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Everything posted by bobobrazil1984

  1. bobobrazil1984


    that fat man I think was actually a fat kid, son of the guy Artest clocked. edit: or maybe not.
  2. bobobrazil1984


    I love how they're all going on about how this is a disgrace, lowest point, blah blah blah. This will get them ratings. Stern now has a TRULY LEGIT Eastern Conference feud that people will care about. The Christmas rematch is gonna be nuts, kobe vs shaq will actualy be secondary. Other leagues have had stuff like this happen and its never hurt them.
  3. bobobrazil1984


    ^ sounded like they were justifying it to me, but what do I know? Anyways, it woulda been great if, during the brawl, Ron artest looked into the camera and been like "November 23rd, Allure's Cd. Buy it." smiles and thumbs up.
  4. bobobrazil1984


    1) police are in the TV trucks right now looking at the tapes!!!! 2) Pistons vs Pacers rematch is... on CHRISTMAS DAY! Guess what other game is on that day?? Lakers vs Heat, Kobe vs Shaq... otherwise known as the "undercard"
  5. bobobrazil1984


    I'm watching the replays and it turns out Artest went after the WRONG guy!!! AHAHAHAHA! the guy who threw it was a bigger guy with a white hat. You see him a little later, wrapping his arms around Artest, i think he had a wallace shirt on.
  6. bobobrazil1984


    I disagree. Clearly he should be punished for his ON-COURT actions, but people overreact to fouls every few games. There is no way he could know or should be responsible for what drunk fans do with their bottles or cups of beer.
  7. bobobrazil1984


    Ben Wallace = should be punished for on-court actions. Pushing Artest, overreacting, etc. He is not responsible for the fan(s). 2-3 games. Artest = punished for jumping the rail after the fan, with some leeway given because he was instigated. 4 games. Jackson = the worst out of the players, BEFORE the beer thing happened, this guy was putting up his fists challenging for a fight.. wtf was that? Then, he chases after Artest and starts swinging wildly... wtf was that!? 8 games. Beer-throwing fan = fucktard. ARRESTED. pistons bias clearly in play!!!
  8. bobobrazil1984


    I didnt even see the beer on Artest until the replay. from some fans perspective, allthey saw was ARtest and Jackson throwing punches at fans, it all spiraled out of control. crazy as fuck, but both the beer cup throwing fan and jackson should be punished.
  9. bobobrazil1984


    looking at the replays, Jackson seems way more pissed than Artest. 'the hell.
  10. bobobrazil1984

    This Week in the NBA

    ok, it's true... the fan started that shit by throwing the drink at Artest. He instigated it and should be punished. Artest dived over the crowd and chased that guy down, that was equally crazy. But man what a crazy ending, i was pretty depressed cuz of the loss but that was just wildly entertaining
  11. bobobrazil1984

    This Week in the NBA

    Ron Artest is a fucking psychopath
  12. bobobrazil1984

    This Week in the NBA

  13. bobobrazil1984


    or try downloading them. suprnova.org should have some torrents of past episodes.
  14. bobobrazil1984

    Note about WWE hiring new talent

    ...because It's worked SO well these last few years. SO MANY of these BIG SLOW DUMB HOSSES have become HUGE STARS!!!! (I dont mind it if they could get athletic big guys who can move and wrestle like Brock Lesner, but there are only slow talent-less hosses.)
  15. bobobrazil1984

    This Week in the NBA

    ^ Yes. Indiana was almost as good as Detroit, and played D in a similar fashion. I think LA may have had an actual win rather than a fluke one, but I do think Indy would also have beat LA.
  16. bobobrazil1984

    This Week in the NBA

    Tomorrow is a rematch of the REAL 03-04 NBA Finals, Pacers vs Pistons. ESPN. 8 PM. Be there or Artest will cut a rap diss against you.
  17. bobobrazil1984


    regarding the exchange, I'm not sure if i'm gonna participate heavily but i"m interested in checking it out at least in the beginning...
  18. bobobrazil1984

    Toy Story 3

    No Pixar = No interest
  19. bobobrazil1984


    DELENN!!!! IT's DELENN!!!!!!!!!!
  20. bobobrazil1984

    American TV stations boycott showing of:

    Well, there you go. Fucking fundamentalists. I smell a fine coming.
  21. My view is... the guy's got a screw loose rattling up there for setting himself on fire...but who knows, the public details of this coming out might spur someone to jack his family outta there (or not...) It's been said often that ground intelligence and infiltration like this is the best way to get access to Al-Qaeda info, but its hard to come by. Stuff like this will make its way back to people who could be in a position to help us, this isn't the first time I've heard of informants who haven't qutie gotten what they were promised. If they think the Feds aint gonna deliver on promises and incentives to help, then they're not gonna risk their neck and the necks of their families, to step up and help and inform.
  22. bobobrazil1984

    Atlantis has supposedly been found

    Well, I'm eagerly awaiting any proof. I think it would be awesome if they found man-made walls, and Atlantis, down there.
  23. bobobrazil1984

    Kurt Angle vs. Daniel Puder: The Whole Story

    While I think Meltzer is overstating the potential fo the angle WITH THESE WRITERS/PRODUCERS (that's the key here, any angle with potential immediatly drops down fifty points, because of current WWE way of doing things).... this could have produced an entertaining and hot angle that just "feels" a little different. I'm not surprise WWE messed it up. They do so with every. single. major. angle. period. i like this part: Of course not. I mean there's no way this could get the kind of heat something like a BRADSHAW feud does. A complete moron could have created a hot feud between Angle and Puder, made PUder into a semi-star, and gotten at least ONE hot PPV match. A COMPLETE IDIOT COULD DO IT.
  24. bobobrazil1984

    Upcoming DVD releases

    Ooohhh baby *drools* Still another month
  25. bobobrazil1984

    Fahrenheit 9/11 sequel on the way
