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Everything posted by FroGG_NeaL

  1. FroGG_NeaL

    dear nhb:

    Banky's reaction to people recalling past information about himself suggests that he treats the internet as a fantasy world where he can escape reality and create a cooler persona for himself. This, combined with the frequency of name changes he has, suggests an person who dislikes himself and wants to be something more than he is. The anonymity of the intenet provides an avenue for this, however he will never strike up true emotional bonds over it. My God, that was brilliant as always, DR. Freud.
  2. FroGG_NeaL

    Any weed smokers here???

    I'm talking to Frogg here: Let's see, you're some fucking druggie loser, while I'm about ready to start Brandeis Law School. You're telling a father it's okay to do all sorts of drugs, that all major studies say negatively impacts a child's life, and I'm the moron. The problem is you're weak and pathetic, you should be willing to sacrifice everything for your kid. I don't have a kid, but when I have one I'll never be drunk in front of him/her, much less do what you're talking about. I've heard about your fucked up life, and you're so stupid that you don't realize that your actions only keep you in that life, and in turn keep your future generations in said life. I've never seen either of my parents drunk, I've never hit a girl or been arrested, and I've never done drugs. The problem with DRH is that he is a classic example of a chronic drug abuser, he's stopped but still writes about past drug experiences with a fond tone, this just screams a fall back, and, in turn, makes it reasonable for his girlfriend to not let him see his kid. It's just a matter of when, not if, he screws up again. The problem is you put yourself in horrible situations, and do horrible things, and then complain about consequences. You are responsible for your future, even if you have a fucked up family. And yet you continue down the same path of destruction, soon you'll be engulfed in the sickening filth enveloping your soul. You want to know what real badass is, real badass is going to school and work ever fucking day to make yourself better. Not giving in to pressure, the thug life and drugs. Real badass is giving up everything for your kids, teaching them to be happy and healthy. People say they love their kids more than anything all the time, but their actions speak otherwise. I find it humorous that I'm called an idiot, when in the same post you mention meth. And DRH, if you really want to be clean go to an addiction speciaist, and guess what, they'll tell you that you NEED to get off weed. Weed isn't always a gateway drug, and some can do it and be fine, but with your past problems the chances of falling back greatly increase with your use. But, maybe you know better than people who deal with these issues every fucking day. If you think I'm an asshole, fine, but be a man and get yourself totally clean, and get an education. Sacrifice for your kid, and don't listen to most of the people in this thread. By the way, I think drugs should be legalized, as studies show that usage wouldn't dramatically increase, and crime would go done. But, for people with past addiction problems smoking pot is a horrible idea, as you are putting yourself back into similar situations. By the way, neither of you are close to being clean, you've just replaced one drug with another. You both need rehab, and real medical help. Or just continue living in your shit lives while I'm called an asshole. And you, mofucker. Dude, I'm in my third year of college. I've worked through my problems, I'm dealing with shit, I'm getting there. I don't need some fuck who's probably never had a bigger problem then being grounded in 9th grade for breaking curfew try to give me life advice. In short, eat a dick.
  3. FroGG_NeaL

    Any weed smokers here???

    Yeah, Weeds is an awesome show.
  4. FroGG_NeaL

    OAO Impact Thread - August/10th/2006.

    Rhyno did a good job getting the crowd behind him in that opening promo. Even after he got attacked by Monty, then Joe came out, they were behind Joe, but when they cut away from the ring the crowd was chanting 'Rhyno' all the way to the commercial. The only thing I didn't like on this show was the shit with Larry Z. Even if he had a decent character, his hair looks so fucking ridiculous I feel like I'm watching a really bad SNL skit every time he comes on screen.
  5. FroGG_NeaL

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I'm sure having 30% of your DNA being full of steroids from birth doesn't help.
  6. FroGG_NeaL

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Oh fuck, here we go. All the guys Spike signs will be the top guys, because they are going to want to see their investments on tv being pushed hard. Goldberg will be TNA champ within 3 months of his debut if he signs this type of deal.
  7. FroGG_NeaL

    Where can I find old ECW Hardcore TV tapes?

    Wait, I don't think they even sell the shits. I dunno man. They may just say that on the site for legal reasons, so like I said, ask around about them. Maybe somebody at some board knows more, like if they even sell shit or not.
  8. FroGG_NeaL

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    "They can do the rematch at BFG and get the same amount buys." No they can't. People want to see Joe win the title a whole hell of a lot more then defending it for probably the first time. Everybody knows he's not gonna lose it that fast, so their mos def wouldn't be as much interest.
  9. FroGG_NeaL

    Where can I find old ECW Hardcore TV tapes?

    I have never ordered from this place. But seems to have aa decent selection. Click where it says Group : KYR Section : VHSRip Format : DivX/XviD For a list of what they have. Again, I have never ordered from this site, so I would do a lil' research on them. That's the best I can do for you, man.
  10. FroGG_NeaL

    D-X DVD

    Funk came up with that whole deal. He told 'em to find him a chainsaw and a pantyhose, and he went out there as a madman. I think he said he did it so people would be cheering for him because he's Terry Funk, instead of Foley like they wanted, so that's why he did it. This way he wasn't Terry Fuckin Funk to the crowd, he was Chainsaw Charley, some nutcase with a running chainsaw noone had ever seen before.
  11. FroGG_NeaL

    Plans for Edge vs. Cena, Trish and Lita; news on HBK and MNM

    Ah, alright. And that does have to suck to be thrown out there under all that pressure, plus the constant fear of being injured cause you don't know how to work. Speaking of Ashley, she's fuckin herself up on a pretty consistant basis.
  12. FroGG_NeaL

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I'm saddened by this news. The room is spinning.
  13. FroGG_NeaL

    The OAO Smackdown Thread for whatever today is.

    That's awesome that someone would refer to a move as TNA-like. Further proof that TNA is establishing itself as it's own thing, instead of just another wrestling fed.
  14. You rated The Lost Boys higher then Clockwork Orange? That's straight, man. I just wasn't expecting that. I love the hell out of both flicks, though. The Lost Boys is one of the best Vampire movies of all time, in my opinion.
  15. FroGG_NeaL

    Ultimate Avengers 2

    I know about the IM and Doc Strange flicks, but on this video clip, they talk about wanting to do things that would be immposible to do on a live action movie budget. Maybe it's for an animated Strange Straight to DVD animated movie that's gonna come out before the movie, to introduce kids to the character. I dunno, but the shit in that clip I posted looked badass to me. I'm gonna have to pick up that UA2.
  16. FroGG_NeaL

    Hulk Hogan vrs Ric Flair

    I remember reading that in one of a shitload of Dave Meltzer's old colums that I downloaded a few years ago.
  17. FroGG_NeaL

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    Jesus, no wonder Savage hates Hogan so gotdamn much. I learn a new way that he fucked him over while being his "best friend" like, at least once every 3 months.
  18. FroGG_NeaL

    Plans for Edge vs. Cena, Trish and Lita; news on HBK and MNM

    These other chicks are training with Al Snow and Dean Malenko, though, right?
  19. Good point there, but how is Jarrett recieved in Nashville? If TNA was there, would it be like Lawler and Memphis, or is JJ just hated everywhere?
  20. FroGG_NeaL

    The OAO Smackdown Thread for whatever today is.

    Why would you want that? Rey is a natural face, while Chavo is so much better as a heel. Chavo has never really been over as a face in the WWE, except when paired w/ Eddie. Any face heat Chavo would get would be because of his relation w/ Eddie, which we can all agree has got to stop (playing up Eddie for storylines). I already see Rey as the heel and Chavo as the face in this fued. Everything Chavo is saying is true about Rey. It's the same shit that everybody's been saying since Eddie passed away.
  21. FroGG_NeaL

    Plans for Edge vs. Cena, Trish and Lita; news on HBK and MNM

    I think Trish would prefer to go out on her back. Most wrestlers do. It's a time homoured tradition of the business jobbing on the way out. Right, and I've never heard of Trish ever being a primadonna either. She'll do the right thing and go out putting over Victoria Mickey James Melina Torrie Wilson. I'll miss Trish, she always busted her ass in the ring, and actually took the time to learn the artform. She's the only one out of all the untrained women they've brought in that has been good in the ring.
  22. FroGG_NeaL

    WWE news

    No doubt, man. you'd think after like 8 years or whatever, one of you lazy fucks would have taken care of this problem.
  23. FroGG_NeaL

    WWE news

    If this thread was created by anew a gimmick that posts all the HOT NEWZ!!! from all the wrasslin' sites that post all kinds of fake ass bullshit, and done well, it could have been something.