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Everything posted by FroGG_NeaL

  1. FroGG_NeaL

    Book recommendations

    Regarding Shakespheare, I dig Macbeth the most, I'd say. And I want all of you to go read Motley Crue's Auto-Biography "The Dirt" right now. I don't care if you love 'em, hate 'em, barely know of them, whatever... It's a great fucking read, and I reccomend it highly to everyone. There are so many awesome stories, man, I love that book.
  2. FroGG_NeaL


    I've got the Mobster FroGG puffin' on a blunt, like I said. But, in my case, most folks are too busy looking at the blazing Tommy Gun, and the flying shell casings to notice at first. I'll always carry my gun, and I'll always smoke bud, so it's whatever. But fuck it, i'm an artist. I can get by with shit like that that normal peeps couldn't when looking for work and shit.
  3. FroGG_NeaL


    No, no, on the lower back, with just the right outline that it looks sexy as all hell when you're hittin' it from behind. Personally, I have 3 Tatoos honoring my 3 dead brothers, and a Frog dressed as a Mobster, smoking a blunt, with shades on, blazing a Tommy gun. Then, I've got Frogg Tatted on my inner ankle that I put there myself when I was 15, just testing out a homemade gun. I've got about 15 more tats in mind, I just keep changing them and updating the designs. Gotta get it perfect, 'cause I design all of my own tats. And yeah, get things that actually mean something to you. something personal, like me and my boys, we all say that every tat we get should be able to tell a story, to be able to tell anybody looking at them, exactly what they mean.
  4. FroGG_NeaL

    Joe Injured tonight

    Oh, Jesus Fuckin' Christ. I hope Joe does take proper time to heal. And TNA better keep him on screen every week, still. If anything, it'll give him a chance to flesh out his character a little more. Not that he needs it, dude is awesome as is, but I'm looking for a positive here. Ah, fuck, he'll be back in the ring in like 2 or 3 weeks, and a few years down the road, it'll come back to haunt him.
  5. FroGG_NeaL

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I'm to lazy to look through the thread, what's with the Sub-Title? Is Jeff Hardy maybe gonna return to the 'E, or was it more bullshit internet rumors? Thanks in advance.
  6. FroGG_NeaL

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    Lovecraft, that is fucking stupendous. Much props for that. I'm currently working on a comp tape of all of Vince's Greatest Over Acting Moments, and last night gave me an awesome addition for it.
  7. FroGG_NeaL

    Guns N Roses to play 2 shows in NY

    Axl Rose showing up, and actually finishing shows? New GNR songs leaking at a somewhat decent rate? Whoa... I hope Axl really has his shit together, and GNR comes back in a big way. I've been down since day one, back when I was four years old, and Welcome To The Jungle hit MTV, and I've remained a major Axl fanboy throughout those 19 years. Also, Axl looks more and more like Raven everytime I see a new picture of him.
  8. FroGG_NeaL

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    ~That was great, ya know, like he was making sure Shawn knew to duck, seeing it coming, further building to the DX Reunion. Nice little touch. ~Plus, Funk Repeating Double Cross a couple of times when Foley mentioned his ranch was like, just straight up saying, "Here Comes The Double Cross!" ~The Foley/ Funk segment was fucking great. ------- ------------- --------------- -------------- --------- --------- Thoughts: 1.) ~Funk reminded me of one of my Grandpa's buddies; Dude seems like he can hardly move, probably shouldn't even be able to, but then you see him when he's helping remodel the house or somethin', and dude is goin' at it like as hard as I am, and I'm almost 22, this dude's pushing 72, and I think Funk is in his late 70's(!). ~Terry Funk = Kurt Angle in three years. And, sadly, they'll both probably be in wheelchairs, or dead a few years after that. ~The Foley/ Funk segment was fucking great. ~I love that Funk refered to Foley as 'Cactus'. Like, he knew Foley wasn't being completly sincere in his speech, and he could tell that Mick had reverted completly back into Cactus Jack, and was going over the edge and shit. ~The scene right before Lita gave Funk a ballshot, with him telling Cactus and Edge to bring it, while they're both trying to stand up in the corners was a mark-out moment for me. ~I also like how Foley brings out his two best friends in Hardcore Wrestling, and turns on them with Edge. Like, he's had a taste of the spotlight and it made hime snap, and now he's got dillusions of granduer, saying he and Edge's WM match was the greatest hardcore match of all time. ~I also loved seeing the clip from the Dumpster Match, and King actually acknowledging who the NAOs were by name. ~The Spear/ Mandible Claw double team is the shit. ~After Foley leaves, Lita should start distracting Edge's opponents, then do something similar to the Claw and have Edge spear th dude for the win. It's a whole hell of a fucking lot better then Edge's weak 75% of the time Spear. ~Lita looks fuckin' great these days. Her face looks the best it ever has, I think, and her new tit job is better then her last one. 2.) ~The Kane Video Package was superb, as I mentioned earlier. ~His flick is now a must see for me, and you all should definetly see it one way or another, because I have a feeling it's gonna play a big part in Kane's WWE storyline for a minute now. ~I want Kane to show up on Smackdown!, Destroy the FUCK out of The Great Khali, and Take on Taker again, with his mask back, because.... Fuck, I dunno, he wants to hide his face again, or he gets burnt somehow. ~And give him either the original full mask, and make it cover his entire head, or the one where you can see his mouth, so he can still do that awesome psycho smile, and have it be a mix of that mask and a Vader type mask. 3.) ~The opening match was cool for what it was. I thought Shelton won both titles for a minute, and was about to mark the fuck out. Heh. ~I hit rewind on the Tivo, and was dissapointed. 4.) ~Umaga continues to impress, as does AEE... what ever the fuck his name is. ~It's great that they've been bringing back managers lately, and we've actually been getting some good ones. 5.) ~Mickie James makes me feel funny in pants. 6.) ~That Carlito/ Maria segment was gold. ~And like I said earlier, That shirt is the first wrestling Tee I've bought since back in the nWo and 3:16 and Brahma Bull shirts. I was 14-16 then, I'm 22 now, I've changed alot. I've only seen maybe 3 new shirts I would wear come out in the past 6 or so years. That's not counting the rerelease shirts, the WWF nWo Tee, WWE ECW Tees, or anything like that. ~And damn near everyone that's seen me wear it has liked it. Even peeps I know that hate wrestling, or would never, ever think of spending money on anything wrestling related liked it, and I had alot of folks ask where they could get one. ~Most chicks that have seen it like the catch phrase. I've had several playful (but more intellegent... Well, sometimes.) inuendo filled conversations similar to Carlito and Maria's tonight, over it. 7.) ~My little bro hasn't been into wrestling in years now, and he digs Carlito. ~Other then maybe 3 other guys, he doesn't even bother to pay attention to anything wrestling related. When he (rarely) talks with me about Wrestling, he always asks about Carlito, Jeff Hardy ( a childhood favorite of his), Ric Flair and Sabu, mostly. Oh, and anything with Vince, because we laugh our asses off at his over-exaggerations of everything from the Power Walk, to the way he cuts promos, but mainly his facial expressions. 8.) ~Carlito and Doane are gonna be two of the next big stars along with Kennedy, no doubt about it. 9.) ~I dig the new 'Freak Force' that's been hanging together since WM. It gives a lot of guys with whacked out gimmicks a way to shine. And the newer dudes are better then The Oddities were, I think. ~They should have Dibiase manage all those guys, and pay them to do fucked up shit. 10.) ~I'm calling it now, this Eugene/ Striker fued will end with Eugene becoming smart, and turning heel. It's the best way to do it, in a fued with a "Teacher", and all, I think. 11.) ~I wasn't paying attention at first when HHH killed shane, and I thought for a second there that he actually slipped and bashed his head in. ~Then Vince got in the ring. ~From there, it was fucking gold. ------- ------------- --------------- -------------- --------- --------- I liked this Raw, from top to bottom. There was something good in every segment, I thought. Peace
  9. FroGG_NeaL

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    Dude, that's so fucking crazy it could work.
  10. FroGG_NeaL

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    Shane's dead! And thanks Marvin, and Hawk for the documentary info. I'll DL that in a few.
  11. FroGG_NeaL

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    Kenny is damn immpressive. I'm jumping on the Main Eventing WM in the next two years bandwagon. This match is so obvious, man. HHH beats the fuck out of Shane, DX reforms. DX vs. The McMaons at the next PPV so Shawn can get his win back and blow off the fued.
  12. FroGG_NeaL

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    What the hell happened to that movie they were filming about WM... uh, 21, I think? Did I misss that?
  13. FroGG_NeaL

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    I'm gonna go see Kane's movie. Jesus Christ, I can't believe I just typed that. It does look cool, at least. Like the sets are awesome, the death scenes look like they'll be cool, and the film effect or whatever, the way the lighting and shit is, looks awesome. Man, King of Kings is straight heat.
  14. FroGG_NeaL

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    Big Show. EDIT: ORRRR...a returning Rosey. More like a returning Test. Or a debuting CM Punk? It could happen... I would much prefer that, but ya know... It's Test. He'll get something big when he returns, like breaking the Master Lock or something. And that SS Sig is awesome. It's now my Desktop.
  15. FroGG_NeaL

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    Big Show. EDIT: ORRRR...a returning Rosey. More like a returning Test.
  16. FroGG_NeaL

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    Umaga is awesome. This is the guy that should be having the fued with Taker right now, not the retard form The Last Yard.
  17. FroGG_NeaL

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    No fucking way Vince McMahon would do such a thing.
  18. FroGG_NeaL

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    Maybe it's the weed, Zanexes and Lithium, but I'm loving this Raw so far. Everything has been fucking excellent. And that Kane Video package rocked my asshole.
  19. FroGG_NeaL

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    reads the last page of the thread...nope, just you Whoa...
  20. FroGG_NeaL

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    I bought that shirt at the Supershow in St. Louis a few weeks back. It's the first wrestling shirt I've bought since the original nWo shirt.
  21. FroGG_NeaL

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    The fuck? did anyone else geet a big pink heart outline popping up on their screen?
  22. FroGG_NeaL

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    JR's over shilling can get annoying at times, but when he's really trying out there, he can add so much to a match. Got dayum!
  23. FroGG_NeaL

    Saved By The Bell

    That is all.
  24. FroGG_NeaL

    Ultimate Avengers

    Clicky clicky. I still haven't seen it, so I'm happy. I really hope it leads to a series.