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Everything posted by Garth

  1. Garth

    The Raconteurs

    So its not a lyrical masterpiece, I still won't be swayed from the view that it's a good song with some fine vocals on it though.
  2. Garth

    The Raconteurs

    I just checked and you're right. For some reason I felt sure it was already out this week.
  3. Garth

    The Raconteurs

    I couldn't find the album in the stores I tried today. I picked up The Raptures album instead and will go get Broken Boy Soldiers tomorrow now, when I'm back in Cardiff.
  4. Garth

    UK Festival Line-Ups '06

    Funeral For A Friend have had their slot moved from Friday before the Deftones to being second headliners before Gun's N' Roses. Urgh.
  5. Garth

    The Raconteurs

    I think I'm probably going to go buy it anyway. I just generally enjoy everything Jack WHite is involved in, from the reviews I've read now, I'm sure this album will go down good with me.
  6. Garth

    Ring of Honor In The UK!!!

    True that, but you're forgetting one crucial point: I'm only going to the second show. I care not for this first show malarky.
  7. Garth

    UK Festival Line-Ups '06

    I'll definatly check out Floggin Molly as well to start the Saturday, I've heard nothing but good things about them live. I'm hoping for Send More Paramedics to play the Lock Up Stage, they're good news.
  8. Garth

    TSM Frappr Map

    I'm on there now, Cardiff all the way baby.
  9. Garth

    Ring of Honor In The UK!!!

    The date for Hard Justice has now been announced and it clashs with the Sunday event. Looks like definatly no Joe, Homicide, Shelley, Styles or Daniels for these shows then. I'm not all that bothered about losing Daniels & Styles however, I was really looking forward to seeing Shelley as I haven't seen him live before and I have never ending love for seeing Homicide and Joe. Shame really, I have no doubt though that two amazing shows will be put on.
  10. Garth

    UK Festival Line-Ups '06

    Was it really necessary to quote all that? Also, I got ahold of a couple of songs by The Fall, pretty good. I should be pretty much glued to the Radio 1 stage on Saturday at Reading.
  11. Garth

    Batista and Booker T get into a fight?

    Intresting that Raw wrestlers are refered to as "superstars" and Smackdown wrestlers as "competitors". I wonder if anything can be read from that, or if they just didn't want to use superstars twice. I quite like the idea of them presenting the two brands as having differents kinds of talent like that though.
  12. Garth

    Ring of Honor In The UK!!!

    UK > MD. Fact.
  13. Garth

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    I'm really quite looking forward to Raw, I made a point of coming back home from Uni so I could catch it this week. Hopefully they can follow up last weeks really good show.
  14. Garth

    Ring of Honor In The UK!!!

    So, who from here is actually going to this? I've got my tickets for the Broxbourne show. Anybody else?
  15. Garth

    The OAO Raw Thread 5/1/06

    Trippers face is look pretty nasty tonight.
  16. Garth

    ROH Weekend of Champions Night 2

    I don't mind missing out on some of them as I know Aries has been working and will be working other dates in the UK in the not so distant future for 1PW. I'm quite looking forward to seeing Rodders live though. So long as Shelley, Rave, Danielson and Jacobs also make the trip I'll be pretty happy as I've seen most of the rest of the roster on other shows in the UK before.
  17. Garth

    ROH Weekend of Champions Night 2

    That'll make my job easier over the upcoming months. I plan to work pretty much full time over the summer. Thats like 4 months to put away a bit of cash to build up the collection a bit. I'm on a bit of an ROH kick at the second, tickets go on sale for the UK shows today. So with any luck I'll have my first live ROH event coming up in August. Huzzah. Shame theres no talent list out yet for these shows. I'm sure they'll be going all out for the UK shows. I could see a re-match of McGuinness/Danielson happening definatly.
  18. Garth

    UK Festival Line-Ups '06

    I haven't heard of The Fall before, what are they like? I usually like to investigate as many of the bands that are playing the festival that I haven't heard of, this is a good a place as any to start I think.
  19. Garth

    ROH Weekend of Champions Night 2

    Now you tell me! What shows would you say are skipable, other than the obvious BOTSJ? I quite fancied seeing Aries vs Colt in the cage though which is why I picked that one up. I seem to recall hearing good things about it.
  20. Garth

    ROH Weekend of Champions Night 2

    I have just taken advantage of the $10 sale and bought 4 new DVD's. I got both parts of Weekend of Thunder, It All Begins & 3rd Anni Celebration pt 1. I'm still missing like 7 events between Reborn and Final Battle '04 though. I'm just going to move into '05 stuff now I think. I have some '05 stuff already, Manhatten Mayhem, Joe vs Kobashi, Unforgettable & Enter The Dragon. So I'm getting there slowly. It's annoying the hell out of me being so far behind, but I want to watch it all evolve rather than skip straight to present day, as I can never afford to keep up anyways.
  21. Garth

    ROH Weekend of Champions Night 2

    Looks like another solid show. I'm interested to see how the finish to Danielson/McGuinness comes off. I love it when Rave/Shelley wrestle as a tag team, they're good news together. It'll be a while before I catch up with this show though. I'm still just finishing up my '04 collection and moving into '05 properly.
  22. Garth

    UK Festival Line-Ups '06

    Is it just Leeds that the capacity has been increased for? I'm not so up for going to Leeds as all my friends and people I camp with will be Reading bound. It makes more sense for me to geta Reading ticket, even if it isn't through official channels. If the Reading capacity has been increased then huzzah, as I have my name on that waiting list. I too was at first disapointed by the first wave of line up, but am so psyched now for it. All I need now to be added is Art Brut, Soulwax, LCD Soundsystem and The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster and I think I could probably die a happy man after the festival. Have you been to Reading/Leeds before Dark Age?
  23. Garth

    Suggest a game for me to get on the PC....

    I've always liked games like Civilization, I remember playing I think Civilization 2 way back when. I might be mistaken though. I'll probably look into that definatly as well as some of the other suggestions posted so far. Is there anything out at the second similar to the Monkey Island series, the point and click adventure is where my heart lies gaming wise. It seems like this genre has kind of fallen off the face of the earth. Would love something similar to play though. Thank you for all the suggestions so fa, keep 'em coming though.
  24. Garth


    I'd really love for Danielson to get some TV exposure being as good as he is. I haven't really seen much of his stuff post Dec 04 other than the occassional match. From everything I've seen and heard he's nothing but better all round now. Being given the oppurtunity to produce some TV style shorter bouts would make him even better and give him that extra string to his bow, if you will.
  25. Garth

    The WWE Backlash '06 Thread...

    I'm pretty excited for the triple threat match tonight, haven't felt this was about a WWE main event in quite some time. I've really enjoyed the interaction between all three men the last month. I'm really hoping for Cena to drop the title tonight though, I feel it would really help curb the heel heat he's getting by simply not being champ. I'm predicting a Striker vs Haas match being either the Heat match, or last minute addition to the main show.