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Everything posted by FroGG_NeaL

  1. FroGG_NeaL

    Slackers rule

    I read this in Kramer's voice. I will now do this with all of your posts.
  2. FroGG_NeaL


    I hate when meds fuck with your weight, sleeping schedule, eating habits, and all that good stuff. But I've been on Zoloft, Effexor, Depakote, Klonopin, Zanax, Lithium, Cymbalta, Seroquil... You just have to find what works. I have migraines too, and it took me years to find out Exedrin Migraine is the best shit out there.
  3. FroGG_NeaL

    SD Spoilers

    He destroys Funaki with the simplest moves you could think of. Threadstarter:"He's not over at all" Dude was extremely over when he came out to attack The Undertaker in his dark match with John Cena after Raw went off the air.
  4. FroGG_NeaL

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    I just got home a little while ago. I'm fucking warped, so I'll make this short. I enjoyed the show alot. The crowd stayed fairly hot throughout the night. Cena, HH, Edge, Carlito, HBK, Rey, Angle, JBL, Kane, Benoit, Lashley, Finlay, RVD and Shelton were all very over. Cena got fairly mixed reactions. Until Raw went off the air. HHH and Cena are laying in the ring. Cena's knocked the fuck out still, and The motherfuckin' UnderTaker comes out. He and Cena have a pretty good match, alot better then most Cena matches lately. Once Taker came out, the crowd basically turned on Cena completly. It was about 95% cheering for Taker. Cena got some pops here and there, but everything Taker did got a pop, and damn near everytime Cena would get anykind of advantage, he got massive, massive heel heat. Anyway, they were on their way to a good match, Cena even sold being hit with the sledge and just having a match pretty well, then... The big retarded fuck comes out and beats down Taker. Taker got a little offense in, but thy're really trying to get this guy over as a badass mofo. And it seems to be working. Peeps were begging for Taker to kick dude's ass. The Tish/ Mickie angle, which I still love, didn't go over well for the most part. Mostly Trish was getting booed and getting boring chants, show us your tits and all that, untill she revealed she started trying to fuck with Mickie's head instead of seming like Mickie had already brainfucked her. Then she kinda got over again. On the Kiss Cam or whatever, Maria kept trying to get these two big burly dudes with Jim Niedhart beards to kiss. They weren't having it, and they came back to them a couple of times. I loves me some Maria. When Mickie was interacting with Jack after Trish left, the crowd was popping big for her. "You cheated on me!" and the kick got great responses. I don't realy understand why RVD jobbed to The SS, but whatever. Match had madd heat. The whole Kane/TBS angle was over. When Kane got chokeslammed, you could tell folks had been wanting to see it for a minute, the pop was immense. Charlie Fuckin' Hass makes a return, with the perfect angle to come back with. WEE are starting to take thier fuckin' whacked out booking style, and blending it with some traditional, if obvious booking, wich I think is starting to work. Hass got a great reaction. I don't think anybody was expecting the surprise roll-up win. Carlito was the most over after the usual favs; Cena, HH, Taker, Angle, ect. Smackdown was fairly good this week. Booker T and Matt Hardy had a pretty long match, which will probably edited for TV. No botches, just went too long and got a little boring at places, but if you take out time for commercials, and mybe another minute or two, and it's a fairly solid match. I get the feeling they want all of the KOTR matches to be PPV style, so they can release a DVD of it. The crowd was dying for BoogieMan when Booker was out. Good match between London and Mercury, with some cool spots. Match got madd heat. If you liked the Regal shit last week, Ho-ly Shit, wait untill you see the stuff from this week. Burchill is way over, and he got tons of vignate time, all of which we're gold. The tag match stayed pretty hot throughout, and was my MOTN. Randy Orton wasn't mentioned other then Recapping last week on the TitanTron, wich got major heat, with small 'Break His Ankle' chants. ... I dunno, I'm crashing. I'll add more later. Over all A great night, with a good crowd, and over-priced beer. I bought a Carlito shit, first wrestling shirt I've bought since a Brahma Bull on back in 99 or 2000. Peace.
  5. FroGG_NeaL

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    I'm leaving to go to this now. It's a Inter-Brand Supershow. Reports when I get back. Maybe. Peace
  6. FroGG_NeaL


    Nah man, these guys are beyond this Genre, they're totally PsychoBilly, dude.
  7. FroGG_NeaL

    Awesome 1-2-3 punches in albums.

    2Pac - 1996 - All Eyez On Me - Book One 09.) Life Goes On 10.) Only God Can Judge Me 11.) Tradin War Stories The next one is technically 4, but one track is a shortass skit, so fuck it. D-12 - 2001 - Devils Night 16.) Devil's Night 17.) Steve Berman (Skit) 18.) Revelation 19.) Girls Ozzy Ozbourne - 1991 - No More Tears 03.) Mama, I'm Coming Home 04.) Desire 05.) No More Tears * Guns N' Roses - 1987 - Appetite For Destruction 01.) ... The whole fuckin thing. Also, a mix I made of Use Your Illusion I & II, and I've done that for most double albums that have filler on both discs.I've also got a ton of Mixtapes, (Ones by DJs and one's I put together, mine don't have anybody yelling throughout the songs, though ** ) and CDs if anybody wants to trade shit though a fileshare site. * ~In no way do I think this is Ozzy's best 3 chronological songs. I just busted out this disk again for the first time in a few years.~ ** ~Unless I'm REALLYFUCKINDRUNK, or way too high.~ Peace
  8. FroGG_NeaL

    What the fuck is this

  9. FroGG_NeaL


    I can handle some GreenDay, and a few miscellaneous tracks by a bunch of bands that I don't even remember the names of for the most part. They're all just in a folder together labeled, "Emo - Song Title - 01", and so on. I recognise a fewof the bands, because DirecTV recently added a shitload of genre specific channels to my deal. I stop on it while I'm skimmin' through sometimes. And I like AFI...
  10. FroGG_NeaL

    Guns N Roses to play 2 shows in NY

    Axl Rose was one of my heroes when I was growing up. But I wish the mofucker would put out a CD, and complete a big ass tour before he retires. Then just still make music, but chill, start a label, something like Dr. Dre with Aftermath and Interscope.Yeah.
  11. FroGG_NeaL

    More new Neil Young

    "More new Neil Young" Yay.
  12. FroGG_NeaL

    Thoughts on the new WWE talent

    The newer guys I watch for: Carlito, this guy can be fucking huge. I just hope he's allowed to stop holding back so much. Paul Burchill, I like the guy anyway, but he pulled off a shitty gimmick, and made it work. Then he has skills to back him up. MNM are the best thing the WWE has done tag-wise in ages. And Nitro will mos def be the breakout star when they split. And Melina needs to go to Raw after the split. Mr. Kennedy can be huge. John Cena, if he stops holding back, will be in the Main Event for a long time. Mickie James, without Jazz, Ivory or Jaqueline around, and Victoria not doing much, she's the best thing to happen to women's division in a long ass time. The Spirit Squad, at least 3 of these dudes will be around in a few years. Shelton Benjamin, if he keeps his shit together, and no more Momma, his fued with RVD can give him the boost he needs to get his cred back. And he's getting a little better with the mic. If he can't figure out the mic game, or get a manager that works well, he's fucked. Armando Alejandro Estrada, I haven't seen enough to really judge him, but I like what I've seen. Eugene, if he could ever get a new gimmink and get the fans to buy it, he could be in the upper midcard foe a good while, with maybe a main event push every once in a while. Maria, I loves me some Maria. Rene Dupree could be good if they let him. Rob Conway could be good if they let him. Umaga. *sigh* Why couldn't they just reform 3MW. Daivari, can really go far as a manager. Plus, when he does get stuck in the obligatory 'Manager vs. Wrestler' matches, they don't suck. Kristal, I loves me some Kristal. Boogeyman, I dunno, I just love this gimmick. He needs to go away when he's not over anymore, though. Kid Kash, I dig him. He can almost play a damn good cocky heel, but he sucks at WWE style promos. Shane Helms, I've always been a big fan, but he suffers from the same thing as Kash concerning his promos. London and Spanky are an awesome fucking tagteam. They're so fucking cool, nobody has any clue at all what the hell thier gimmicks are, and they're still over. And Spanky's "Let's Go!" Theme rocks my asshole. Jillian Hall is an excellent manager, and knows how to work a match. She shoul go to Raw along with Melina. They could have one hell of a women's division right now, especially with the overness of the Mickie angle. The Great Khali is FUCKINGOHMYGODHUGE. 'Nuff Said. Rey has been around for a minute now, but I can see him in the Main Event for a good ammount of time, bouncing from there to the mid-card and back. Finlay, I loves me some Finlay. Batista will be in the Main Event untill he falls apart, unless he gives it up like Booker T. Kurt Angle will die in the fucking ring probably. But he'll be around the top of the card for a long while. Randy Orton, I'm hoping this a whole Suspension deal is a work, and he can actually get over from an angle from it. Dude's probably finished, though. I hope he can grow up a little bit and realise he's being handed the fucking world right now. That's about it, I'll stop rambling now. Peace
  13. FroGG_NeaL

    To Honor Bret being screwed in 1997

    I try to skip them, but I can't. I just fucking can't.
  14. FroGG_NeaL

    Should UseTheSledgehammerUh have been banned?

    Dude knew his wrestling shit, and I didn't see anything he did that was bad enough to be banned.
  15. FroGG_NeaL

    Book recommendations

    My boy recommended those and I have them on my to read list. They sound very good, and he loves them and he's way big into the whole fantasy genre.
  16. FroGG_NeaL

    What DVDs would you like to see the WWE release?

    Those would be the greatest thing ever. No, really
  17. FroGG_NeaL

    WWE Power 25 Rankings.

    The suspension of Randy Orton has been the best booked angle this year.
  18. FroGG_NeaL


    I'm not going into details, but I've fucked with depression for years. Last year I was diagnosed as Bi-polar. I just see a Psychiatrist once a month to make sure my meds are regulated, and I'm usually good to go. I refused to see a doctor about it for the first year and a half, and it was hell. My grandma likened it to her Diabetes. She said she didn't like going to doctors all the time, and taking meds, either, but it's a disease. Plus, she's got the whole having to give yourself a shot thing, so I caved. Best thing I ever did. I'm taking time off from my first two years at The Art Institute of Pittsburg, staying in St. Louis with my mom. Later this year, I'm going to Chicago to finish my Masters in Media Arts and Animation, my Bachelor's in Graphic Design, be able to teach if I choose to. And I wouldn't be doing any of this if I hadn't gone to the doctor and got treatment. So, yeah, if you're fucked up, go get fixed dude. Peace
  19. FroGG_NeaL

    Book recommendations

    I'm currently read The Art of War by Sun Tzu. The last good book I read was Motley Crue's Autobiography. Highly recommended shit. I'll be back later, I like this thread. I've read some of the books listed, but some that I haven't sound intriguing. I'll mos def check some of them out.
  20. FroGG_NeaL

    RIP Proof from D-12

    Man, always sad when anybody passes, no matter how. Proof was ill as fuck, and I know D-12 is hit hard right now, cause I lost a few brothers the past couple of years. And I'm sure Em will make sure his family is very well taken care of. Dude adopted his niece and made a song about her, ya know. Songs of Proof on my Best of: Rap Game - D-12 - 8 Mile SDTK Forgive Me Feat 50 Cent - Searching For Jerry Garcia Sammy Da Bull feat. Nate Dogg and Swifty McVany - Searching For Jerry Garcia Kurt Kobain - Searching For Jerry Garcia Just Rhymin' with Proof - (Motherfucking excellent long as radio freestyle with Eminem, and they start out drunk, and just keep drinking Bacardi through the whole thing, and about 75% of the time Proof outshines Em.) Derty Harry - Electric Coolaid Acid Testing EP Ja in a Bra - I Miss the Hip Hop Shop Anywhere - Anywhere 12" Pimplikeness - f/ Eminem - Searching For Jerry Garcia Under The Influence - Eminem f/ D-12 - Marshall Mathers LP When the Music Stops - Eminem f/ D-12 - The Eminem Show 6 Reasons - D-12 (with Bugz) - D-12 The Underground EP Art of War - D-12 (with Bugz) - D-12 The Underground EP Chance To Advance - D-12 f/ Eminem, Eye Kyu - D-12 The Underground EP Activity as Phuctivity - D-12 (with Bugz) - D-12 The Underground EP Fuck Battlin - D-12 (with Bugz) - D-12 The Underground EP Cock and Squeeze - D-12 (with Bugz) - D-12 The Underground EP Bring Our Boys - D-12 f/ Eye Kyu - D-12 The Underground EP Damn near all of Deveil's Night Loyalty - D-12 f/ Obie Trice - D-12 World How Come - D-12 - D-12 World Get My Gun - D-12 - D-12 World 40 Oz. - D-12 - D-12 World Good Die Young - D-12 - D-12 World Keep Talkin - D-12 - D-12 World Doe Rae Me - Eminem f/ D-12, Obie Trice - White Label 12" Quiter - Eminem f/ D-12 - White Label 12" Slum Elementz - f/ Kon Artis (D12), Mudd (5 Ela), T-3 (Slum Village) - Searching For Jerry Garcia From that track- Proof: "I ain't tryin to find no blame, or make excuses I figured y'all slept so long I'll wake the rooster I love hip-hop and just makin music In the "8 Mile" flick I was portrayed as Future On the set I was due, where's the rest of my crew for the movie, this is truly our destiny dude I'm like Shady is my team, maybe it's a dream It seems I'm bein choked like Radio Raheem P knew it when G-Unit all got deals Imagine a muscle have to hustle, that's why it feel I'm walkin out of different people office still This ain't a diss, this is just talkin real Toy soldier, wonderin how they coffin feel My homie put me on 'em but I got up off them pills Got a boss appeal, you can call me Malphie But ask 'em all how where the fuck what they'd be without me - Proof" R.I.P. "King of Detroit" Big Proof
  21. FroGG_NeaL

    What the fuck is this

    I would bitch about my low rating, Mole. But I'm fuckin' rockin' out with your Hogan av.
  22. Rico's good people, as is Chris Jericho.
  23. FroGG_NeaL

    Thoughts on the new WWE talent

    Nah, man. People are saying that probably the gimmick that Vince would have tried to stick with Joe. And the Miz will be wretling house shows and internet matches in a few weeks, unless he somehow catches on.