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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984

    Rumsfeld and Soldiers have a discussion

    this issue has been around for months now. Why has it taken this long for somebody to ask Rumsfeld about it??
  2. bobobrazil1984

    Charges handed down on Pacer players

    my only real concern was that they were gonna come down on one side (players or fans) and let the other side off... but they charged em all, that's good.
  3. bobobrazil1984

    Avengers Finale Review

    It's the FANS that let him get away with it. Period. Marvel wants to make money regardless. If sales for the later issues of Disassembled, the FInale and/or New Avengers had tanked, then there would be accountability.
  4. bobobrazil1984

    Hip hop & NBA

    A lot, though not all, of what he says is on the mark.
  5. bobobrazil1984

    First review of the Chyna/X-Pac sex tape

    classic! Hey remember, HHH fucked her before the plastic surgery (when she was even more mannish) and did so up the ass. Clearly the Kliq has homosexual tendecies. Clearly. *shudders*
  6. bobobrazil1984

    Batman Begins Poster

    She's been acceptable in most of the feature films I've seen her in.
  7. bobobrazil1984

    Now that MikeSC is gone...

    Something to do with the southern border of the US. I have no clue what, just what my instinct tells me. maybe something like, a terrorist sneaking in and some politicians using it to try to hang Bush???? I dunno...
  8. bobobrazil1984

    Any news yet on Kill Bill 1&2

    I vaguely remember an interview with one of the heads of Miramax, and he flat out said that Kill Bill gave them the opportunity to basically triple or quadruple dip. I'll try to find it, but i'm not sure where it was. IGN maybe? found it: That's hilarious.
  9. bobobrazil1984

    Meltzer piece on TNA from 11/29 Observer

    Did anyone honestly think the weekly PPV thing was gonna pan out? Come on, seriuosly, not in a "wouldn't it be cool" way, put aside your fervent hopes for a non-sucking alternative to WWE...did you really think it was gonna work? You literally need to have a "24"-level addictiveness and brilliance in the writing of the show to get people to pay EVERY WEEK to see a wrestling show. Did you honestly think the JARRETS were gonna create something truly revolutionary? It was something new, i'll give em that, but I, and I suspect in your hearts, all of you knew, knew from day one that it was never viable.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    Upcoming DVD releases

    This is interesting.... but it doesn't mention anything about the film itself. Is this the theatrical american cut or does it have more? Because an "uncut international version" was released on dvd a while back with 24 extra minutes... http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...?v=glance&s=dvd So how does the actual film of this new Deluxe Edition compare to the "Uncut International Version"???
  11. bobobrazil1984

    Any news yet on Kill Bill 1&2

    I hope so, I'd get it. Especially if Quentin does some editing and tinkering to make em flow as one... Kill Bill was two entertaining but unbalanced and unfulfilling films. One had all action and practically no story, and the other all story with practically no action. Err... the best films are clearly the ones which meld action and story and character seamlessly.
  12. bobobrazil1984


    damn this is some freaky shit, like Rosemary's Baby type stuff. Maybe her baby was going to grow up to be the next Hitler? Wouldn't that be crazy...
  13. bobobrazil1984

    The Sports Confessional

    I live in (near) Detroit... AND I CANT STAND THE FUCKING RED WINGS!!! DIE RED WINGS DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously I hope hockey never comes back, and if it does i hope the whole town stays in Pistons-fever mode and never goes to a Red Wing game again. DIE!!!
  15. bobobrazil1984

    Three Film studios snub Sonys Blu-Ray

    Imagine the nightmare if half the studios release their movies on HD-DVD and the other half on blu-ray.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    UK Movie Poll/List

    What the hell are the first two Harry Potters doing so high on that list? Hell, if you must have one of the films on the list, it should be Part 3, Prisoner of Azkaban. The film was about ten times better than the previous two.
  17. bobobrazil1984

    24 season 4 promo

    I dont like the lack of Palmer. Watching the first season of 24, the show imo has always been the dual story of Jack Bauer and David Palmer. They could have ditched everyone else but found some way to keep Palmer in the story. MOre Palmer/Bauer interaction
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Julia Roberts delivers her twins

    There's nothing wrong with Hazel as a name. As someone said, it's not uncommon at all.
  19. bobobrazil1984

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, November 24-28

    National Treasure isn't really that bad. Its clear someone saw Da Vinci Code's success and said "give me an Americanized version of that minus the religion!" but it was a fun kinda light action movie.
  20. bobobrazil1984

    The Da Vinci Code

    I finally got around to reading this... and I found it to be ridiculously entertaining, and a fast breezy yet interesting read. I won't pretend to know what is or isn't true.. i'm not a christian and i really dont two shits about whether the stuff is true or not (the same way I dont give two shits about whether the gov. is REALLY hiding aliens when i watch x-files)... but for the purposes of the story, it was great. By the by, it was clear to me that this was written with a movie in mind... it just has that sort of movement and pacing. Lift out some of the diversions and background info, and you have a pretty solid blueprint for a historical thriller movie... a la National Treasure but with a better script, better director (Ron howard?) and a better actor (Tom hanks I'm hearing). Anyone want to give me some more info on Dan Brown's other books? I know Angels and Demons is supposedly very similar to DaVinci Code... what about any otehr books he's written, how do they stack up?
  21. bobobrazil1984


    Kobe should use the 'plastic cup' defense in his civil suit. "I raped her in self-defense!!!" since getting hit by a cup means its understandable to act like a nutcase.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    This week in the NBA

    Having Tinsley and Croshere on my teams in Fantasy basketball is gonna pay off this next month and a half!
  23. bobobrazil1984

    the Latest ECW is returning Bullshit rumor

    And this is why any attempt at relaunching ECW will end in doom.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Cup Throwing Warrior Identified

    He escaped from prison? This guy's a tru warier!!!
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Cup Throwing Warrior Identified

    ^ that brings up a funny question, now what do you suppose woulda happened if it was an 8 year old and Artest ran into the stands, only to be faced with an 8 year old girl (coulda been a soda, the liquid was clear as i recall). Would he just stop? Would he throw her to the ground yelling "did you do it!? did ou do it!?"