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Everything posted by FroGG_NeaL

  1. FroGG_NeaL

    Super Mario Brothers Super Show!

    This is all I could find. I think they actually took down th Luigi F-Bomb,I may be mistaken. That site is so fuckin different now...
  2. I'm currently watching It just came on Show Extreme. Awesome movie, if you've fot Shotime Extreme, and you've never seen this movie, even if you don't lik westerns, and give this flick a it watch
  3. FroGG_NeaL

    Shield producer Scott Brazil dead at 50

    Th efinal season of the Shiel is already filmed. The last season was part 1, they split it in two, beacause it worked better that way Anway, at least with the show completed, any of the guy's visons for the show won't get shitted on. R.I.P.
  4. FroGG_NeaL

    Movies that everyone loves that you cannot get the love for

    The Two Towers is to LOTR as The Empire Strikes Back is to Star Wars, And Episode 3 for the new Star Wars movies. It's Star Trek: The Wrath of Kahn to the Star Trek Movies. It's the one you would screen for someone that normally wouldn't like that type of shit.
  5. FroGG_NeaL

    South Park Season 10 starts tomorrow

    You know what? It's shitty compared to the old stuff, because that what got us all hooked on it. All shows do this that stay around too long. Simpsons, is top of the list. The thing is , no matter how bad these shows get, I'll still enjoy them, just like the WWE. I can always find a few thing every ep that appeals to me, so it's all good.
  6. FroGG_NeaL

    Ultimate Avengers

    You just made my day, Gary Coleman. And this isn't the first time. Thank you, kind sir.
  7. FroGG_NeaL

    Need some really good movies

    Dude, I've been panning on expanding my Action/Adventure section of my DVD collection. I'll post my ultime list, with good internet prices for them. Plus Wal-Mart DVD bargain bins are a fucking gold mine for these types of movies. Mostly those are the original verisions that are put there after the SE comes out. Usuall $2 to $6 bucks, and there's tons of rare finds, because people don't know what they are. yeah, any way, I'll post up that list in the morning, I'm about to crash. Peace.
  8. I love you, RRR. I laughed so hard I coughed when I watched it this morning.
  9. Yeah, yeah! Aunt Becky was lookin' good too. The show could have possibly been good. It was just finding itself, alittle bit at a time.
  10. FroGG_NeaL

    Ten Years Later: Onslaught Reborn

    Start checking the comics Folder on this Forum here pretty soon. I'll be contributing alot. Recommendations, Reviews, D/Ls, all kinds of good shit. Character Spotlights... Yeah, I'm gonna make the lot of you into Comic Geeks.
  11. FroGG_NeaL

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    It would seem some starving artist from here in the States went and drew them for cash, probably for fan girls, from what I can gather Yeah scroll up a few posts, I give a first hand account of that type of shit. Or, maybe... Just maybe.... Dude that drew 'em is a sick fuck. But I've eaten bitches out on thier period before, and fucked that way multiple times, so who am I to judge someone who wants to further hide thier gayness for wretlers by stroking it to (poorly) Anime-inspired Reverse-Sex versions of thier fav wrestlers? Who am I, I ask you?
  12. FroGG_NeaL

    The Gilmore Girls

    My Ex used to force me to watch The Gilmore Girls. After a while I liked it. I haven't watched it in forever. Shit's seemed to change alot.
  13. FroGG_NeaL

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    Right next to "OAO Raw is Randy," And that's just dandy. I enjoy candy With a shot of Brandy?
  14. FroGG_NeaL

    Nastiest head drops in wrestling history.

    YES! I can add that to my "FroGG_NeaL's Proffesional Wrestling That I Can Play When People Are Over" Compilation Volume 4. That's one of my favorite matches, ever.
  15. FroGG_NeaL

    The Rowdy Roddy Show

    If he comes near St. Louis before September, or to Chicago after, I'm so going.
  16. FroGG_NeaL

    Tego Calderon

  17. FroGG_NeaL

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    Agreed on both accounts. That Super-Deformed Dinosaurs Baby pic must go. Someone start a petition. Or a poll. Or just post some more art that you're not sure what genre/style.nationality it is, and I'll see how many I can get right.
  18. FroGG_NeaL

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    Just....Japanese artists tend to not like leaving in pencil lines, from what I've seen. But I could well be wrong, since someone said they found them on a Japanese site. I'm sorry MMM, I didn't mean to be that way, but it was like WTF? Well, I noticed to.... But I'm in Art School, so I have an excuse. No, really. I swear, I only look at this shit because I want to be well knowledged in all fields of art... So...was I right , do you think? Mos def. That shit was done by an american, probably for an "Asian" porno-toon site. It's a good, easy way to make some cash when you're a starving artist in school. I never, ever, did anything this fucked up though.
  19. FroGG_NeaL

    Corino to Scherer:

    I went to school in Pitssburgh with a dude who cussed all fucked up like that. "What the Shit?" Classic. thanks for reminding me of that crazy fuck.
  20. FroGG_NeaL

    Best PPV Opener

    That match deserves all the praise it gets and more. The (sadly) few matches between those two were always classics.
  21. FroGG_NeaL

    Best Selling

    Bobby Heenan anytime the nWo was brought up. When he would jet everytime they came to the announce booth, doing a duke's of hazzard slid across the desk. Then he started suppourting them, but would still run. And his hate of Hogan since the 80's was finally justified. "Everything I've said about that man has been true all these years! Admit it Shiavanie!" Awesome stuff
  22. FroGG_NeaL

    Nastiest head drops in wrestling history.

    Indeed. Find It. Watch It. NOW.
  23. FroGG_NeaL

    WWE Stock is up...

    Man, I hope so. I really want it to do really well, and I want Kane in character on all the talkshows, doing press meetings, all that jazz. But, man, if this does well, and I honestly believe it has a chance, then Cena's does.... resonably decent, then we might get some more whcky ass WWE Films. I already can't wit for them. The fuck's wrong with me?
  24. FroGG_NeaL

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    BRING IT ON! Guy had an awesome look and WWE gave up on him way too quick. When did Mordecai fight Undertaker? I was waiting for this to happen, but WWE decided to send him back to OVW. My bad, man. I was thinking wrong, I knew they were building to it, and I was just thinking they actually had a match or something. *shrugs*
  25. FroGG_NeaL

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    Just....Japanese artists tend to not like leaving in pencil lines, from what I've seen. But I could well be wrong, since someone said they found them on a Japanese site. I'm sorry MMM, I didn't mean to be that way, but it was like WTF? Well, I noticed to.... But I'm in Art School, so I have an excuse. No, really. I swear, I only look at this shit because I want to be well knowledged in all fields of art...