like this... it happened after he installed Windows XP Service Pack 2 or whatever the fuck its called (from the windows update automatic thing). All sorts of stuff like that was fucked up. It returned to normal after I uninstalled the service pack from add/remove programs in control panel.
  12. bobobrazil1984

    to Real reason heyman was released

    someone kill Stephanie. Quick.
  13. bobobrazil1984

    What was the one angle the WWE screwed up?

    From my limited amount of WWE viewing this year... I think it has to be the Orton thing. They spent months and months trying to get him over as a big time heel... then they just suddenly turn him face and his character becomes extremely lame. They had a chance to do the 2 man power trip angle the right way, with Orton and HHH both being big time heels jockeying for control of Evolution, as top heel dog on RAW, HHH rising jealousy, they could have built a great long term feud (with Orton's face turn coming... right about now), leading to a WM showdown between HHH and Orton. Ortno's "face pops" at the time weren't so incredibly huge that they warranted torpedoing a WM storyline THAT PRACTICALLY WROTE ITSELF. Ugh.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    If TNA emerged as a threat to the WWE,

    Considering the many ridiculously moronic decisions they've made (really, they're approaching WWE-level idiocy), there's no way they can be a threat. Unless they suddenly get a new gajillion dollar backer.
  15. bobobrazil1984

    Star Wars TV Series

    they are his movies. If he wants to crapify his movies by adding cartoony monsters and bobbles that don't match anything and are just stupid, he should be allowed. I'm just annoyed at the refusal to have the originals on DVD also (the replacement, rather than the changes). I'd pay a premium price on starwars.com or something for those originals
  16. bobobrazil1984

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    Glad its getting the critical love. I love this film. It feels like a real story, emotionally complete, real big things are happening to these characters. As far as I'm concerned it deserves a best pic nom, but alas my geek love will not be indulged by the academy
  17. bobobrazil1984

    RVD trouble backstage

    The whole situation reminds me of the scene in Office Space, Jennifer Aniston and the "flair" at Chachi's Well... you dont HAVE to wear all that flair... its voluntary... but we want people to have a... good attitude... So... more flair then? Well... you see... we want people to express themselves... voluntarily.... ....................
  18. bobobrazil1984

    ECW PPV? Roster Switches?

    WWE Presents ECW (booked by Stephanie McMahon)! This is gonna suck so much ass!
  19. bobobrazil1984

    RVD trouble backstage

    It's not like it would make a difference either way. He's not going to get pushed up significantly higher no matter what he does. "Heat" basically means being mid-card to being slightly lower mid-card.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    Why is Lord of the Rights so great?

    LOTR was awesome. Two Towers was the weakest of the trilogy. And since I am also awesome, what I say is automatically right! Sorry guys, tough break.
  21. bobobrazil1984

    Star Wars TV Series

    something tells me this is gonna suck. Bah... anyways, we had something pretty close to 'star wars the tv series' in terms of tone and adventure and exotic aliens, ass-kicking, and flash gorden type sci-fi action, with "Farscape." Let them do it, i bet it would kick all kinds of ass.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Oscar predictions

    I'd rather neither Passion or F9/11 be nominated. Maybe Passion for best directing or cinematography... but as a film, its just two hours of torture. Literally (not as in "it's sooo bad"). Personally I think Spider-Man 2 should be nominated but it would never happen. *sigh* A Spidey and Incredibles nomination would make it the coolest oscars in years.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    The Laker Soap Opera continues...

    You can't write this shit. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=1944994 Karl probably figured Kobe's wife wanted ta get back at him for the Colorodo incident and saw an opening!
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Batman Begins teaser 2

    Looks pretty cool... but i really hope all the travelling and training doesn't take up an hour of the movie. I really want to see BATMAN. I get the faint feeling that if Nolan and WB are not careful, the movie could end up with a slight Hulk-type problem, where they spend so much time on down to earth character story, that they forget the audience is there to see the title character!!!
  25. bobobrazil1984


    Awesome episode... I think my favorite part was Sayid and Saywer.... It begins... when they finally team up, they will RULE THE ISLAND! RULE IT I SAY! IN A NASTY BADASS DICTATORSHIP!!!