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David Blazenwing

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Everything posted by David Blazenwing

  1. That would have ruined the importance of the Guerrero/Benoit love fest post match. The focus was on the two men, mostly Benoit, just as it should have been. The greatest WrestleMania of all time, leaving the air with two of the greatest and in my opinion, most deserving, World Champions of all time. you don't really consider that the greatest Wrestlemania of all time do you? it wasn't anywhere near the best. Well, no, I don't, but that's what it was booked as. I was stating why the situation was important from the booking point of view. Personally, I think WrestleMania X-Seven and X8 > Every other WrestleMania. However, WM XX certainly scores points for the mark-out moment of Taker returning, even if he WASN'T the full-on deadman. I like him anyhow.
  2. David Blazenwing

    Rowe's WWE Diary

    What program do you use to make all this? It sounds awesome!
  3. David Blazenwing

    Kane and Lita sittin' in a tree...

    I'm personally a Jeff Hardy mark, his 2002-2003 record not withstanding. His ladder match with UT for the Undisputed title was a fucking awesome match, something you'd be hard pressed to get out of either man at that point in time. I'm hoping that this angle does lead to Jeff coming back, if only to reunite the Hardy Boyz as a tag team. RAW needs new teams and it'll give Matt something to do besides job on HeAT. Hey... a reunion worked for the Dudleyz. Why not the Hardyz?
  4. David Blazenwing

    The WWE Experience

  5. David Blazenwing

    The WWE Experience

  6. That would have ruined the importance of the Guerrero/Benoit love fest post match. The focus was on the two men, mostly Benoit, just as it should have been. The greatest WrestleMania of all time, leaving the air with two of the greatest and in my opinion, most deserving, World Champions of all time.
  7. David Blazenwing

    The WWE Experience

    But is it technically a bait and switch if I make the change BEFORE the show? Just wondering.
  8. David Blazenwing

    The WWE Experience

    One quick note, it won't affect this week's RAW... I'm making a trade between RAW and SmackDown! RAW talent Rico will be traded for SmackDown! talent and nWo member X-Pac. He belongs on RAW with the other members of the nWo. As for Rico... well, he'll be entered into the ranks for the Cruiserweight title. The actual roster itself, posted above, has been updated with the change. EDIT: One change made to the RAW preview... after remembering that Ric Flair is the owner of RAW, I removed him (and subsequently HBK) from the Street Fight and replaced them with Big Valbowski and Mark Henry. LOL... THAT should be a good match.
  9. David Blazenwing

    The WWE Experience

  10. David Blazenwing

    The WWE Experience

    Which is exactly why I'm not making real wrestlers into CAWs. That and the whole no slots open thing. RAW preview for 4/26 still coming up momentarily.
  11. David Blazenwing

    WWF No Mercy Question

    Awesome, thanks very much. I would have never figured that out on my own.
  12. David Blazenwing

    The big ol' PPV calendar

    Fuck yeah! Halloween Havoc (or whatever it ends up being called) comes to Milwaukee! It's about damn time Milwaukee gets another PPV (last was NWO 02, a month or so before I became a WWE fan)... I've been to a live RAW, a live SD! and a RAW House Show... I just need to see a PPV now to say I've been to 'em all (and a SD! House show too, I guess, but whatever, lol)... I'm getting front row seats too, dammit! *Happy*
  13. David Blazenwing

    Quick Question

    Um, alright, so I KNOW I'm probably going to catch some flak for posting here, as I know I'm not well-liked among the SWF'ers and former SJL'ers. Ahem. Anyhow, I was wondering... are the old SJL shows available for viewing anywhere? I went to the board and saw the old PPVs posted, but I'm looking for some of the old Wraths, Metals, etc. that were from when I was an active member of the JL. Specifically, I'd like to find the DB vs. Crow Glass Ceiling match and my final SJL tag team match I participated in. If they're available somewhere for viewing, please let me know. I'm trying to archive DB's match history in every federation I've been in (and damn, it's not easy... I've been in a lot, lol) but anyhow, so yeah. Any help here would be much appreciated. - DB
  14. David Blazenwing

    Quick Question

    It is, lol, but all I have to make images with is MS paint, so I get by. The fedders don't seem to mind the horrible logos. Alright, cool. See, I assumed that everything else was deleted. I forgot that threads get covered up after 30 days if they're not pinned. My bad. Ha ha ha ha... glad to see I'm still remembered. Maybe I should consider a comeback to SWF (well, not a comeback, I never made it to SWF... ah well, you get it). ........................................................ Nah. I wouldn't last a week.
  15. David Blazenwing


    There's a lot of stuff that's done in the South that shouldn't necessarily be done. Like mating. LOL! Sorry, I have family in the South, and they're all hicks (I'm from Wisconsin myself)... I just couldn't resist this one. Can you really blame me?
  16. David Blazenwing

    Couple of Small news tids on wwe

    I like it. I was never a fan of the old IC belt, to be honest. It just looked so average, run of the mill, IMO.
  17. David Blazenwing

    Nash Shoots On WWE

    Just for the record, I'm pretty sure Nash got a kick in on Booker T before he blew his quad in that match. Yeah, the kick WAS what blew his quad. He kicked Book in the side and tripped, blowing his quad in the process.
  18. David Blazenwing

    What to do when bored:

    I do this all the time with HCTP. Being the uber-geek that I am, I filled up all 32 CAW slots with my friends (and one with me), all with 100 OVR. Then, I book two RAWs and two SmackDowns, then follow up with the monthly PPV, complete with Sunday Night HeAT match! This is crucial, as I videotape the entire PPV and Heat match. RAW and SmackDown are each four matches long, and each PPV is eight matches long (one Heat match, seven PPV matches). I decided early on to use only CAWs, since using real wrestlers would be pointless (each one of my 100 ovr CAWS can kill Goldberg in about 4 minutes), so CAWs only. When they win a title match, I put them into season mode and win them that title so it is represented when they come out. This may sound stupid, but in actuality, it's a hell of a lot of fun to watch each match unfold, and all my friends are always genuinely interested in how their wrestler does at any given event. I actually had one friend mad at me for a week because he didn't get booked on the PPV! It's exciting whenever MY CAW comes out, because of course you always want yourself to win. I was the first WWE Champion (my guy actually did earn it, I didn't just give it to him, lol) and I remember feeling really sad when he lost it in a triple-threat match where the other guy got pinned. It's kinda sad, really, when a video game can create more emotion in a person than the actual WWE.
  19. David Blazenwing

    Guys who have recently left....

    I'm with you. Forget any reports on the 'net. Until I see Brock Lesnar back on my TV, I refuse to believe this is a work. And just to be clear: I hope I don't see Lesnar on my TV again anytime soon, unless he gets a better gimmick, like his original. The whiny ass titty baby scaredy cat gimmick wasn't working for me.
  20. David Blazenwing

    WWE: Day of Reckoning for the Gamecube

    Am I the only person on planet earth that LIKED RAW 2? I'll admit it, RAW 1 sucks ass, but I thought #2 was really good, once you spend ten minutes to learn the controls. My two friends and I spent over eight hours on a sleepover playing season mode continously. It was good fun.
  21. David Blazenwing

    Mania XXI @ Staples Center in LA

    Hell yeah! That's what I'm saying. What about Milwaukee? We've gotten ONE PPV since 2002 (NWO '02) and Cali has gotten like 6. WHASSUPWITDAT?!
  22. David Blazenwing

    Brock Lesnar quits WWE after Mania!

    If you do that, you'd also have to have the WWE willing to promote Goldberg as bad ass monster like Lesnar. Please excuse me while I have no faith in that whatsoever, since Lesnar didn't get that when he needed the build into this match against Goldberg. WWE needs to start having the famous WCW 60 second Goldberg squash matches. Against Cruiserweights. Hey... at least they'd get on TV.
  23. David Blazenwing

    Wrestlers upset about Taker return....

    Screw them. Old school Undertaker > anybody on SD not named Angle or Guerrero (not including Chavo)
  24. David Blazenwing

    Brock Lesnar quits WWE after Mania!

    Why not have Edge go to RAW and have Goldberg go to SmackDown! and announce it as an official trade? It would make sense from the Goldberg standpoint anyhow... actually... Bischoff hates Goldberg storyline wise, so he can announce the night after WM that he traded Goldberg to SD for an unnamed "free agent", due to the fact that he hates Goldberg and Heyman would want Goldberg on SD!. Heyman thinks he traded away some no-name talent until the "free agent" is revealed as none other than Edge!
  25. David Blazenwing

    Undertaker Video

    LOL... Mideon can dig UT out during the middle of a basketball game! He'll be striking the hardwood with a shovel and eventually get nailed in the head with a ball when someone botches a pass. Now THAT'S entertainment! [/sarcasm]