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Everything posted by FroGG_NeaL

  1. FroGG_NeaL

    Im going to need some advice..

    He's coming for you, dude. Be afraid, be very afraid.
  2. FroGG_NeaL

    DreamGirls vs Rocky Balboa

    It's time he faced the truth. Works out in the gym alot with sweaty men. Had an erection and got off on a weight bench while in the gym alot with sweaty men. Has an unhealthy obsession with Astroboy. Has an unhealthy obsession with Chris Benoit. Has an unhealthy obsession with Sylvester Stalone. Always finds reasons to not fuck a girl. Always says he'll fuck chicks in pictures posted in the "Would You?" thread, even though he bitches about the way women look all the time. Yep, you're a Homosexual, WP. A faggot. Sorry to have to break it to you, but, dude. Face the facts and move on with your life.
  3. FroGG_NeaL

    The OAO Nightmare on Elm Street thread

    That sounds like an ill ass DVD. I'd pick that up if it had half that shit on it. Damn, I want that now.
  4. FroGG_NeaL

    X3: Last Stand DVD Details and Covers

    Plus the shit with Wolverine when he's gonna have to stab her. Man that's some good shit right there.
  5. I love this movie. The last time I saw it was about 5 years ago when I had Starz! on DirecTV. So, no word on any kind of date for a DVD? Do you have to get bootleg, or is it never gonna be released on DVD for some reason?
  6. FroGG_NeaL

    Favorite Smipsons Couch Scene

    Most of the ones with Grandpa are good. I dig the Treehouse of Horror ones, too. The warnings at the beginnings are a cool touch for those.
  7. FroGG_NeaL

    WWE News and Notes - 8/7

    That explains why the crowds are so electric for the D-X skits and Diva Search, and all the dead heat during matches like Benjamin-Michaels on Raw last year, and Taker-Angle on Smackdown this year. Wrestling fans want wrestling, no matter what Russo, Stephanie, or the failed sitcom writers want us to believe. When was the last time WWE scored a 6 or 7 in ratings with just "wrestling" When was the last time the WWE did a show with just "wrestling" ?
  8. FroGG_NeaL

    Hogan out of summerslam?

    Whoa, how'd I miss that shit? Lesnar was really meant to be Vince's Next Big Thing, it wasn't just a nick name. Dude was takin' over when Rock, Austin, Hogan were leaving. Rock and Hogan put him over. He fucking destroyed Hogan. Austin never faced him, just refed the WM match with Goldberg. But Lesnar had everything handed to him, and he got greedy. Batista stepped up basically took Lesnar's spot. And other then injuring himself a few times, he's done pretty well.
  9. FroGG_NeaL

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    Could be miscommunication in the back of some kind. Anything can happen when you're live. Or Sid wanted to kick out. Or Sid was told to kick out. Or any other millions of things could have caused him to be late. Whatever it was, he's a dumb mofucker because of it, probably.
  10. FroGG_NeaL

    The Youtube Thread

    That HHH/Wright match tripped me out. HHH was like an entirely different wrestler then. They both had some cool spots in that match, and it was a decent match overall. And he did have his trunks, you could see in the replay. The Brain knows what's up.
  11. FroGG_NeaL

    WWE News and Notes - 8/7

    I'd say all but maybe 7 of them in this thread, and I'm not adding mine in there.
  12. FroGG_NeaL

    OAO ECW TV Week 9 Thread - August/8th/2006

    RVD was getting some boos around the time he won the title, and up until his suspension. He comes back, and attacks the dudes that are battling for his spot, a rematch with the Big Show. I want to see Sabu win this, and RVD start slowly turning heel on his best friend, for "selling him out". Sabu wins the belt of course, then from SS to ECW's December PPV they can faze out Show, and build the RVD/Sabu fued. And I want RVD going total heel here. Like, he's against Heyman and the New ECW, but he's also a loner, in that he doesn't get involved in the New vs Old ECWs cival war. Unless it involves his title. Pretty much RVD's old cocky ass mofucker persona from ECW when he was a heel, but he's stuck in the middle of this war to get his title back, pretty much like Sting in the nWo/WCW war. Then RVD wins the title back at the Dec ECW PPV, and holds it til like, WrestleMania, where him and Sabu have an oldschool ECW match. Or Angle, if he would take some gotdamn time off. Or Punk. Punk winning a tournament sometime before Mania for Number One Contendarship would work, if Punk stays getting over steadily til then.
  13. FroGG_NeaL

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Have Eugene get De-Retarded and become a bad mofucker, just start callin' him by his real name, give him a make over. The De-Retardation could be the work of Estrada, he controls the retard the way he controls Umaga, the savage beast. He could be calm now, untill he snaps on mofuckers, instead of being a tard, then Tarding Up.
  14. FroGG_NeaL

    Hogan out of summerslam?

    If Orton takes the fall at SummerSlam, it's gonna be fucked. Dude has gotten over a few times now, then they fuck it up. He could have gotten back to the top, and been believable if he would have won the Taker fued like he should have. Now, he's gettin' over agian, since the Angle fued. He rode that over to Hogan's heat, and now he's actually over again. If they fuck it up his time, with Hogan squashing Orton, then damn, Orton better pray to god that Hogan puts him over at the next ppv. It won't matter nearly as much, but it could put him over more then no rematch, and no win at all. I'm gonna watch the gotdamn thing, because I wanna see RVD get his belt back. So, hopefully I see that and Orton getting put over. And if Smith debuts soon, and takes over the fued for Hogan, Orton can ride that wave from SS and beating Hogan to go on to fued with Smith, they could make two superstars in one fued, if smith is ass good as everyone claims.
  15. FroGG_NeaL

    WrestleMania XXIII Main Event (RAW)

    I bought the WM22 DVD set that came with the Rey DVD for real fuckin' cheap. I liked WM 22.
  16. FroGG_NeaL


    I'm like 6 months older then you dude...
  17. FroGG_NeaL

    Fun Phone Gag!

    Do you not remember it....ON WEED?
  18. FroGG_NeaL


    I really wasn't tryin' to be a dick. I just answered his question in a calm, truthful manner.
  19. FroGG_NeaL

    The Youtube thread

    Same here, man. I mean, I started watching dude around 87, but I wasn't old enough to truly appreciate his genious. I was a Sting, Steamboat, Dusty and Muta mark. I loved the 4 Horsemen, but I've always liked the bad guys better, no matter what type of media it is. So, I liked Flair then, but it wasn't until around 94, when I was 10 that I really started to understand and appreciate Ric mofuckin' Flair. But yeah, I wish I could have seen Flair's entire career once he got on NWA up til now. I missed alot of shit live, but i've gone back and watched some of the shit. I've got the DVD, but it's just not the same as if I could have witnessed Flair develop his character the way we got to see Steve Austin develop his. That Flair song got stuck in my head for a minute.
  20. FroGG_NeaL

    Fun Phone Gag!

    This is quite possibly the worst thread I've ever read. There were others that got horrible, way worse then this one. But just the first post,....ridiculous. I wouldn't IM something this gay to some one when I was 13, let alone post it on a message board when i'm grown. Wow. Nothing good can come of this thread. It should be closed and bumped off the first page. wow....
  21. This is why WP isn't banned. Good stuff, dude.
  22. FroGG_NeaL

    The Youtube Thread

    I can't find the damn thing anywhere. But check out this Joe vs. Steiner match from No Mercy, it's done fairly well, pretty much what a Joe/Steiner match would look like if Steiner was in his prime. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sjsL-3JdI4
  23. FroGG_NeaL

    The Youtube thread

    I see your "Mister T's Commandments", and raise you a "Ric Flair Can't Help It". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtXwB0QP5jo
  24. FroGG_NeaL


    Banky, you're blantantly hitting on her on a wrestling message board. I know she has her pic in her avatar and changes it constantly, but saying that's asking to be harrassed because she's sexy as all hell; is like saying, "The bitch wasn't wearin' a bra, and she was showin' off her ass. She was askin' for it." Fake Edit: No, that's too much.... It's like sexual harrassment at work: Just because there's a female present in a place where there a lot of guys, doesn't mean dudes need to fawn all over her. I am in no way comparing the severity of the two, because that's insane. But in Internet terms, that's about as close to a comparison as you can get. Fake Edit II: I realise I said Leena looked good in a couple of her pictures. Maybe like, twice. So, don't call me a hypocrite. Also, I'm not trying to start some wack ass E-Beef or what ever with you, dude. I'm just sayin'. Unless you were just fuckin' with the bitch the whole time, then my bad.