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Everything posted by FroGG_NeaL

  1. FroGG_NeaL


    There's really no quicker way to prove that you're completely out of touch with contemporary US youth culture than by using "emo" as an insult in 2009. That shit is played out. Get with the times and call him a hipster. I know when I look at contemporary youth culture in America, the first thing I think is "man, I've gotta get on board with that." This qoute is the best thing to come out of this thread.
  2. FroGG_NeaL

    Personal Attacks on Jingus.

    Terrible. Only a theodore ass nigga would do some shit like that. Where's that Jingus sucks dicks guy at? It needs posted on this page and every page of the thread.
  3. FroGG_NeaL


  4. FroGG_NeaL

    A challenge for BruiserBrody.

    Holy shit! Brody, you the man, dawg.
  5. FroGG_NeaL

    Weird Girls In School

    "Maybe, I'll show you my rack" is romantic as hell.
  6. FroGG_NeaL

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    First, thanks to everybody that had a hand in Marvin being gone. Second, I'd go with goldengreek. I mean, who knows how long it'll be before he starts coming after our hot young wangs? I bet he saved every picture from the cockshots thread.
  7. FroGG_NeaL

    TSM Remembers: The Boogeyman

    The Boogeyman was the most over person at a house show in St. Loius I went to back in like 05.
  8. I had my tonsils removed when I was two. Tubes in my ears 3 times as a kid. Two eye surgeries, the second one, a follow up to remove a bump from the first surgery where they had to cut the front of my eye off and 'rewire' the muscles, I stayed awake for, they just put numbing dops in my eye. So I was awake with medical paper/tape over my right eye, and could see the scalpal coming in and out and all that. isdom teeth removed. Front teeth knocked out from a bar fight. Had those surgically implanted with metal rods. Some teeth crowned, root canals for all those. Severe laceration on my left forearm that required like 3 hours of surgery, 40 stitches and 15 staples. Even more severe laceration on my right arm that required 8 hours of surgery and 100 stitches and 35 staples. I bleed to death on both of those and came bck. The second one, I they used 17 units of blood, and the human body only holds like 12 or so. So I was bleedin hard on that one. Severed tendons, muscles, arteries, main nerve, everything got sliced in two, all the way to the bone, and all the pressure from that caused my elbow to break, so I had to wear a robocop arm brace for 6 months. That's all I can think of. I'll post pictures of the laceration scars later. They're pretty nasty.
  9. FroGG_NeaL

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    So we thought alike? Thanks, DoCock, that was the extra little push the razor on my wrist needed.
  10. FroGG_NeaL

    Hey Everybody... Got beef? Come to the chat!

    the fuck you on about now, Spoon?
  11. FroGG_NeaL

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I use it because Stan Lee is fucking awesome.
  12. FroGG_NeaL

    Hey Everybody... Got beef? Come to the chat!

    bob_baron and pbone's hearts pump Kool-Aid, ol fruity ass niggas.
  13. FroGG_NeaL

    Hey Everybody... Got beef? Come to the chat!

    you win
  14. FroGG_NeaL

    Hey Everybody... Got beef? Come to the chat!

    School's for fags, man. Come to the chat and get the beef poppin.
  15. I'll be back to post a long ass post with pictures of awesome~! scars later.
  16. FroGG_NeaL

    Hey Everybody... Got beef? Come to the chat!

    I'm in the chat bitches
  17. FroGG_NeaL

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    hot young wang
  18. FroGG_NeaL

    A challenge for BruiserBrody.

    I think that Czech rant is my favorite thing ever posted here.
  19. Lines of coke! *SNORT~!*
  20. FroGG_NeaL

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    Thanx, Bro 's U
  21. Marc Mero wrestled them all, then gave them Satanic Steroids and they all died. True story.
  22. FroGG_NeaL

    Personal Attacks on Jingus.

    Oh yeah, KOAB had my back on bob being a nigger when I said it, so I gotta throw my support back...
  23. FroGG_NeaL

    Personal Attacks on Jingus.

    Alright, the nigga Jinus lost. Velcro shoes is straight retard/old ass man/Mick Foley shit. No excuses for that, unless you're a little ass kid and you got the cool K-Mart Spider-Man Velcros, or somethin. Jingus, is a Theodore ass bitch... Fuck you, you fuckin' Teddy Bear.
  24. FroGG_NeaL

    KOAB --> Re: Disneyland

    Is the training process similar to the one David went through on Roseanne?
  25. My favorite has to be the St Louis Raw where Cena debuted on The Highlight Reel. Dark match after the show was Cena vs. Undertaker in a long match. Crowd was amped all night. Another St Louis Raw sometime when HHH and Batista were feuding. Maybe in between Mania and Backlash. Those two had an excellent dark match after the show. They did the Batista Bomb onto the steps spot and all that. WCW house show in Charleston, WV. Hall and Nash both showed up, and had a really good match with the Steiner Bros. Earlier in the night, Hall, Nash, and Syxx were doing a promo in the ring, and heeling it up. Crowd starts throwing shit at the ring, Nash says next thing hits him, he's beatin somebody's ass. He no longer then got done talkin, and dude in the 3rd row, 2 rows ahead of me, pegs him in the forehead with a 20 oz bottle of pop. Nash went after him, came over the rail, and dude tried to run, but security dragged him out. My boy said Nash hit the dude a couple of times in all the ruckus, but I don't kknow about all that. It was the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen. Another WCW house show, this time in Huntington, WV. There was a blizzard or something, and alot of the wrestlers and alot of the audience couldn't make it. Instead of cancelling, they just had matches with whoever managed to make it. There was some terrible matches, but a few really good ones. Jericho and Malenko had the main event I think, and had a killer match. They were having a blast in there. Those are my top 4.